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Posts posted by Norrad

  1. How is it stuck? Base move is 4". +1" extra move for every 3 skaven at the start of move phase within 1" of the bell. So let's say you have 12 skaven within 1" at the start of move phase. That equals 8" move. Most skaven have a 6" move before a run move. They can easily keep up and move to 1" around the bell again!

  2. The Bloodthirster is not new. It's the current one repackaged in AOS box with a round base only. All of the Warscroll Battallions listed above are pulled from all of the other books currently released and put into one book. Could be handy to not have to carry all of the hardback books. I wish GW would put a code into the hardbacks that would unlock the Warscrolls I the AOS app. Yah I know it's GW and that's not how they roll!

  3. How do you know the list will not work? How many games have you tried with it? My point is that Theory Hammer is great on paper but the proof is in the pudding. Get the army on the table for a half dozen games or so and see what happens. The best army is the one that can mutially support itself across the whole battle line. You will find that with multiple diverse units you will have more options when the battle commences.

    Also take a look at the skink special ability Wary Fighter. Skinks become very difficult to pin down in combat unless they are the only combat to be fought. Very handy to be able to stall a charge, and then pull them out of combat before any damage has occurred. Takes some practice to make work but when it does it is frustrating to fight them.

  4. Scenery and terrain feature are one and the same. It would appear that they tend to use terrain feature in the rules when the scenery consists of multiple pieces of terrain such as Sylvaneth Wildwood or Walls and Fences. I would say that you could befoul a section of the Dreadhold wall or a tower, etc. Although you might not get any benefit from fouled terrain if you chose a piece of impassible terrain like rock or pillar since you need to be in or on to benefit from it.

  5. Part of the Ogre race are mercenaries that being the Man Eaters. They even had a Regiment of Reknown in Golgfags Ogres but the race as a whole were not mercs. The race could be thought of more as nomadic tribes moving around the lands but that is from the world that was. People seem to forget that the Orruks or the Duardin or the Ogors are not the same as they once were. So there is no reason why merc Duardin would not work for green skin savage Orruks. I personally hope that they introduce the Dogs of War to AOS. Would add lots of character to the games.

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  6. Absolutely stunning! These are freaking Awesome! I love the Fireslayer fluff which by the way has nothing to do with the old Slayer cult. These guys are mercenaries and I think (have to see rules) will work for any army. Bad ass, flame belching Duardin on giant fire lizards -oh yah, I'm gonna get me a whole bunch. I can't wait to see what they do with the Steam head Duardin!!!

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  7. GW did talk about that when the books or races were updated for AOS that certain named characters would evolve or be removed depending on the fluff/story. Since the Seraphon have the first re-done book it would appear that they are holding true to their word. Time will tell when the next book comes out.

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