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Everything posted by Weav

  1. Weav

    Blitz Bowl

    There is now a club copy at the Ordo clubhouse. Everyone can now give it a try!
  2. Wowsa...looks like there are only two teams left. 1. The Greenboyz (Goblins) 2. Nurgle’s Rotters (Nurgle)
  3. Make sure you talk to David ASAP to get registered @Zorcon
  4. NAF Approved! https://member.thenaf.net/index.php?module=NAF&type=tournaments&func=view&id=4585
  5. You do. If you want to play please reach out and pay via the email address above immediately.
  6. @kb10r @Bosco @Frostitute @MOONEY @savion47 @jollyork @Zorcon @MexicanNinja @scotthartman @sbr
  7. Our friends at the Everett Blood Bowl League are running a special Blood Bowl tournament at the Ordo Fanaticus Clubhouse in Portland, Oregon on 3/2/2019. The twist? Coaches may only choose the Hall of Fame teams listed in the Death Zone books, and in the Spike Journals. Only twelve spots exist, and no team may be selected more than once. Many teams have already been selected, but a few teams are still available. Register by sending $15/$20 (NAF/Non-NAF) to ebbltournaments@gmail.com, with your team selection. Teams already selected are noted with the player's name next to them. The Hall of Fame Teams: • Death Zone 1 The Bright Crusaders (Human) TV 2,000,000 – no changes @Zorcon • Death Zone 1 The Orcland Raiders (Orc) TV 2,000,000 – no changes Lance Swanson • Death Zone 2 Warpfire Wanderers (Skaven) TV 2,000,000 – no changes @Weav • Death Zone 2 The Greenboyz (Goblins) TV 2,000,000 – no changes • Death Zone 2 The Grudge Bearers (Dwarf) TV 2,000,000 – no changes @Bosco • Death Zone 2 The Celestial Comets (Elf Union) TV 2,000,000 – no changes@] @Ziggens • Death Zone 2 The Chaos All Stars (Chaos Renegades) TV 2,000,000 – no changes @Locky86 • Death Zone 2 The Underworld Creepers (Underworld Denizens) TV 2,000,000 – no changes David Birdsong • Spike Magazine #1 The Doom Lords (Chaos) TV 2,000,000 – subtract 1 assistant coach, 4 fan factor, and 6 cheerleaders @Burk • Spike Magazine #2 Naggaroth Nightwings (Dark Elf) TV 2,000,000 – subtract 2 assistant coaches, 2 cheerleaders, and 2 fan factor Nick Vice • Spike Magazine #3 Nurgle’s Rotters (Nurgle) TV 2,000,000 – subtract 1 fan factor and 1 cheerleader @savion47 • Spike Magazine #4 Champions of Death (Shambling Undead) TV 2,000,000 – no changes Wade Brickman Click below to go to the Everett Blood Bowl League Tournaments page for more information.
  8. Cool, that’s four. Small league, but at least it’s a league.
  9. Meet and greet is 6pm tonight at Portland Game Store
  10. I believe I will be trying out Necromunda with @ninefinger and @Josiah
  11. I don't know my final schedule for tomorrow but once I do I will let you know what time I can open WOW.
  12. @scotthartman @jollyork are you two interested? We will be staring in two weeks, first Tuesday in feb.
  13. @Bosco please try now. I think I have to add your access to different leagues. I forget this every year with Blitzmania.
  14. Unlikely the dumbs. Let me check. It let Shane and me make teams but that may be because we’re site admins.
  15. Please make a team in OrdoBowl.com using the CaskAide league
  16. Game six vs Moon’s Orcs...tough one. Two critical first die roll turn overs completely stifle my first half offense. Moon scored on his turn six of the first half. My Vamps almost scored at the end of the first half, but a fumbled short pass squelched the opportunity. Second half had a weakened crew and couldn’t capitalize on a Orc turnover and eventually lost the game. There was a small chance for a turn eight score but a Vampire Bloodlust with no opportunity to feed ended the chance. Lost the game 0-1, ended the event 2-4.
  17. Game five vs Brandon’s Undead, the Blessendorf Bodybags. Tough game, lost a player every turn until turn six. Ended the half with six players in the injured box, two of which were vampires. Had a KO on a Thrall on th first turn of the second half. Lost 3-0.
  18. Okay! Update! Today found my game four playing against Russell Castronovo, and his Halflings. The final score was 2-0 for my Vamps! The story of this game was Bloodlust, or rather, the lack thereof. I rolled a total of three Bloodlusts in the game. Add to that my girthy turns and tight Thrall play, I was able to secure the victory.
  19. Game four starting at 10am today, vs Halflings. Will update shortly.
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