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Everything posted by JamesBeadle

  1. I dunno. I have a guy I am playing who owns a Cestus Assault Ram and a FW Predator with a heavy conversion beamer. Both units have st10 ap1 pie plates, and I play Ork Horde armies. I have almost nothing to stop this in my Ork collection so if I find myself playing against both of these models, I will probably just get creamed. He isn't a jerk though, so I doubt after my first spanking he will continue to run both, and if he does, I will just talk it out with him or go home. It really is about just having fun folks to game with, and ususally people aren't jerks. The models Chris has are way cool.
  2. The models, btw, are beautiful. Six are going to look fantastic. They'd make lovely mercenaries for an Empire army.
  3. I've built my standard bearer (with a club) and musician (with a sword). Do I model the other 4 with two or one handed weapons? Checking the web appears that the Iron Fists are far more favored. In play are they more effective 3x2 or 6x1?
  4. Well after building all the models that Hero suggested, I found yet another few sets of bodies so now I still have 18 models to build. I think I am going to look for shields and build them all as swordsmen. That will give me almost 50 of them.
  5. I say this not to minimize what you said here, becasue you like what you like and you are very entitled to that. My experience with our race is that we do not like change. If we are used to something, and it is acceptable (even if not ideal or optimal) we dislike it when it is changed. Very much in fact. Personally I am not crazy about digital publishing, however I like the bigger models in the game, and I like FW stuff. /shrug I'm more a garage gamer.
  6. Well, I no longer have the flagellents, but I did just get enough TK to fill out that army for trading them off. :) I have made 15 more spearmen, 15 more swordsmen, and ten more hunters. I'd like more greatswords, but I have what I have.
  7. Ok thank you gentlemen. I'm making them now Hero. @ Chris - I already scavenged all the greatswords I have. Is 20 just to few? Oh, I also have 60 flagellents, but it looks like those are not interchangable with the other models.
  8. Well ok. I guess it sounds like the rules are too much for them. Maybe I will just hold off and use them when an opponent doesn't care, or maybe agree to pay more for them. I dunno.
  9. Unfortunately, unless I can find somone to trade me empire two handers and arms, Greatswords are maxed. A unit of 20 is still worthwhile I'm thinking. Much better than 10. So should I do fifteen swordsmen (will give me 30) and ten more archers (will give me 20) and build up the rest as Free Company for cheap detatchments?
  10. So I am finishing the repair work on this empire army I traded for. I have 38 more bodies to build. Here are the infantry blocks I have: 20 greatswords, musican, standard 60 halbadiers, musican, standard 36 Spearmen, standard 15 swordsmen, musican, standard 4 free company 10 archers 39 crossbows, standard 42 handgunners I can build up any of these units with creative use of my bits (except the Great Swords, that was the first unit I kitbashed, only 10 of them are actual Greatswords from the box set). Do I want more Free Company men? More swordsmen? Archers? How many?
  11. Seems a waste. I mean not game wise, but meta. You go off and fight the enemy, we will stay here with our heavy plate armor and massive war mounts, the pinnacle of mideval warfare, and look pretty while protecting the siege equipment. Meh.
  12. Thats 120pts, with a musician, which seems standard for cav. Do you position them in the center of your artillery so they can respond to either side that the opponent will move on? What about fliers such as great eagles?
  13. http://portland.craigslist.org/mlt/tag/4348983617.html For $400 I once purchased an entire well painted Black Templars Marine army, of which I still have the terminators for. This included many vehicles and a ton of infantry. This guy is smokin sumptin.
  14. Many here have had much to say on what you ought to get into, or have given advice on how to go about aquiring an army, so I will not add much here. I have always had large collections, and I aquired 80% of them on Bartertown.com. I think you are much more likely to get an army you will be happy with for $300 there, than going retail or even on Craigslist. Unless you have substatial feedback there, you will have to pay first, but I have been doing BT for seven years, and I've not ever been ripped off in purchasing armies. Just my two cents.
  15. OIC, you can upgrade them to heavy armor. I wouldn't do that because the models don't reflect it.
  16. I guess I don't know how to read it properly. I see eight attacks, nine with an extra weapon at st 5, half the attacks at WS 3. Ogres wear light armor so they are 2+ save (which is still good), and you can give them a magic standard, which makes sense all things considered.
  17. Really I just like the models. If they are so unreasonable, using them as mournfang is just fine.
  18. Seems to me they are fairly straightforward. http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Downloads/Product/PDF/r/Rhinox.pdf Insofar that they are too tough, I simply wouldn't know. I've not played WHFB8 save for one quick game in which I was mercilessly crushed by Raindog's dwarves. I am going to get a rematch! I have an Empire Horde growing. http://i862.photobucket.com/albums/ab188/nidsexpo/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-02/IMG_20140223_194331.jpg I also have Skaven, and an incoming OK army from Austria, and a smallish contigent of Tomb King mercenaries. I've been trading off my unused Warmachine/Hordes for them.
  19. Ok, thank you. I was familar with the old way of disembarking, so I didn't question it at the time.
  20. As we played the other night (and yes I am new) I was told by my more experienced opponent that when I disembarked my unit of Burnas that I had to unload them all at once, and then move them. I had rushed my tank 7" (red paint) right up to a full tac squad and then pivioted it on the spot to preset its orky loaded open topped back to the enemy. Then I had to (according to him) place all my models on the table before I could move any of them. That is not how I am reading the way disembarkng works. Pg 79 (big rulebook) stats that I place a model (singular) touching an access point, then move him up to 6". It sounds as if I do this one at a time until the models are all moved. This would have made a difference in how I deployed the unit (though I flamed the entire squad into ash anyhow). Is my reading correct?
  21. I used to play them. I don't know why folks are down on them these days, the Codex is strong and its a very versitile and fun army to collect and play. Just expensive.
  22. Anyhow, after looking into it (with help from you all, thank you) all I really want for the army is a good ally contigent with some fliers, and a Landraider. I am slowly building up to it, and IG are perfect. I like the Dreamscape stuff because I didn't want my IG to look vanilla. I just need three more plasma guns for veteran squads and three chimera's for ground troops.
  23. Well thats better than being told that I can't ever use the models. Though I would like to see them in action some day as actual Rhinox riders.
  24. 40K is moving into making FW models standard in play. Is that the same with WHFB? I own four Rhinox riders, will I get to play them?
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