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Posts posted by Fixxer

  1. Excellent, thats good news. As long as you have the models you can practice with both options to see whats going to be more consistent. 


    I think 10 with the 2 characters for 6x2 would be sufficient to start, if you see them getting targeted early and feel like you need more, add 3 and go up to a 5x3 formation.  This is going to give you a consistent counter-charge in the center of your artillery barrage. I would put full command and both characters (priest and BSB) as they add buffs to the unit to make it more viable. WIthout the priest and the BSB this unit of knights will be half as effective, they really need the characters to add their bonuses (hatred, 3d6 break tests, re-roll).  

    • Like 1
  2. I like the Idea of a heavy shooting Empire army, but I feel like you NEED something that can fight other than your stank and lord. If you had a large block of knights 10-15 with a BSB and a Priest for hatred and some static combat rez, this list would be way more consistent.  Knights are core, which would be helpful and allow you to drop HGs instead of WMs. 

    • Like 1
  3. Simply flabberghasted. 


    ML you are out of line and simply over-react to everything. I have issues with nobody, in fact I enjoyed our OFCC game very much despite your attitude during the game. The barrage of complaints after the OFCC and comp was a little annoying due to the negative slant; and I let you know in a PM that you took the wrong way, it is what it is. If you see that as hate, Im sorry for you.  I dont hate anyone.  Nor do I seek out to "troll" anyone or belittle them, Im sorry you see it that way, but there are a lot of people on this forum, not just you. 


    Im sorry everyone for this, I didnt see my posts as inflammitory at all on this particular thread, perhaps bad jokes or poking fun at the "world is falling attitude" many of you share, sorry if I offended anyone else with my smart ass remarks, I really dont mean to be a dick. I do although get tired of blind complaining due to a lack of dedication and effort to really learn how to play this game with class. 


    Opinions are like assholes and we all know the rest. :) 



    .... LOVE. 

    • Like 3
  4. I have a college education and we all have a computer.


    "ex·o·dus /ˈeksədəs/


    noun a mass departure of people, especially emigrants. synonyms: mass departure, withdrawal, evacuation, leaving; More the departure of the Israelites from Egypt. noun: Exodus; plural noun: the Exodus."


    There is also a book, which I read, and a movie based on the book. There is no other definition out there. And as for the Lizardmen not being in the game that is exactly what Harry and the bunch are saying. And now WD has it in print there is an Exodus.So there is a high chance the Lizardmen are done.


    So I am very concerned.

    Im so happy for you...... ML. Really. 


    I was just implying that the term exodus means they're just leaving Lustria, their Jungle "home", not the WH game system. Given all the new artwork, models, books theyve printed. Just doesnt seem like something GW would do in this current stage. Thats a lot of time, effort, and financing, to just say, They're gone now sorry to all that were inspired by these wonderful paintings and stories. 


    Again, its as if you want GW to [big bad swear word] you. 


    I dont care if Im right about it, Im just being optimistic. 

  5. Warseer rumors are 50/50. I dont trust that these guys know the "whole truth" they embellish a lot in every rumor posted there. I think they feed off the chaos....Anyone can get snippets of information and try to connect the dots, but unless you are in the board meetings or have the published book in your hands, you're just guessing.


    Most people like to assume GW [big bad swear word]s their clientele, its sad.


    All I see is them creating the best fantasy world/product on the market for my nerdy enjoyment... and they know it.  Warhammer Fantasy will stay true to form as a different game than 40k.


    Space marines are lame. 

  6. As always an incredible event. Our community of gamers is simply awesome, couldnt really ask for better players to spend a day throwing dice with. 


    Thanks to Eric for running the event, and thanks to the Ordo crew for providing the space and the support. 


    My Skaven went 1-3 throughout the day. All I can say is I learned a whole lot this weekend, thanks to my opponents. I felt like I was able to compete in 2 of my 4 games. My Skaven list simply didnt have the ability to deal with Chaos characters in CC or LV4 wizards. I took a themed list with a bunch of Gutter Runners and an assassin, only a LV 1 engineer, pretty brutal.


    I need to find ways to toughen up my Skaven lists as the meta has changed drastically since they were released. Ill be posting a 2800 for the Cheese grater soon to start brainstorming ideas.

  7. Honestly my cousin runs a block of 32 Nurgle marauders with GW's and puts his unkillable chaos lord, his BSB, and his lv2 in there and its honestly so underrated I cannot even handle it. 


    I would say as a character bunker to center the army its awesome because warriors and knights dont need character support to be effective. 

    • Like 1
  8. I disagree, the End Times are awesome. 


    They released this exact thing with Storm of Chaos YEARS ago. There were new lists and options that were outside the army books and legal in the tournament scene.YES, GW likes to play with and promote their new products by utilizing them in their tournaments, it does change the meta of the game for a bit, but I do agree with MN that this is only for a matter of time. 


    The books and models are beautiful, the story is totally fun. 


    You just gotta ask, "Are we playing End Times or Warhammer?" as I see them as two different things. The setting of the game takes place over thousands of years and each battle could represent any moment during that huge span of time, End times would be your "current/modern time" battle, whats happening now. Then in 6 months it will re-set with a new edition. 


    Id just like the opportunity to play some classic chaos and deploy mixed armies. This is how I grew up playing and its nice to have those options back. 

    • Like 1
  9. "ish" is just too light of a delineation. 


    I dont see this as different at all, every WE army ive seen with the new book is based around 3-6 units of 10 GG with trueflight, might as well throw out the rest of their core selections.  


    You HAVE done the MN thing and brought 6 characters and a unit of Rangers, which is awesome.


    I like the list, I just dont see it as being anything out of the ordinary. 

  10. This is a solid VC list. I like the big units of skellies, they will give you staying power and keep you in most games long term.  I like that you have 7 levels of magic meaning you "could" have every spell in every game at your disposal, thats invaluable with VC, gotta have options in the magic phase.  The Vargheists, hexwraiths, and terrorgheist will support those blocks perfectly. 


    Is this your first WH army?

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