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Posts posted by ZEKE

  1. To help offset the points of the T80s you have to go cheaper and more specific on your support options. To build this list I would start with a more specific support strategy.  

    example:   cheapest arty option (carnations) + cheapest AA option (gaskins) + cheapest recon (brdm2) + maybe a cheap infantry option

    This would be my preferred minimum. Then, with the points left over, see what I can do with the T80 tanks. And hopefully with a few points leftover to improve the support options.

    Yes, this may/will change your play style. Maybe play it closer to a nato style ???

    • Like 1
  2. Hanging in there. Making it through.

    FOW - Got done painting "Death Or Glory" squadron (flames of war Mid-War british) along with a North Africa themed Motor Squadron. Love how it came out. 

    TY - got all the Poland stuff together, and halfway painted. played one game so far.

    Couchpilots (Wings of Glory) - finished collecting the bombers. since Mike B. passed Nov-2019, our group is lacking the big birds, thought I would help.

    Battletech, I have concentrated my collection to Kurita and Spirit Cats, got almost all my Kurita painted and based, still collecting stuff for spirit cats.

    My hobbies /games have gotten soo boring (think ground hog day repetiveness) that it's been difficult to do stuff. A good thing, the Couchpilots group is gearing up for Bronze Age 28mm, I volunteered for Egyptians since I now have the terrain, paint and terrain basing appropriate for desert. coming along pretty good. Also got a bunch of greek Hoplites. This has been keeping me busy lately.



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  3. Oregon City Geeks & Games has been running only 2 tables for FOW / TY on tuesday nights usually about 6 to close.  They've had to curtail the in-store gaming for the short term.  When the tables are available its usually FOW one week and TY the next, unless somebody requests something else.


    I'm still collecting and painting. I now have a British MW tank army beautifully painted, working on Polish Team Yankee along with AUS/USA TY and German LW Armored PanzerGrenedier co.

  4. This would definitely help the West Germans since they never could add just a Plt of LEO2 or LEO1 without adding another formation. With the new rule I would be able to add a plt of LEO2 to a LEO1 formation or vice versa.

    With the old system I usually ran a LEO1 formation AND a MARDER formation just to get 1 platoon of LEO2s to go with the LEO1 formation. This added an additional 8 pts of mandatory infantry. Having the infantry isn't bad, but when working lower point lists it was really awkward to work around.

  5. Still only $5.  Worth it.  I bought the mission pack when they first came out with them and I used them all the time, very handy.


    The original mission cards seemed a little abbreviated and didn't have any of the clarification rules since V4 first came out.  The differences would be in the applying of the "More Missions" + Errata from the Mid-War release and adding in the New missions from the new D-Day books. So they may have the new definition of "HOLD THE OBJECTIVE" as shown in the LW rulebook.

  6. If anybody is thinking that this event is getting more strict, i.e. paint requirements, time limits etc., at Barca's December 28 meeting, we discussed the possibility of this event becoming a National Qualifier.  

    Most likely not this year but this is something we can practice with and get more used to official tournament standards. Already we are pretty close to Battlefronts tournament format & requirements. Let's see if we can make this the Northwest's Official Sanctioned Battlefront National Qualifier.  Then we can get more sponsors and more swag.

    In exchange, we have been and are trying to put on more "other" events like non-sanctioned tournys, megabattles, learn-to-play, etc..

    • Thanks 1
  7. Well... I have a box of Finns, guess I could wait for the Finnish books to come out.  Might do a Desert Storm list of M1a1 abrams, Bradley's, and Apaches  and head down to 73 Easting instead of hanging around An Nasiriyah with the Desert-Storm sickness chemicals.

    Other than that, I'll be waiting till Bulge series.

  8. I don't have a problem with the points level and time required. Late war tends to be more destructive (more kills than bails or pins) and I make sure that I get at least a half dozen practice games in to reduce time spent figuring stuff out or looking stuff up. 

    Also, since there are time limits, it requires a different play style than just the casual weekend game and it's one of the reasons why I tend to run attack oriented lists so that I can do my best to come to quick enough decision as to who is winner.

  9. I hope people are looking forward to this.  I keep bumping into people at Oregon City Geeks Games that are interested as well as others elsewhere.  This event is for players at all skill levels, beginners to experts. Even if you haven't played and are interested in checking it out or playing, there will be at least 3 tables setup with preset missions, game pieces, and instructors to help out. These tables are also available for experienced players to try their hands with a force they don't have and would like to try.

    This is not an organized tournament but rather an all day gaming event. You can play as little or as much as you can handle.

    I don't know how to do any fancy graphics so if anybody would like to post something on OCGeeksGames Facebook and/or  OCGeeksGames players facebook page, it would be appreciated.

    Mission Tables:  

    SteveZ  will be coaching - New Airborne Mission on Flames of war website (D-Day American US Airborne vs D-Day German PzGrenadier (unarmored))

    JamesB will be coaching - Beach Assault (US vs German)

    Nelson will be coaching - Caen (British Tank vs German Tank)

    Regular Tables: Could still use help on more tables/terrain.

    SteveZ - Desert table

    Jacob - Stalingrad table


    I have gathered up a door prize box and I have some good stuff that will be raffled throughout the day. 

    Again there is a $5 charge for this event.

    If anybody else is interested in doing the same, I can bring FOW stuff for sale/trade, maybe set up a small "garage sale table"   ???

  10. 19 hours ago, barca said:

    Is anyone planning on showing up at GG on Thursday, OCT 31st (Halloween)?

    I plan on being there with Germans and Americans. If someone lets me know they will arrive later, I will wait.

    Otherwise I expect that everyone else is doing Halloween stuff, and I will go home after 7 PM.



    I was wondering the same thing.  I would like some help with the new Airborne mission.  I have stuff for both sides so you won't need to bring anything.  I tried it last night and the germans were a little under-powered, so I made some changes and I would like to try the Germans so just need somebody to play the Airborne.




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