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Everything posted by Diomides

  1. No, I am about an hour and a half away.
  2. I would like to trade the Khorne guys for the Stormcast Eternals out of the box set if anyone is interested.
  3. That mechanic is interesting, but yeah it seems to fall apart with the Warriors of Chaos units. The chaos warriors unit has ten or more models, so six wouldn't be enough.
  4. The squad lists at the end of each section seem like a good starting point for figuring out the "points" on what to take. For the dwarfs, a dispossessed clan throng with artillery battery would consist of; 1 dwarf lord 1 unit of hammerers 1 unit of longbeards 2 units of thunderers 2 units of warriors 1 dwarf engineer 3 war machines If I took the minimum amount of models for each unit, added in the veterans, musicians, standards, and threw shields on all of them, that would come out to around 1400 eighth edition points.
  5. Tie Fighter and X-wing are getting digital re-releases through Good Old Games! http://kotaku.com/x-wing-tie-fighter-are-finally-getting-digital-re-rele-1651470045
  6. Yaaay! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmeOjFno6Do&feature=youtu.be
  7. In case anyone is interested, the X-Wing FAQ has been updated. http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_news.asp?eidn=5130
  8. Not sure if anybody is looking forward to the Imperial Assault game, but Fantasy Flight just released two more previews on it. This time it's about the ally and villain packs. http://fantasyflightgames.com/edge_news.asp?eidn=5118 http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_npm_sec.asp?eidm=257&esem=1
  9. I think I might have to make a few of these.
  10. Has anybody submitted any reports for this? It seems like a pretty good idea and the 4th phase in season 2 just started. http://www.outworld-studio.com/uxgc.html
  11. Fantasy Flight posted some images of some of the cards that will be for the new faction. http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_news.asp?eidn=5107 Looks like I need to pick up some Z-95s...
  12. I don't believe an updated one has been published yet. But going by what Godswearhats said, it should be coming soon.
  13. Really good article about an incident at the King Fire down in California. http://www.verticalmag.com/news/article/1600YardstoFreedom
  14. Ironbreakers are not glued to the bases. There is a bunch of Nippon/samurai stuff, a couple of drawers similar to the one pictured.
  15. Edited to add video games and added prices for the dwarfs and samurai. I have: BFSP 2x Thane (1 missing weapon, 1 modified weapon) (primed) 2 x cannon crew (painted) 1 x cannon 1x slayer 14 x thunderers (painted) 2x thunderer command (painted) 18x warriors (painted) 2x warrior command(painted) 10x miners 2x miner command 33 partially painted and assembled warriors 48 bodies for either warriors or thunderers tons of head pieces for the warriors or thunderers 1x unassemebled metal gyrocopter 1x master engineer 1x battle standard bearer 1x organ gun (primed) w crew (painted) 20x metal slayers w command 20x metal ironbreakers w command 1x demon/dragon slayer 1x unassembled organ gun or cannon 1x set of artillery dice and templates 8th dwarf book small rule book tons of various bits (weapons, arms, scenery, shields, banners, etc) I also have three toy/lego items that I used as warmachines (2x grudge thrower, 1x bolt thrower) All the Dwarf stuff $250 A large Samurai/Nippon army that is not really assembled $300 Also a sealed set of GW movement trays Malifaux 1x metal The Dreamer box set 1x metal Teddy 3x metal Daydreams Robotech Appendix B and C from the masterpiece collections. These are for the VF-1J, B is blue and C is red. PS3 console w/ 2 controllers Armored Core 4 F.E.A.R. FF X/X2 HD Rock Band 1&2 DBZ Battle of Z Skyrim Ni No Kuni Orange Box Borderlands $225 for all of the ps3 stuff Wii Console w/ wireless adapter, two wiimotes, charging station, classic controller Wii Sports LoZ Skyward Sword Active 2 Personal Trainer w/ Armband Wii Fit+ w/ Balance Board New Super Mario Bros. Super Mario Galaxy Punch Out Mystery Case Files: The Malgrave Incident Monster Hunter 3 Tri $125 for all of the wii stuff I have pics of these items if anybody is interested. Wants: X-Wing miniatures Krosmaster Arena figures w/cards D&D 5th books Ogre Kingdoms (some models to start an army)
  16. This should have been the Batmobile that was revealed...
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