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Posts posted by splinx

  1. If anyone is interested in the Undead I have all three AOS (nasty AOS) starter boxes going cheap! And thanks @TheBeninator If I can get the infernal dwarves going over Christmas then that's a possibility but otherwise I can bring my Empire, O&G or Dark Elves to play. :) Let me know when the dates are in Jan and I will get clearance from the wife away from baby! What points will we be starting at? 

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  2. So this will be my thread to keep me motivated with a newly born child and try and get some hobby time in building my Infernal Dwarves. 

    Im currently looking over unit composition and army stats and probably gonna start off with two 30 man units of the core troops. 1 x unit of HW and Shield and 1 x unit of the flintlock axe things. 

    I'll be posting update pictures of assembly and my progress here as much as possible. It may be sporadic with the baby but fingers crossed with this amount of time i can paint it up to a pretty high level as well. 

    Cheers to all you square base lovers who have inspired me to get on with it for next year!

    Much love!


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  3. 8 hours ago, TheBeninator said:

    Ill be there as well on Friday, so will Dane. 

    @splinx are we still having us a match, or are you busy?

    Hey Benny! I don’t think I’m gonna have time for a full game unfortunately as I couldn’t get a babysitter so wife is gonna look after little one for a couple hours so I can pop down and at least say hello to everyone. So by all means if you can get a pickup game against someone else please go for it. 🙂 

    • Thanks 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, TheBeninator said:

    I don't know if the inter-webs supports that...

    For the fiscal year of 2016/17, these are the current tax rates in the UK:

    • The basic rate is 20%, for all sorts of income up to 32,000 GBP per year.
    • The higher tax rate of 40% applies to income from 32,001 GBP to 150,000 GBP a year.
    • Income above the 150,000 GBP limit is taxed with the additional rate of 45%.

    A marginal tax rate of 40% over 32,000 GBP (40,600 USD) is pretty bloody high! The US for the same amount of money is 22%. Sure we also have state tax, but that is still well shy of 40%.

    The UK does get socialized health care, which I guess they dont pay extra for? So, if we look at the full cost, we might be about equal.

    But, your main point is still valid. We just like serving a King of our own choosing ;D

    LOL my comment was on the amount of taxes you guys have rather than the amount. But yes it probably is about the same as the UK. Im kinda glad im Merican these days tho. Anyways apologies for highjacking a decent 9th age thread. One day my fantasy armies will come back out and conquer! 

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