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Posts posted by Kingpin

  1. So after my first couple games in our league here in Olympia I am looking at what to add next to my list. Being new with fantasy I have a hard time just looking at a units entry and being able to tell how it will play on the table. I was going to run a nurgle army but after looking on the internet I found that everybody runs nurgle so I am going Tzeentch instead. I was thinking of adding a block of Marauders. Other then just being bodies to protect my caster can they actually preform in battle? What is the best way to gear them with mark of Tzeentch? Help a new guy out :wink:

  2. So we are starting a league up here in Olympia soon and it ends at 2500 points. I haven't touched fantasy in three years or so. For leagues I like to build my final list and then work backwards. So it wont be great but here we go.



    Archaon on Dorghar - 650



    30 warriors, MoK, extra hand weapon, standard - 550

    30 warriors, MoN, shields, standard - 530

    20 Hounds, poison - 140

    20 Hounds, poison - 140



    5 Knights, ensorcelled weapons, standard, MoK, musician - 245



    Hell cannon - 210


    total 2455


    So I know what you are thinking. Why squads of 20 hounds. Well.... because I own that many and I needed to fill points. I am not sure what to spend the last 45 points on. Archaon acts as a BSB so I didn't bring one. But I could drop one of the dog squads maybe just run two 10 man squads and run a real BSB... not sure. Been a long time since I played.

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  3. @ Nathonicus, I ordered through Noble Knight Games (nobleknight.com). You can order directly from Amera but shipping from the UK is spendy. The product is cheaper from Amera  so if you get a big enough order to make up for the price of shipping that would be the way to go, but for the six things I ordered it was cheaper to buy from a US distributor.


    @ JMGraham, I plan on using pop sickle sticks as boarded up windows and make shift supports to strengthen the walls. They are a little thin but really not bad once all glued together. It will work great at my house. I don't know how it would hold up in a game store with rough treatment. I am very happy with it so far. Assembly took a while. But you end up with lots of extra plastic card when you are done so that will be great to save for other projects.

  4. I just got my order from Amera Plastic Moldings and finished assembly. It is all vacuum molded terrain (like the craters GW makes). A full tables worth cost less the $100. Sorry for the pictures being a little white washed, the detail will show up better when they are painted.




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