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Everything posted by JamesBeadle

  1. Please respond before Monday, or this offer will expire. Shipping and handling your responsisibility.
  2. Buying recasted products is theft. I've heard a lot of different arguments (read: justifications) for it, but calling a turd a rose doesn't make it smell better.
  3. http://portland.craigslist.org/clk/tag/4319692573.html I'm a little speechless. Can I make some bulbous clay models and sell them for $160 too?
  4. Thanks Pax. None of this is going to happen quickly. I don't have much at all to invest. More likely I will eventually trade for it once have had a chance to play my GK for a bit, and since I basically only get to play during the summers...
  5. Ok, thank you for the advice, I will have a look. Going through my Bones collection for some today.
  6. Thank you gentlemen. I do plan to get a fortification and a Storm Raven for them at some point. I'd like to get them an inquisitor (Cortez and a few regular characters). I was looking at the henchmen, and I was not impressed. They are much more expensive than IG allies, so it would seem to me to make more sense to get allies rather than invest in a bunch of henchemn, no? I think I will get 40 of the Dreamforge infantry and a couple heavy weapon boxes for them. I can use these as either henchmen or IG I think. May be a LR battletank or demolisher eventually. First though is the Raven. Thank you again.
  7. Hello guys. I have just received my Grey Knights Army, and its very neat. I need an Inquisitorial side of my force, and I'd like to investigate other models besides GW's for inquisitors. Any ideas? I will definatly get Cortez becasue he is essential, but other than him I mean?
  8. That wasn't really what I was asking. I just wanted to know what I would need to be able to play them well. Essentially my take away is get a Stormraven and some inquisitorial troops, so that is my goal.
  9. I don't own Sedition wars, but I am really impressed with the Dreamforge models. I think those are the way to go. Do I really need 40? Most of my games will feature mostly marines, but I can see a lot of value in three or four five man squads of troops in Razorbacks. This is what the army actuallty consists of: Grey Knights: 6 Razorbacks 6 * 5 man purifier squads 12 additional troops 3 Dreadnoughts 2 Dreadknights 20 Terminators/Paladins 1 Castellan Crowe 1 Finecast Dragio 2 Metal Librarians in terminator armor Eversor Assassin Vindicare Assassin Codex
  10. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/478379924/draco-magi The concept of the Kickstarter is to promote crowd funded quality games that aim at keeping the price controlled by not offering exclusive rewards. To receive the game (which looks fun) is only $20. I will probably not have much time to play the game itself, but I really want to support the concept and see more folks approach crowd sourcing with this model.
  11. Does anyone have any resources on how well Ogre Kingdoms play to educate noobs?
  12. It comes with a Finecast Draigo to make the Purifiers (or Paladins? I don't know the list well enough) troop choices. I figured I'd want a flier, thanks. @ Pax: I don't really know at this point. Probably just standard formation stuff.
  13. I am considering a trade for a GK army. It has lots of footsloggers and terminators a few characters, six razorbacks, three dakka dreads, and two dreadknights, but it lacks fliers and any Inquisitorial troops, not even an inquisitor HQ. Oh, there are a couple of assassins as well, so those might qualify as inquisitorial models. Anyhow, I don't know much about the GK and so am wondering if there are any essential models like Landraiders or Fliers I will need?
  14. Are you going to write a narrative for the war (that would be a lot of fun to read)?
  15. Put twenty gamers into a cup, ask them all a subjective question like is this balanced vs that, and then roll them onto the table. You will get at least 15 different answers. Its a fun game, thats all I care about. The super competative stuff ruins if for me.
  16. All games and all rules in them are optional. Bellying up to the table is optional. Being a good sport or a jerk is optional. I get that its important to hash out in a group event what will be used and what will not, the goal is to minimize conflict. However every time a game is played, even if its just assumed that the rules as written in a game of Sorry! will be used, is consentual. Arbitrarily deciding that escalation or stronghold is not 40K is meaningless. They are desinged to be played with the game, thus they are 40K. If you don't want to play with them, fine, but saying they are not 'meant' to be played with standard 40K games is an argument from silence.
  17. Although, a Stompa rigged up with chains attached to 20 or so oversized squiggs to 'pull itz fasta' would look really awesome.
  18. Well I guess most things are junk if you can't roll well, but I apprecaite the wisdom. :P I would like to get one. I read LH's article and though I didn't understand it all, it sounds like if you play them you want three of them.
  19. I will be moving to Fort Wayne In in a year and a half, and there is a thriving Warhammer community there for both 40K and Fantasy. I have been working on building a Tau army, and have just finished an arrangement to aquire a fairly good sized fantasy Skaven force. My only experience with WHFB in the past was playing against Eric and having my butt handed to me in the face of his Dwarven catapults. Shortly thereafter I got out of the game (because I found I loved WM and needed trade fodder, not becasue I was stomped by Eric). I'm hoping to find some time to play a few games of both 40K and WHFB in a couple of months and will be looking for kindhearted teachers (I'd even face Eric's Dwarves again). Thanks everyone, James
  20. I will eventually get one. I've already dumpted my Khador for the Tau, and will probably get rid of my trolls eventually for some Skaven/Tau models.
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