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Everything posted by Raak

  1. Depending on what you're trying to accomplish I can probably help you out. I occasionally do some primitive blacksmithing to produce no bevel bushcraft style blades but I'll need to dig through a mountain to locate that trunk. Pm me.
  2. The holidays have provided some time to dive into my backlog (Note - Most of this is LitFic): Donna Tartt's The Goldfinch was recently published and is just as fan-flippin-tastic as her other 2 novels. She'll probably be remembered as one of the era's great novelists. I'm a huge fan. The Kindly Ones - Jonathan Littell - You know it's going to be good when it's 1)Billed as a new war & peace 2) Written by an American in french and received so well in France Littell was granted citizenship and several honors. Money - Martin Amis - You either hate Amis or love him; no middle ground there really. He can be truly horrible but my god what a talent. Zero History - William Gibson - What self-respecting geek wouldn't read everything Gibson has ever written? His new stuff is far from Neuromancer and in my opinion far better and this coming from someone who used the trilogy as a holy text though most of the late 80's and 90's :) The Thing about December - Donal Ryan - Written before his success with The Spinning Heart but published after this one will have you sighing " 'ach, I need a wee dram if I'm to finish the chapter". Sad and poignant. Classic Man vs. world.
  3. I would like to add my name for consideration on the other day that week, as long as it's not Monday.
  4. At which point the eldar and necrons will wage war. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend". I like it. I'll admit, I've had less time than I thought to read upon this but I am trying.
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