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Posts posted by fingolfen

  1. So I found an old kit I'd put together, primed, and never finished... I mean really old... likely pre-2000. It's a vanilla Medusa - not the Armageddon Pattern one - like the vanilla Basilisk, an open gun carriage.

    I think "hey awesome" I can paint this up for either my Krieg boys or alternately Genestealer Cult Brood Brothers detachment (yes, Heresy detected), and I go to check the stats in my books... only I can't find it.

    Vanilla Basilisk, check. Armageddon Basilisk, check. Armageddon Medusa, check. Gun carriage batteries for both... but no vanilla Medusa. Am I missing it? If so, can someone point me in the right direction. If not, what's the best way to get this thing back on the tabletop?

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  2. 1 hour ago, Tallarn Commander said:

    Gorgeous models! I especially like the weathering on the Russ and Chimera.

    The variety of greens look nice. And both Genestealer cults and Soviets wouldn't give a fig about differing shades of green 🙂

    I see this photo as inspiration for the project:


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  3. How about some dedicated transport for those Brood Brothers? Here's their Chimera together. Used a slightly different modulation technique on this one with the older AK Interactive 4BO green modulation set. However, given the massive differences in Soviet greens, I like having a little variety in the force. It's a little more "blue" or less "yellow" than the Ammo of MIG one I used. More fun with Scumb4g Kustoms decals as well...





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  4. I'm still experimenting with them a little at a time.  I really like the black for boots on Guard or Brood Brothers.  Makes short work of them and they look good.  I'm experimenting with others on some of my Genestealer cult, but I don't have enough of a data set to post the results yet.  I *think* they're going to work out really well for some of my current backlog... Watch my Genestealer Cult thread as that will have the first updates with the contrast paints.

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  5. More STUFF!  This time it is the first squad of Brood Brothers.


    Uniform is Vallejo Russian Uniform with Reflective Green body armor (mirrors Soviet WW2 uniform and helmet colors).  I'm using the new black contrast paint on the boots - makes life much simpler and looks great for table standard.  Spent a fair amount of time on the autocannon - it's highlighted with AK 4BO Soviet Green modulation colors, then chipped, then oil streaked and pinwashed.  I also added some barbed wire, spent shell casings, and a track link to the set up.  


    Decals are from Scumb4g Kustoms.  It's a really neat set with enough to do something like 5 or 6 units.

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  6. 1 hour ago, WestRider said:

    Excellent! Now I want to do Shuri-style panther gauntlets on that Magus somehow, when I get around to picking her up!

    That would be very cool. Right now I'm working on a brood brothers squad and chimera transport. Hope to have them done tomorrow...

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  7. So a few more shots...

    First the female magus which screamed "Wakanda" for me, so I ran with it:


    I also have the Patriarch done at this point - again, set up to match the coloration of my Tyranid army:



    Finally we get to some of the heavy hitters - 10 Aberrants (including 2 hypermorphs) and an Abominant... I'm going to be running the equivalent of a Twisted Helix list, so I wanted them to have the "I used to be a human" sort of feel...


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  8. Thanks guys!  I cheated a little on the Neophytes.  Rather than painting the amber lenses, I pulled out an old trick I use with I build 1/35 scale tanks - I use aftermarket lenses and drop them in the spot.  It takes a little drilling and alignment, but looks awesome.  Here's a close-up - little blurry - still working on the photography side of the project...


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  9. I've been working slowly on a Genestealer Cult army for a while now.  Finally have had some time to get to painting.  I've based the Genestealer colors on a Tyranid army I'm working on that was a mix of dark green and bone colors, so these aren't going to be in the standard blue and purple...

    Group shot of the Magus and Neophyte Hybrids:


    Nearly done Cult Leman Russ tank:


    Will post additional pix as I get more painted!

    • Like 6
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  10. So I got the new Ferdinand boxed set today. Imagine my surprise when I realized it was a totally new master for both the resin hull and the tracks. So how does it stack up to the old GE131 blister?  Better in some ways, a lot better in a lot of ways, and worse in a few key ways... read on!


    In this particular blog entry I go through the new and old Battlefront Ferdinand miniatures with my rivet counting hat firmly on.  I go through all of the angles and capture what's good, bad, and ugly about each version of the miniature as compared to the real thing.


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  11. You had to know this was coming...

    So let's discuss the elephant in the room... before it was called the Elefant... and while we're at it we can cover its little friends as well. 😄 


    Yes, I'm back at it with my favorite unit.  A few spoilers:

    Corrected Ferdinands:


    Updated StuG III


    More fun than you can shake a Panzerknacker at!

  12. 5 hours ago, splinx said:

    Awesome weathering work on the inside. I'll be looking forward to the shots of the weathering continued  onto the outside as well.  Its beautiful but my only issue is that its too clean on the outside at the moment.. 

    Great shots though of a nice model. Well done. 

    Thanks much - the outside weathering got lost a bit in the lighting.  Right now it's modulation, oil wash, and blacklining.  I'll be adding a little more once I get a few vehicles to work on.

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