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Everything posted by Burk

  1. building team is pretty easy...click create standard team (not mixed) and follow the instructions, team name, stadium name, motto are required, then build the team ...don't let the computer choose your players...they don't pick optimal builds. once you got the team, you have to select a league (cabal vision, first one on the list if the primary league for pickup games), then a competition (think of divisions....the main one is the largest for standard teams, you will see it at has the most users). once that is done, you just search for a opponent. I know its hard to explain, but if you want a click by click drop me a line and I can walk you through when we are both in front of a comp
  2. its flexible. try to get each round done in a week or two. schedules vary. most are afternoons, early evenings.
  3. Burk

    Ordo BB2 League

    Butt-hole warriors finish at the top of the table in season one. the dice decided.....
  4. If you are interested in playing in season 2 of the OB2 league, please post here. I will leave this open till we have enough teams or 2 weeks pass. I will then create the league. league is run on PC Returning teams are allowed Playoff will be top 4 teams in the league Please post any questions as well Season Zwei Teams @Burk - BB2 team name: But-hole Warriors - BB2 name: Burk @sbr - BB2 team name: Creepin' Death - BB2 name: SBR32 @Weav - BB2 team name: Tzeeentch'ezee Titans - BB2 name: Weav @Spielmannsfluch - BB2 team name: Boring Dinos of Eastwood - BB2 name: Spielmannsfluch @Bosco - BB2 team name: Tabletop Rage Emulator - BB2 name: PDXBosco @WestRider - BB2 team name: Tlaxtlan Panthers - BB2 name: WestRider @SigurdBC - BB2 team name: Hold My Beer - BB2 name: SigurdBC @jollyork - BB2 team name: Karnal Rekkage - BB2 Name: Jollyork @Maxwell Christian - BB2 team name: Knights of the Stag - BB2 Name: Ironwolf3113 @Ish - BB2 team name: Sweeeeet Transylvania - BB2 Name: Another Ish @savion47 - BB2 team name: Error 53 - BB2 name: Savion47 @michaels - BB2 team name: No Dikks - BB2 name: Michaels @scotthartman - BB2 team name: Smells Like Green Spit - BB2 name: PajamaRed @Frostitute BB2 team name: Except the wrong - BB2 name: Frostitute
  5. im no expert, but just looking at the two bundles, the British has much more stuff in it AT Gun Flamethrower 2nd mortar PIAT team Sniper team Artilery observer. By the points of those in the list, that adds up to over 300 points by themselves. add in a veteran status on the infantry and i could see about 500 diff
  6. Burk

    Ordo BB2 League

    cant Saturday. have a tourney. but Sunday morning is likely.
  7. i have to play round 5 vs Dave. we were to play last tuesday, but dave is radio silent.
  8. Burk

    Ordo BB2 League

    yes. when are you availalble?
  9. Burk

    Ordo BB2 League

    it will be a few more weeks. We still have one game to complete then a small break. but I will post a new thread once this season is done to start the next.
  10. My wife wont let me use the term "happy switch" anymore......
  11. @kb10r we still need to get in our round 3. are you available this weekend?
  12. hey all, My game for today just got cancelled. So if anyone wants a friendly, hit me up......
  13. Burk

    Ordo BB2 League

    yep. im about to logon
  14. Burk

    Ordo BB2 League

    Lets tenatively plan for Sunday at 8AM. I think I can make that work
  15. Burk

    Ordo BB2 League

    @savion47 @scotthartman Playoffs are set. Please get your games in ASAP. @Andrewgeddon when do you want to play?
  16. baring a job issue.....
  17. I plan to attend all.....
  18. Burk

    Ordo BB2 League

    @savion47 @Andrewgeddon @scotthartman\ Ok, here is where BB2 is annoying. I approved all your requests...but guess what, that doesnt put you in the competition, it just gives you a ticket. you need to use that ticket on your teams page. Please do so. Then i will see if I can make sure you play the right person. If not, I start this over and only but the 2 that should play into each competition. Sorry for the pain in the ass this is.....
  19. Burk

    Ordo BB2 League

    BB2 doesnt allow cross platform, but PC has the most players.
  20. Burk

    Ordo BB2 League

    odd your team shows as in the playoffs even before I completed season1....very odd....did I mention BB2 sucks.
  21. Burk

    Ordo BB2 League

    Regular Season Final Standings \ @savion47 and @scotthartman Please request to Join the Season Einze Playoff competition and i will approve. Once that is done, i will work on getting it so we play the correct person (not sure if you can yet), so may need redo how the playoffs work (ie do it in 2 different groups. I will let you know how it works out once I see you in there. @Andrewgeddon Seems like you are the only team that got a ticket like you the system was to do. You are already in the competition. Did you see a ticket for it and joined (as that is how it was supposed to work). Let me know. Thanks to all who played @sbr @Bosco @Weav @michaels @WestRider Once playoffs are complete, we can start Season 2.
  22. Burk

    Ordo BB2 League

    Thank you. I will get playoffs going
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