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Everything posted by Raak

  1. I might be the only one who didn't know about this but apparently Guillotine Games has a bunch of user submitted and staff created Extra Missions for Zombicide.
  2. I wasn't there last session. Did I miss anything? Sounds like the party's taking a break.
  3. and note to VonVilke: You are always more than welcome to come play any of them!
  4. The Wolf of Wall Street. I saw it at the Ziegfeld in NYC which probably added a few points to my relatively low enjoyment factor. As for the movie...meh. 6-7/10...maybe. Scorsese....Martin...buddy: It was great for the first hour but after that just how many boobs, bumps and bombshells can you substitute for a plot. As for the fact that the storyline was based off of a real person who just happened to be cellmates w/ Tommy Chong in some federal prison when Chong convinced hm to try to get his story out there.
  5. Just storing up some more hours in the happy bank ; years and years of good afternoons & evenings in that closet!
  6. Anyone else get in on the Fief Boardgame Kickstarter? I'm anxiously awaiting my copy. Amazingly all the stretch goals were met so it looks like this is going to be one honker of a game to sort through =)
  7. Also - I suggest ingesting a lot of newbie salt with the above post but I am in no way responsible for your GW-Raised Blood Pressure or Cypher Contracted Cholesterol.
  8. I wrote GW once. I asked who the heck would hold an order of dozens of models without shipping it merely because one warlord was not in stock. They Replied. ...Thanking me for my email. 3 weeks later my order arrived (3.5 weeks late with fed-ex priority, lol). Last email I sent to GW. I'm not going to pretend like I can fix a system I barely even have the basics of mastered but I do know this: I like playing 40k and I like learning WFB. I think Kevin hit it on the head when he mentioned that all this is really doing is widening the gap between different types of players. People who want to use Heavy D or crazy jacked Data Slates will do so and will eventually find that only other competitive gamers are potentially interested in matching their proposed army. Likewise for those favoring Narrative and ditto for those who aren't really passionate about either but simply want balanced play. The down side to this is that in insulating ourselves from GWs changes by breaking off into splinter groups (Fluffies, Compers, I-Dont-Care'ers) we have effectively lessened the pool of available players and match-ups by what I am sure is a fairly large order of magnitude. I believe Corey is right - this is eventually going to drive GW games into garage factions for better or worse. A question: Would house rules be such a horrible thing as long as they were a verbal agreement between players lasting for the duration of that match? This is essentially a verbal contract when setting up the game.... XXXX pts, allies or not, number of codices that are OK (1, 2 or 2+), data slates or not, double force Org or not, etc etc. I also really dig Jim's Idea of a way to advertize for games that reflects the desired gaming experience because I think that it will come down to that eventually; perhaps not in gamer groups but certainly for the WarHamsters and most other communities centered around a LGS.
  9. Cool! Looks like Kev has it covered. If anything changes PM me. We can accommodate some chill gaming guests even if were not in town for Walpurgis. Pm me if needed.
  10. So... Labyrinth- The War on Terror 2001-?, besides having an unwieldy title with questionable punctuation, is an amazing solo or 2 player conflict game. Notice I didn't say "wargame" which though I might consider it to be, it does not fit the proper traditional description of. WARNING: This isn't really a review so much as a "gosh this is a great game - check it out" post. Basically there are 2 sides. US and Jihadist. In the Solo variant you play the US and a flowchart helps with the opposing AI The map board is beautiful and very well done as is the card art. The game is balanced asymmetrically ( exactly as the conflict plays out IRL) so this allows for interesting game play at the solo and 2 player level. The US player has certain actions they can take with the operational value of their cards (disrupting terrorist cells, deploying troops to allied Muslim countries, conducting a War of Ideas, etc.), which are almost entirely automatically successful once they’ve played a card of high enough value. The Jihadist player has an entirely different set of actions (recruit terrorist cells, carry out jihad in countries with cells, set up bomb plots), which require a die roll for success every single time. The upshot of this is that the Jihadist can carry out operations all over the world, regardless of their cards, but the operations are prone to failure, while the US can only play where they have strong enough cards, but the operations work nearly all the time. It’s a neat touch that simulates the difference between a covert network of sparsely funded terrorist cells and the military and political might of the US. As someone on BGG has pointed out, the game has garnered a little controversy, basically for the following reasons: It’s based on a current, ongoing conflict, with many of the cards representing real people (living or dead), recent events or things you don’t really want to have to think about while playing a game. For example, one of the cards represents the assassination of Benazir Bhutto. Too soon? Maybe for some. In the two-player game, one player controls the US while the other controls the global jihadist movement. Yes, you get to be a terrorist. Not a cartoonish, balaclava-wearing terrorist, but a setting off WMDs in Israel and overthrowing the Somalian-government terrorist. It’s a bit… dark. Solo players need not be put off by the somewhat daunting flowchart that serves as the AI for the Jihadist. This particular Rock Star created python code that automates, tracks and saves the AI process for solo players. It's slick, works like a charm and availabe on GitHub if you want to monkey with it (I wouldn't, it's pretty damn good as is) All in all I am thoroughly enjoying this game. It can be hard to find people willing to devote a few hours to Twilight Struggle but this is the perfect antidote! (Same company and similar theme/mechanic) Warhamster Note: Nathaniel stocks GMTs a "A Distant Plain" (which I plan to review soon) so I'm sure ordering from the shop is a cinch. Just FYI, GMT is my second favorite big Game Design House next to Fantasy Flight right now. They're simply awesome for those with a wargame bent. EDIT: If you need help with installing Python and running a .py script then some google-fu like "How to install python on [insert your OS version here]" or "How to run a python script on [insert your OS version here]". Alternately you can PM me if you like.
  11. Ya'll might have already them or their ilk but I just found these nifty X-Wing Templates
  12. Bump! Just saw this but with Z2:po out and all the Zombicide I see being played I thought I'd bump this.
  13. I've found Eric Herman's AH tutorial to be invaluable for a new AH player like myself. In fact, I even managed a solo campaign with 4 investigators after finishing this! Not saying I got it all right but it was one heck of a fun Sunday.
  14. Just curious - has anyone had experience w/ the 1650pt. FoW Nationals @ Adepticon in years past?
  15. sorry if I'm thread jacking but am I to understand that there is a regular FoW thing at GG on Thursdays? I could commute from Bellingham and back at least every other week for this! Say it's True Lord H.
  16. Raak

    New Releases

    Srsly - lets get this and make it club property. I've been working my Haq and Nomads into the painting table lately...
  17. O.K. maybe its the Nyquil but I don't think we had a game Jim and if we did I'm so sorry. I thought the 2k point 40k last Tues that we bumped was our only scheduled game. I must be loosing it. So Sorry. EDIT: Obviously it must be the NyQuil. I though you meant me. No more posting for me - I'm off to get some sleep. Damn Nurgle and his flu
  18. I think I might be able to help you out with that. I'm sick as a dog today but would happily bring it in Fri 2/28. If you'd like to peruse the expansion and Data Packs let me know and I'll bring them as well. I believe I have everything sleeved now and am ready to start playing!
  19. Here's a pertinent link if found: The Anatomy of a Nerf - ToFs take on the 2+ Re-Rollable
  20. [big bad swear word] Shae. I'm crying right now. Big. Crocodile. No Chucky Cheese for You, tears. Damnit Shae! Daaaaaammmmmn Youuuuuuuu. But for reals the Nintendo things kinda harsh. You're kidding...right?
  21. I am a Flaky Warhamster, no relation to the Cronut, and I wanted to say a few words about having to bail on games. I know that I have had to cancel on at least 3 games in the last month and for that I am truly sorry. In every case there was simply nothing to be done but after thinking about it for a bit I've come to realize that it's actually a function of how I schedule my time. I tend to be an optimist and as such have taken to over-scheduling my gaming in much the same way that airlines overbook and that, I have come to see, is just not cool. Between my wife, son, job and hobbies, I am often left with zero time at the end of the day and I do realize that better scheduling on my part will greatly improve this problem. I really enjoy gaming with all of my fellow WarHamsters and hope that this short missive will serve as both apology and impetus for a good chuckle. See you all sometime soon - Game On!
  22. Remind me when Walpurgis is again. I'll talk to the boss and see what she says.
  23. Well said, sir. Now how do/can we bridge that gap?
  24. Looks like I'm out as well; we have a birthday to attend. I have high hopes for next month though.
  25. My most sincere apologies Eli but our sitter bailed on us and my wife has a girls night thing planned Tues so I have to bow out. Sorry man. Late war soon though?
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