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Brick Bungalow

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Posts posted by Brick Bungalow

  1. My desire to read comic books has returned with a burning passion. Here are a few authors and artists I appreciate. Some are life long favorites and some are new discoveries. 


    Paul Guinan and Anina Bennett

    Brian K Vaughn 

    Alejandro Jodorowski and Mobius

    Windsor Mckay

    Tom King

    Alan Moore

    Neil Gaiman



    Lots more really but I'm really just fishing for new leads! What awesome new discoveries have you made recently?

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  2. I haven't actually tried co op but the potential feels pretty amazing with all the buildings and gadgets you have access to. I think that aspect of the game hasn't really been fine tuned yet. By next year it should be fully fleshed out. I really hope it doesn't get stuck in development. It's my favorite game right now. 

  3. Still an early steam release with the normal bugs. Totally playable but expect the occasional problem. You play an astronaut who has crash landed on a barren planet (a common theme right now) The game focuses on resource collection and management. You land in a random spot on a large map. Your starting position is pretty important because your initial ability to transport resources is very limited. The atmosphere of danger and isolation is captured pretty well. Your visibility is impaired by various conditions as often as not. Enemies and hazards will often catch you unaware. Your space helmet gets cracked and your vision gets impaired by blood and oxygen loss. It's especially cool at night with the flashlight which combined with the spooky aliens evokes several familiar horror films. The construction is fairly straightforward (a lot of stuff is either currently inert or unavailable) You begin with a simple habitat dome and a robot drone companion. You need to develop and build what amounts to an outer space style base camp. One especially cool facet is how modular the building components are. A lot of the resources require you to create machines that process other resources. Early in the game you spend a long time wandering around because the resources are spread pretty thin and you usually need three or four elements to construct anything not to mention the fact that you can carry very little until you get a vehicle. Memorizing coordinates and landmarks pays off handsomely for this reason and also because certain enemies should probably be just avoided. There is already a formative multiplayer aspect both co-op and pvp. The potential for large scale team conflicts is pretty exciting given all the other features. 

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  4. My hope is that the impetus behind comic book films gets carried further into the genre: Watchmen, 300, Sin City et cetera. Even with the superhero stuff I'd like to see it spread out beyond the most familiar characters. 

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