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Everything posted by JamesBeadle

  1. It would be nice if you posted here how they do on the table. :)
  2. Hello, I have 5 bretonian horses that I haven't any knights to ride. They are neat models and I'd like to have some for one of my Empire Knightly orders. I need three knights, a musician, and a standard bearer, but am not in need of thier horses. Please let me know if you have some for sale. I have some PPress mercenaries I can trade for them as well.
  3. Do they have to be of the same troop type as the regiment? May I have halbadier or free company detachments for handgunners? Or spearmen for halbards, etc?
  4. Well yes, Pax is basically correct. I wanted to know if allies were critical for the army as I have lots of Power armor/Terminator marines and really nothing else (well razorbacks and Dreadknights). I am hearing from most quarters that Flyers are essential and I couldn't afford to buy them, then Dagna traded for them for me. In talking to some friends, Knights need bodies. It seems the IG are the cheapest way to produce them, and flyers as well.
  5. So I played my first real game of 6th ed last night against a great guy named Chris. We just played 750pts for me to wet my feet, I fielded Orks and he played marines. I was amazed at how much I had on the field compared to him. His dice betrayed him all night and that didn't help much. I have a question about Burna Boyz. The burna is said in the description to operate in two modes, template and close assault. However I can't find rules for the close assault mode at all. Do these exist?
  6. It looks like I have a deal going through for two NIB Valkryies, and 18 headless/weaponless Dreamforge stormtroops and plasma guns. I just ordered 40 more stormtroopers and an accessories kit. I think I am set for allies. I will have to get a commander for them and a couple chimeras. They are mainly to get scoring bodies on the field and the fliers to support my GK.
  7. Still don't have the package. The US post seems to be having difficulty delivering to the school. I am getting very frustrated with them. Now my delivery date is tomorrow. I am getting frustrated indeed.
  8. If they stole the car, chances are they aren't interested in the toys. Were they in the trunk? When the car is recovered its quite likely that the models will be as well if so. My condolences to your father for his loss.
  9. @ Pax: I have enough credibility on Bartertown now, that I almost never have to ship or pay for a prodcut first. People who insist that I pay them before they ship to me but have less feedback than I do, do not get my business. I had worked with Will before, and he has 25% more posititve feedback than I do. When you have that kind of built up credibility, it becomes more valuable than even a $2000 army. In the many years I have been using bartertown, I have only been screwed once before, and that was a small $15 purchase from a kid who I paid first simply because it was such a small deal. I learned my lesson and haven't ever done that again. I think, used wisely, Bartertown is an excellent way for folks who want large collections but cannot afford the retail cost to get them, to aquire what they desire in the hobby.
  10. Well good news! The sender made an error and gave me the wrong tracking info. He had done a trade with a fellow in Tualitin and the correct info shows a Tues 18th delievery. :)
  11. The sender didn't insure it. I am still on hold, but if the reciever is a dishonest person, then I am basically just screwed. Oh well, what can I do? If I get angry and down about it that just harms me and upsets my wife. Not worth it.
  12. I had a $2000 Empire sent to me in trade for my similarly priced Menoth Army. He received my end, his end was delievered somewhere in Tualitin. Thanks USPS. On extended hold with them right now.
  13. Nope, good catch. I didn't read the article.
  14. http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2014/02/breaking-imperial-knights-ready-to-roll.html If that is the model, color me unimpressed.
  15. No one here is likely to be able to tell you if they are interested without a model list. If you can't be bothered to put the list up most will assume you aren't serious. I mean no offence, just being up front.
  16. Its an elite army that is really good in hand to hand combat, which from what I can see has been really nerfed in 6th ed with overwatch rules and such. Every casualty really hurts and there is a lot of AP2 in armies now (except Orks it seems). I will enjoy messing with them to see if I can make them work, but it will be a long time before I have fliers for this army.
  17. I've decided on the Dreamforge models with the stormtrooper upgrades for my inquisitorial troops, I just really like the models. I am going to start with a single box of 20. Is it likely I will want more than that? Four units of five henchmen with upgrades isn't exactly cheap (I'd have to upgrade them, they are all wearing carapace armor :) ).
  18. They aren't as nice as GW models, but for $80 they look fine. The square bases are 25mm?
  19. Man I wish I could afford this. I'd love to play noise marines, but the army has always been to expensive for me, even before the latest price hikes. Good luck with this!
  20. It is illegal to copy another manufacturers prodcut and sell it for your own profit for a very simple reason, its unethical. I've heard all the justifications before on this in previous threads, and they are weak. Regardless of how much a person hates GW Forgeworld and their prices, regardless if wether money goes to the artist or the company who owns the originals, to take anothers intellectual property without permission and copy it for your own profit is morally bankrupt. This is why I do not keep stolen mp3s or movies as well. It has become so common that people think nothing of it anymore, but making stealing popular dosen't transform it into ethical behavior. I'll leave it alone now.
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