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Posts posted by doc

  1. The 40k rule book actually makes a definitive difference between with in and completely with in this edition. With no errata to strong hold assault we are left with one model in range equals unit in range and protected.


    hits a target within the Void Shield Zone instead hits the projected void shield


    again, bolded for emphasis....

  2. As an example, the new KFF states every MODEL within 6" gets the effect, which is different than units.  Void shield says units within 12".  I think if they wanted to work how you state, doc, they would've done it as MODELS, not UNITS.  

    once more...


    "hits a target within the Void Shield Zone instead hits the projected void shield"


    targets outside the shield don't get the benefit, as they are not WITHIN the shield.

  3. Within, in this case, is used in the 'within my reach' definition, not the 'within my belly' definition.


    Ok. let's do this in English. The English it was written it... my English! :biggrin:


    1) "Each projected void shield has a 12" area of effect- Void Shields project 12".

    2) "(measured from any point on the Void Shield Generator building), known as a Void Shield Zone". - This has a defined name.

    3) "Any shooting attack that originates from outside a Void Shield Zone and hits a target within the Void Shield Zone...." - shooting comes from outside the defined "zone", affects units within the zone

    4) "....instead hits the projected void shield" - the effect.


    There is no extending the "zone" there is no "the zone covers this, and this and this".... the zone of effect is defined, limited, and absolute. Period.

    • Like 1
  4. Honestly, that's how the RAW in SA reads to me. The "target" is a Unit, not the individual Models, and there's a bit later on referring to the possibility of a "Unit", not a "Model" being in range of more than one VSG, further indicating that it's supposed to be determined on the basis of whether or not the Unit itself is in range. After that, it just goes back to the bit at the start of the birb about measuring distances between Units, and that's the way it all falls out.


    From the e-version;

    "Each projected void shield has a 12" area of effect (measured from any point on the Void Shield Generator

    building), known as a Void Shield Zone. Any shooting attack that originates from outside a Void Shield Zone and

    hits a target within the Void Shield Zone instead hits the projected void shield. If a unit is within 12" of more than

    one Void Shield Generator, and so within more than one Void Shield Zone when it is hit, randomly determine

    which of the buildings’ projected void shields is hit."


    Bolding is mine for emphasis...


    It is quite clear to me that a) it is a defined area shield, and b) it protects units that are within that area.

    I don't see any ambiguity!

  5. Uh...what's wrong with using one single model to be within range and then spreading out a huge unit all over the board to benefit?  I did this all the time with the old KFF and my big Ork mobz.  

    Because that's not how a void shield generator works!

    I don't recall the old KFF rules, but the "canon" on 40k is quite clear that a void shield is a bubble with defined limits.

  6. Reading about the LVO last weekend, something interesting came up...

    According to the ITC FAQ;
    "A unit only needs to have a single model at least partially within 12” of a Void Shield Generator for the entire unit to benefit from it. "

    Now, this seems silly, but I can see the point... Up to a point.
    There is nothing in the GW Stronghold Assault FAQ about this, so I'm not sure why it is even an issue...

    The shenanigans at LVO involved an Ork player who would string his full size ork boyz units out, leaving one model "under" the void dome.
    Yeah, major ass-hattery!

    I understand that using the ITC FAQ is a quick and easy "fix" for GW rules issues, but some of them seem to be more troublesome than they are worth.
    I'd rather we stuck with the GW ones, and our own common sense.


  7. Whilst I personally am disappointment with both events (team and open) on the same day, I get it.


    What I AM concerned with though is the ITC aspect for 40k.

    I, respectfully, hope that the HoG will discourage douche-bag gaming at this event.


    I heard lots of horror stories for last week's TSHFT about players, TOs, terrain and non-painted armies. Ordo would take a big blow to its reputation if similar issues were to occur.

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