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Posts posted by scottshoemaker

  1. It only matters if you are trying to buy everything. When I got back into 40k I was shocked to hear how tournament players bought every codex, studied them, and figured out how to beat them. That's way too hardcore for me, and I don't enjoy that type if play.


    Why is so much variety a problem? Pushing content to sell models is a business plan. Lego does the same thing.

    • Like 3
  2. Now hold on, the biggest gripe I've heard from folks for years is how long the release cycle is, and how long it takes for something to get an update.  We are now in the time of of EXACTLY what the greater community has always asked for.


    By the way, ya'll realize the Ork Codex is still from late 4th ed, Right?

    • Like 5
  3. Though I really like Escalation and Stronghold Assault, I can understand why people are a wee bit perterbed by it. D weapons can be intimidating. My solution, Torg, is to make sure ahead of time that my expectations for a game are known. I will always let people know if I want to play a standard game or an Escalation/Stronhold Assault game. And I will be sure to ask if my opponent has Knights, Superheavys, etc. I think Pretre has it right. Your local group will always be accomidating. You will always find people who are willing to tone it down and play a standard game. Espescially in PDX and Ordo.


    Either way, I encourage people to not bail on the hobby, but to ask and clarify their games before hand.

    That's my $0.02.

  4. They're just toys folks, and GW is a business that sells toys, and it behooves them to facilitate creating the means to sell more toys.


    This is how Rogue Trader was, no holds barred face punch play, or a friendly game between people that communicate about their game the hope to play.


    I am loving the amount a variety in the game right now.  As you now have to trust your opponent that that aren't cheating you it should help us develop relationships with our friends. 


    Dear Lord, it means we have to be nice to each other, and if someone comes off as a jackhole word will spread.

    • Like 2
  5. No clue on the development time for the Knight Titan project. That said the Dreamforge stuff has been out a while, long enough that the "just in between the big and little proxy" size feels like a specific design choice by G'dub...

    Here's the real question, can you see my tin-foil hat underneath this beanie?


    But who cares?  It's a giant robot, isn't that enough?

  6. via a Reader here on Faeit 212
    Here's a reply I got from GW Customer Service regarding the key question, can Chaos ally with Knights?

    From: UK Customer Services
    Date: 24 February 2014
    Subject: Re: Imperial Knights

    Thanks for the email, the rules printed in this week's issue of White Dwarf state that "They may also be taken as allies; you can include up to three Imperial Knights as a single allied detachment for each primary detachment in your army" As such any 40k army can take them as a allied detachment.

    Perhaps the persuasive nature of Slaanesh has convinced a Freelance household to work for Chaos, or maybe they just pay better than the Forces of the Imperium.

    We hope this helps and that you enjoy the new Imperial Knights.


    For my brain, this means a cheap stompa. If it's really an unrestricted ally then I'm considering a "Freechoppa"  What say you?

  7. The best way to capture true colors is to shoot in direct sunlight. If you cannot do that you will want a daylight bulb. Other sorts of artificial light will invariably distort your colors. But if your picky like me you want the colors in the image to match the colors on the model. 

    I have to disagree.  Direct sunlight washes out colors and creates harsh shadows and horrible speculative highlights (blown out glare points).  Daylight shooting is fine as long as you have some sort of shade, or better yet a diffuser.


    I treat these shoots just as a portrait shoot, the same guidelines apply.



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