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Everything posted by savion47

  1. I am hoping to play Chaos Dwarves, but as of right now it is zero painted, and many models still in blister.
  2. Lets not forget you started the casualty count for the tournament by biting a thrall turn one.
  3. Thank you everyone for playing! Here are the results: Skull Crusher Champion – Steve - Vampires Head Smasher - Weav - Khemri Best in Show – Burk - Goblins Master Chef - Steve - Vampires I hope to do more of these 1 day tournaments throughout the year with zany rules I steal from other tournaments around the word. if you have something you want to try, shoot me a PM with the info! Also, The next season of the league will b starting next month. Stay tuned for more details!
  4. Sorry, there appears to be a slight typo/unclear wording. You can use one double skill to remove a skill. So only 1 BL gone. I will fix the error.
  5. We are just a few days away from the Red Card Rampage. Get those lists in as a soon as you can! Either PM me or send to shane@ordobowl.om
  6. got it, thanks for submitting your roster!
  7. Sorry, I got very sick and a still recovering. I recommend getting a beer across the street while you wait for someone to get there around 5pm.
  8. Awesome! Send me a list asap!
  9. That is weird. I do not see anything that should be limiting you this way. I will get the other admin folks on this to see about getting it corrected.
  10. I hopefully finally get to play in an event instead of doing admin!
  11. We are one week away! Time to get those lists in!!!
  12. 1st Place - kb10r - Temple Tlantla Awarded 100k to treasury OBBL Champ title on forums League trophy re-roll for next season (can use if starting new team) 2nd Place - michaels - Murder Junkies Awarded 60k to treasury 3rd Place - jollyork - Aqshy Aelfs Awarded 30k to treasury Keep an eye out for the new post for next season. All MNG will be removed as the break is sufficient for players to heal. If you are continuing your team next season and need to have these removed please send me a PM. If not, start getting that new team ready!!!
  13. Thanks for the write up kb10r and congratulations on the winning the season. Well that is it folks. We have a Champion. Thank you everyone who played for making another great league happen. I am hoping to have a start date and the rules for our next season posted here very soon. There will only be some small minor changes, but as you may know, there is another Death Zone slated to drop very soon and I would like to see if there are any rules changes there before committing to the next season.
  14. Oh I feel I came out good in the end. It was hilarious to watch all the rolls work out for him to fall on his face and go out of action.
  15. Got in my game 2 on Tuesday. Rolled the Hit and Run scenario. It took us a bit to read through everything and make sure we were playing it correctly. I had to try and punch a Necron to death with ym 2 GK that could participate. My leader and my gunner with the Psilencer to part. My gunner was laying down good cover fire as my leader moved toward the necron that needed to go down in HtH. Unfortunately there was a long open walkway the had to try and get across. He began to sprint, when all of a sudden he slipped on some acid, and fell off the walkway to a building below. The gunner kept firing and took out the target with shooting (thus failing the mission. The Gk ended up running away due to a failed bottle test. Another loss for them. Leader is missing the next mission due to his little tumble. Bought my 4th GK though, so there is a silver lining. Oh, and my Gunner got scavenger, so that should help out a great deal going forward. Justicar 250 (+1 BS) MNG Stave 25 GK Gunner 200 Psilencer 150 Pair of Falchons 30 Scavenger GK Gunner 200 Psycannon 175 force sword 60 GK 175 Staff 25 Caches: 1
  16. I am just trying out a variety of the CCW weapons in the game. Someday someone may have a hammer.
  17. Awards have been ordered. I am looking forward to seeing the mayhem that ensues! Remember to try and get your lists in before the day of the event to make my life easier. If you are taking advantage of the removal of a "skill" rather than taking a double, please make sure to make that clear on the roster that it was removed.
  18. First match vs. Rhuntar's Guard. We rolled the. Scavenger Mission and had 4 objectives on the table. This is the mission I feared most, one where I actually have to move instead of sitting back. I set up on the ground to move forward towards the caches. Slowly moving forward and picking off guard as they came into sight, things were going well. I took enough guard out to make him start taking bottle tests. I was trying to close in on one of the objective markers when my leader got shot by a sniper in overwatch. He of course failed his armor save and went down. Next turn I bottled which gave Rhuntar all 4 objectives. he rolled 2 6s and got an extra cache. Luckily there was no injury on my leader. Rolled double 6s for his advance and took +1 BS. Purchased 2 CCWs for my Guunners so I can begin the great weapon swap game after buying my 4th knight post next game. Justicar 250 (+1 BS) Stave 25 GK Gunner 200 Psilencer 150 Pair of Falchons 30 GK Gunner 200 Psycannon 175 force sword 60
  19. I have set up my first game against Rhuntar today. This is going to be the place where I officially track my roster for everyone to see. I will update after every game. Here is my starting roster: Justicar 250 Stave 25 GK Gunner 200 Psilencer 150 GK Gunner 200 Psycannon 175 Total: 1000 (I am currently looking for a good way to put all the information like stat increases, skills, stc.)
  20. I know you are all waiting with bated breath to find out who the League Champion will be. I have been assured that negotiations between the remaining semi-final coaches is still in the works. Something about children and time and what not. Honestly I stopped listening right when children were mentioned. Anyway, there will be a conclusion to the season and we are working on preparing for the next season slated to start in June!
  21. I should have clarified, I meant spend 2 caches over the course of a league to help purchase remaining GKs. Current plan is to spend one after game 2 and one after game 3. My current starting list is leader and 2 specialists. If one of them dies... well that is a whole other story.
  22. Well the do use something different to call them 2 paragraphs up when you are recruiting them. I fully understand that Gw has written very confusing rules in the past, I think this one is more clear than many cases of GW writing. I am fine to play it either way. One way just means silly weapons juggling for me. I get the same result in the end.
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