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Everything posted by orkdork

  1. Thanks a lot for the feedback, guys! Sounds like I've landed right where I hoped to. This is good, because it means I can stop thinking about army builds and get back to painting! 9 fanatics? yuck :( I can't remember the last time I even ran 3. Even back when I had 200 goblins in my army (good old 6th edition with 2 pt. goblins), I never ran more than 2. Though in past editions, non-chargers had to stop, so they used to have value as movement control rather than just damage.
  2. Yeah, this is a really good point. I don't really have anything else that can try to catch crap in my backlines. Not sure! I have gobs of models for OnG, so I could do a lot of different things. But NtK makes a convincing point: they're really my only 360 zone control pieces for dealing with flying units.
  3. If they unify OK and OnG in 9th, I'll be in heaven :) By far my two favorite armies to paint. That Grimgor model profile is nuts. That seems insanely good, both for the crazy profile and for the bound spell. However, it further encourages deathstar builds, which makes me sad. OnG always look best with the massive battle-line, and it's the most interesting game to play with them. I've played many, many types of armies (in past editions), and the 'lots of medium strength units' armies, where you win the game despite losing several fights, are by far the most interesting and fun. If nothing else, your opponent will always get to smash some face, even in defeat.
  4. Thanks, guys! I have no frame of reference for Swedish comp. At 14, I'm hoping to be playing stuff that isn't non-engagement (which OnG can't handle without going cheesemode), but is plenty tough otherwise. Is 14 about right? How to you guys feel about the Manglers? I'm not 100% sold on them. They're obviously power-pieces, but they crush face on stuff I already can deal with, rather than shoring up a weakness in the army. They're also not as much fun to paint as I'd hoped :) I got maybe 5 minutes into my first mangler paint-job before switching over to painting trolls and boarboys (which are both a total pleasure to paint!). In contrast, the doom-diver brings a ton of flexibility, so even though it is a power-piece, I won't drop it simply because it makes my army much less matchup-dependent. I guess I worry that 2 manglers could be very un-fun for certain opponents in the 14 bracket.
  5. Hey guys! With a dozen games or so under my belt, I'm finally starting to get a feel for how this new edition plays, and I think I have a potential OFCC list with my O&G. I'm mostly looking for "would you like to face this with your 12-16 comp list?", not "is this a min/max power list?" :) I am aiming for something that opponents are looking forward to playing against. It's a Gorbad Ironclaw list. I freakin' LOVE this guy! For 375 points, he's not the best combat character on the block (glass cannon that can easily die to monstrous infantry rank and file), but the amount of stability he brings is so refreshing after 13+ years of unruly orcs and goblins :) For those that don't know, he is LD 10, both BSB and general, and has 18" range on both effects. He also adds his wounds to the animosity table rolls for units within 18", so a failed animosity often turns into a move+charge rather than a squabble. He also lets me take multiple big 'uns units if I want to, which is cute, since normal orcs are so dissatisfying (S3? Have you seen their muscles?) Here is the list! Gorbad Ironclaw, 375 (-20) L4 Savage Orc, Fencer's Blades, Shrunken Head, 290 (-35) Goblin Big Boss on Giant Wolf, Spear, 4+ save, Ironcurse Icon, 58 (-4) Goblin Big Boss on Giant Wolf, Spear, 4+ save, Charmed Shield, 56 (-4) 23 Savage Orc Big 'Uns, Double Choppas, Full Command, 288 (-17) 23 Black Orcs, Standard, Musician, Shields, 319 (-17) 49 Night Goblins, Standard, Musician, Shields, Nets, 1 Fanatic, 237 (-11) 9 Boar Boy Big 'Uns, Full Command, Spears, Shields, 251 (-6) 6 River Trolls, 270 (-16) 5 Wolf Boyz, Musician, Spears, Shields, 70 (-3) 5 Spider Riders, Musician, 75 (-2) 2 Mangler Squigs, 130 (-14) 1 Doom Diver, 80 (-11) Feedback appreciated!
  6. FWIW, the OFCC has always been run by people trying to maximize the 'good' and minimize the 'bad'. There has never been any kind of conspiracy or elitist intent ever. The only concern has ever been to ensure that everyone who comes agrees to and supports the spirit of the event as fun-first, winning-third (safety is second, of course).
  7. Thanks, guys! One of my new year's resolutions is to get out of Hillsboro more often this year. I actually made it to a blazers game last night, which is huge for me these days. Where are you guys playing these days? Baby mist is indeed gross, yet familiar. Ando, I also totally miss our DnD games. We gotta get that going again! Ratrek, swapping kiddo stories is pretty much my favorite thing. I'm one of THOSE dads :) My girls are effing nuts, good for lots of laughs. They're THOSE kids :) Bronson, let me know where you regularly game and I'll try to make it out that way! Or if you're in H'bo, I have a table here. Dave, let's do it! (as said by Gary Gilmore just before the shots began) I'm stoked!
  8. Hey everyone! I'm super-excited to be gearing up to play in the OFCC again with you all! Quite a while back I pretty much dropped off into the black hole of babies, which has been confusing and awesome all at once, and now my weebles are of age that I can actually leave them with my dear wife for the weekend without feeling like I've abandoned her to a whirlwind of insanity (my daughters are those particularly intense kind of children...) It seems like the faces have changed somewhat, so I'm probably going to be a newcomer to a lot of folks, which will of course be lots of fun! I'm also super pumped to see all the old-timers again! I haven't yet figured out who all is still around, but I see folks like Raindog, Ruger, Veskit, and thatdave which is awesome! I would love to see the old clubs all again (DMB, hamsters, WCP, etc...)! So in a round-about way, I guess I'm asking who all is still rocking the WFB OFCC since 5+ years back? Can't wait to roll dice with ya'll! -Micah aka Orkdork P.S. Children have made me a 'pudding brain' of sorts (and long live the tenth), so I may not be able to provide quite the same number-crunching services as I used to.
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