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Steel Angel

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Everything posted by Steel Angel

  1. whttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEp7laKY87I&list=UUxLYPtA6c8GAhTHJ5U1tR3w
  2. Honest knew about most of them anyone who visits here,Dakka Dakka ,B&C...ect ect will know about them and know for everyone who has an answer one will disagree. Not say an Faq is not need that's fine. Someones got to make the call on unclear rules. What I am saying is the part where people start changing the rules and tell other players what they can and can not take just because someone doesn't like it is the problem. In the end even in a tournament I rather lose 3 times while playing, then not be playing at all. So let them bring that nasty Sreamerstar or your Taudar or the big IK ect ect in the end I got to play. but count on it when I get home I will try and come up with tactics to beat them next time, and that just gives me more fun.
  3. Thats my point. What good is an faq or errata then? If all it boils down is cause I say so if you want to play here. if you want to make anything that means anything people,stores,groups need to get together to make it. till then its just 10 different people making up ten different house rules. which in the end means you still get two players practicing for two different tournaments still fighting over rules.
  4. Well faq and errata are mute unless it is use at all the turnies in the northwest. It's jjust not worth it. I for one do not want to have to learn 4 or 5 different ones for each.
  5. I like the sidebord Idea it allows you to adapt to any give problem. Plus it would be fun to have extra units to swap. from game to game.
  6. Well I'm not trying to make a rule set that is not meant for tournament play in to one. But if i was i would try make the missions the leveling field not change the armies. Another way to go is just change shooting ST D weapons to allow cover and inv. save but disallow any kind of reroll to a save or special ability like feel no pain or reanimate or eternal warrior. Still makes them powerful but not god like. St D in cc is diff. cause there has all ways been those kind of CC weapons in one form or another.
  7. Personally I think y'all are getting on a slippy slop. Come up with an Faq is one thing for confusing rules, But but when you start saying " hey you can't play this perfectly legal unit because we think it's to powerful " is something else. Where do you start and where do you stop? Some are worried IK will be op so ban them. Yet Tau have been proven time and again to have the potential to be OP or Eldar or Taudar. And what is the common response " there totally legal armies." But the problem is so is half the stuff y'all are debating. See weather the powers that be know this or not. What they choose for rules at tournaments transfers over to everyday normal games. It may not be what they mean to happen but it does especially in Pugs. Come up with away to deal with it,beside the lazy man "just ban it" Sorry just my two cents.
  8. Still in planing phase. If any has any thoughts hit me up.
  9. lol pull Cortez all his units become non scoring. lol
  10. Was thinking of starting a little Mordheim group in the Beaverton area. Play at home and stuff. You know game night. Anyone interested?
  11. Hi y'all going to start up a Mordheim group but need some building. Anyone got some for sale?
  12. Wouldn't Alpha Legion be more along the line of Raven Guard tactics the Black templars?
  13. True there. Hmm now that I think about the way they have are prone to fly into rages too make them seem like Blood angels or World eater................damn it now back to tring to fig. out who they are. lol
  14. With the amount of psykers and the high chance of mutation. and being a 2nd founding kind of leads to only one gene seed.(cause there is only one 1st founding that had these exact same problems.
  15. If anyones interested their in book 1 of HH series.
  16. I would think Nid's would be better. The troops where big but not Knight big. They had many diff. kind from flyers to builders.
  17. Dropped the pod for a rhino. Being as only having one would seem that I would have to drop it turn one. Not sure that would be smart.
  18. Yer plasma just as good if not better, but for two reasons. 1. Better range on grav 2. 1's really like me.
  19. Yer going to go with Iron hand rules. cant go wrong with a TV plot armor save for troops and vech.
  20. OK this is the list i came to. Not great at any one thing but can do many things. "In 769.M41 a elite chapter of Space Marines was Excommunicate by a Chaos corrupted Inquisitor for crimes they did not commit. This Chapter promptly escaped from a maximum security blockade of the system to regoup in the Maelstrom underground. Today, still wanted by the Inquisition, they continue their fight for humanities survival, and acted as soldiers of fortune. If your planet has a problem, if Imperium is no help, and if you can use a astropath contact them, maybe you can contact the Pariahs." The Pariahs “A Codex: Space Marines Roster” Total Roster Cost: 2000 HQ: Captain Hannibal, 165 pts Gorgon's chain + Power Axe x1+ Power Sword x1 Librarian Bother Faseman Peck, 65 pts (Cypher) Merdock the Fallen, 190 pts (Mad Dogs) 5x Command Squad 200 pts Meltagun x2 + Grav-gun x3 Elite: Dreadnought 120 pts Twin-Linked Autocannon x2 Troops: Tactical Squad x10 141 pts Plasma Cannon Tactical Squad x10 141 pts Plasma Cannon Scout Squad x6 76 pts Sniper Rifle x6 + Melta Bombs x1 Fast Attack: Scout Bike Squad x3 Astartes Grenade Launcher x2 + Melta Bombs x1 Heavy Support: Vindicator x2, 250 pts Thunderfire Cannon 100 pts Allies : Knight Errant x1 (Mighty Baracus) 370 pts Fort.: Aegis Defence Lines Icarus Lascannon 85 pts
  21. All good points. some can answer well but other I need to ponder on a bit. answer tomorrow. #am now lol
  22. Ok I listen and ponder all y'all advise and came up with this list. Total Roster Cost: 1989 HQ: Master of the Forge (and yes can use all every turn) Power Maul + 2 power fist + flamer + plasma gun + The Shield Eternal HQ: Librarian Force staff + Increase Mastery Level 2 Command Squad 5 Command Squad + Meltagun x2 + Grav-gun x3 1 Drop Pod Elite: Vanguard Veteran Squad 4 Vanguard Veteran Squad + Power Sword x2 + melta bombs x4 1 Veteran Sergeant + Lightning Claw x2 Elite: Ironclad Dreadnought Chain fist + Hunter-Killer Missile(s) x2 Troops: Tactical Squad (10#, 160 pts) 9 Tactical Squad + Plasma Cannon 1 Sergeant Troops: Tactical Squad (10#, 165 pts) 9 Tactical Squad + Lascannon 1 Sergeant Fast Attack: Scout Bike Squad (3#, 89 pts) 2 Scout Bike Squad + Astartes Grenade Launcher x3 1 Scout Biker Sergeant + Melta Bombs Heavy Support: Stormraven Gunship + twin-link Lascannon + multi melta Heavy Support: Vindicator Heavy Support: Vindicator Knight Errant By taking the Iron Fist tactics giving all models feel no pain, a characters and vech. it will not die will make this list durable. it has strong fire power, good CC, air cover, horde blasting, and fort. smashing. as long as I use the right strategic tactics. Plus it's really fluffy for Iron Fists Does it pass mustered?
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