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Everything posted by JamesBeadle

  1. Thats awesome! I'm closing a deal on a perfect Tau lot for some of my Khador. So Tau it will be, which is OK because I like thier models.
  2. Nope, I was unaware of that entirely. How about using them to represent a different Ork tribe?
  3. I have a potential Tau/Khador trade in the works, but this guys feedback is not good so it is not a solid thing. I am a roleplayer at heart, and while I know you guys all know the game better than I (I'm reading the 6th ed book tonight) something inside of me just rebels at the idea of the Imperium (or Eldar) joining forces with the greenskins. Maybe to fight world destroyers like the Nids or Chaos, but other than that...
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