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Everything posted by savion47

  1. I really need to get an ooligan model now
  2. Can I use it to start a new team... say like some goblins I plan to play in the upcoming season?
  3. I am going to try and watch. I would love to have more of our league games streamed live and look forward to seeing how you have it set up.
  4. Have you not already won with Ogres. I think it is time for a real challenge. High Elves
  5. The NAF requested members vote to advise the board on whether the Khorne or Bretonnian team should be included in the ranking system. These teams can now be included in NAF sanctioned tournaments and the results will be added to the database. https://www.thenaf.net/2017/10/naf-database-update/ Here are the vote results from members. Remember this vote did not make the decision, but advised The NAF as to what players thought the policy should be. Results: Khorne and Bretonnians: 556 None: 121 Bretonnians: 96 Khorne: 30
  6. The status is I was slammed with crazy work shit all week and Weav and I will get to it when we get to it. (being Commissioner is fun). I will try to look at your stuff this weekend though.
  7. I am sadly going to not participate in this one. I am sure everyone will be happy to not have to play dwarves
  8. these are sure exciting times I should be playing my game on Monday
  9. According to DZ1, both friendlies and competition games are included. Weav will have to make the final call on that though. As for re-rolls and apoth, The rule state you start with a fresh roster, except you can copy over FF and re-hire players from the old roster. I always interpreted that as needing to buy RR and apoth and if I remember correctly, that is what we did after last season.
  10. We still have some Round 8 matches to get completed which should tell us who makes the playoffs. If you are talking about what comes next in terms of BB events and leagues, we are working on a few ideas now and should have some stuff posted soon.
  11. Welcome to the club! We are in the process of wrapping up our leagues right now, but look soon for some information regarding an open league for new players and teams. We are trying to finalize the details of what the rules are for that league. In the meantime, if you want to get some one off games in, feel free to reach out on these forums and I am sure someone will be happy to play. Also if you have any questions please feel free to reach out.
  12. Episode is up at fameplus2.com!
  13. If only they had an ordo account. Stale slice of pizza like to stay off the grid.
  14. **Message from the Commissioner** One of our coaches has filed a formal complaint regarding the scheduling practices of one of our staff. We here at the Ordo Blood Bowl League take allegations of corruption and favoritism very seriously. I have decided to have our investigative team, @ROGRE and a slice of stale pizza, to look into the matter. If our team finds any part of these allegations true, they have been instructed to also suggest appropriate sanctions tor other actions by me in order to write whatever wrong may have occurred. If you have any information that could help in the investigation please contact @ROGRE. While I hope that the investigation shows our organization used only the best randomization methods available to determine matches, rest assured that if any impropriety has taken place, we will punish all those involved. We pride ourselves on running fair and fun Blood Bowl leagues and hope that this investigation does not cause any disruption to the remainder of the season. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me. On another note, our investigative team is also looking into if there is any difference between a California and an Oregon burrito. If you have any information that may help with this other matter, please send it to @ROGRE. **
  15. I will be getting my game 6 in with Burk on Sunday to be ready for round 7
  16. I am going to be at the Super League GN at Guardian tomorrow if anyone wants to get in a practice game for Spike
  17. so excited. I hope it has more depth in terms of how gangers get skills and the like than SWA does.
  18. I will be there to take away space from 40k players to get my BB league game in.
  19. Well my mind is blown. Where have the weeks gone? @Burk, when works best for you to get our game 6 done. I cannot do Tuesday due to playing my game 5, but am free after that.
  20. Well we are only in week 2 of the 3 week period. I am playing my round 5 game tomorrow, and will be getting in my round 6 game with Burk easily I am sure. Thank you for your concern though.
  21. I am playing my league game vs Petes orcs tomorrow at 4 as well, but I can meet up any day of the week if you happen to have time available.
  22. I need Spike practice games. Let me know if you want one as well and we will work out a time and place! Here is my list for comment as well. http://www.littlearmybuilder.com/bb/6100903889207296/299253
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