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Posts posted by Kingpin

  1. If you are going to spend all those points to make them better you might as well have just taken banshees. The problem with Eldar assault units is there is no assault vehicle to put them in. They have to foot slog it across the table. With T3 and weak armor they just don't hold up well.

  2. So I have been working on giving my lord of skulls legs for a while now. It is hard to find ones that are the right fit. Here is what I currently have but I think they are a bit to skinny. What do you all think? Also how do I put pictures in the post so they don't show up as thumbnails?


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  3. I am looking for 2 baal preds with Assault cannon turrets. I can work with flamer sponsons or bolter sponsons but bolters would be preferred. I would like to trade for them but do have cash if that's what floats your boat.

  4. So here is what everyone wants so far


    splinx- Stone trolls

    Prophecy- Anything Goblin (goblins, spiders, warmachines)

    Peanut- Archers and characters

    Me- Normal Boys, chariots, and boar boys.


    I think that just leaves the black orcs and the ogres. I will try and get everyone together and see what we come up with.

  5. I am using Custom Ink. It is a web based company with a cool design tool that lets you create the shirts on your own. This will be my first time ordering from them so we will see how it goes. As far as price, four shirts run $23 a piece but we are only using one color. If you start to add more colors the price goes up.

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