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Everything posted by Raak

  1. Not just for Grognards anymore...CIA National Security Analyst Volko Ruhnke is designing great boardgames these days: http://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/magazine/in-the-world-of-role-playing-war-games-volko-ruhnke-has-become-a-hero/2014/01/10/a56ac8d6-48be-11e3-bf0c-cebf37c6f484_story.html His COIN Series is pretty nifty. If you like that sort of thing pm me and I'll set up a COIN game.
  2. Looking for a game of 40k or a learning game of Fantasy. Will probably bring some x-wing just in case. Definitely not a board game; well maybe one.
  3. So something like the Tau-Dar "Farsight Bomb" falls where excctly on this spectrum? (2,000 single force org), 2 codices HQ Farsight 165 Shadowsun 135 Bodyguard – 7 suits – 682 4 suits – 2 Plasma guns, Target Locks 2 suits – 2 Fusion guns, Target Locks 1 suit – Iridium armor, Puretide Chip, Multi-spectrum Suite, Command and Control node, Hit and Run 4 Shield Drones 10 Gun Drones Elites Riptide – Ion Cannon, Interceptor 190 Riptide – Ion Cannon, Interceptor 190 Troops 10 Kroot 60 10 Kroot 60 Heavy Sky Ray – Black Sun Filter 116 Sky Ray – Black Sun Filter 116 Eldar Allies HQ Farseer – Bike, Runes of Warding, Shard of Anaris 165 Troops 3 Jetbikes 51 3 Jetbikes 51 1,999.
  4. Anyone have thoughts on the Imperial Knights codex and what it means to the current meta?
  5. </Slips O'Vesa Star Behind back/> Brightly:"Hey Shae!"
  6. I cannot yet confirm nor deny my attendance. It's currently work/wife/astrologically dependent.
  7. </singing/> Bye bye GW. So Long Model Creep. I got all that I'm gonna neeeeed, got all that I'm gonna need </singing end?> Awesome to see this happening. You guys are the perfect ones to spearhead this.
  8. Ahhh. I see now. Thank you!
  9. I know... but once they gain the 3" proximity and have, effectively, a 4++ to re-spawn, infinitely can't they just sit there and then nothing can move them off? Note: I am not arguing rules. I'm just trying to learn them :)
  10. Every time I suspect I will see you I set my screensaver to a ball shaking its hands "no" in fear.....Just in case you know.....Punt! Edit: Of course balls have hands
  11. Oh crap. My math was just "fuzzy" until we started counting WFB. 2+3 ≠ 2 <back to chalkboard>
  12. Sadly, work has me flying out early and back into SEA late tomorrow. Have fun all!
  13. Club the Baby Seals!! <Adjusting filter> I mean.... I agree. It would have sucked if people weren't so welcoming and gracious when I started playing tabletop at DTG. Thankfully things remain that way to this very day! Noone punished my newness with "well now you know because that painful lesson just taught you". That being said, I have had to learn how to take a beating and not be a punk about it. Thanks to all the nice folks who have helped me and are still helping me start this great hobby. You've taught me something cool - how to enjoy BeatFace meta and how to enjoy fluffier fun stuff that makes me learn more about the 40k Universe itself.
  14. Darn! I was hoping to slip that one by ... </kicks can/> :)
  15. Hi Luc! I can't make it down tomorrow but will gladly play you sometime soon. FWIW I don't think it was the list you were up against (I've played against that same calvary list recently) I just think BA is just a tough match for that particular Daemon army. There are lots of people who are happy to schedule whatever type of game you want at any point level. In my experience this is a very mellow and accommodating club. Ask around.
  16. So I wanted to let it be known that I am stcking to the following two 40k armies exclusively for the next 12 months: Chaos Daemons Vanilla Eldar - no Allies; occasionally using the Iyanden supplement Anything else I do will be for funsies or testing.
  17. Sigh - This thread should have been titled "Why I am never opening a damn game shop". A lot of eloquent solutions have been offered here and I think that's admirable but what I'm seeing is that human nature is a bitch and that no one, myself included, will ever put a "social gaming contract" with a store before their own family (i.e. finances), even if they are still marginally supporting the store with a few bucks here and there. The internet makes it too cheap. Sadly this means that Nathaniel probably needs to start looking at things with his own family's interests in mind; not ours or his hobbies'. Screw us. That's what I say. I don't think a lot of the people who game there give a camel spitting flip how this really turns out because we are not the ones who invested in a game store. We just play there, buy some snacks a few fig and a board game, if hes lucky, and go home....where most of us have similar tabletop game rooms. <shakes head>. If he closed tomorrow there would be 5 garage games that night. The players will adapt. Nathaniel probably has that cool back room because he loves tabletop. It is not serving him well from a business perspective. I'm sad that things might change a little for the Warhamsters but more than anything this makes me irritated that what I've often considered to be my osmosis-granted Slavic cynicism is actually just reality. No one would give two farts if that place kicked us out (which they won't because he actually is agonizing about how to appease the people who use that space) because we would all reorganize and "go garage" and then probably get our [big bad swear word] together and get a real clubhouse with dues and paying members like ordo and most everyone else in the gaming world. If this sounds a bit harsh it's because I'm annoyed and haven't had a lot of sleep lately. Mostly annoyed though. I don't want to be the conduit to Nathaniel - never did; I barely know him and some of ya'll have known him for years. PM him not me or more accurately - If you have suggestions, please email them to darktowergames@hotmail.com ...or facebook or whatever. *un-scusbribing from thread
  18. Great point! I DO think once you have all the players drinking the Kool-Aid you need to look at standardization for the Sat. tourneys though. If all the bigtime TO's have been talking and are basically trying to find a consensus which seems like - no Stronghold, Escalation or Dataslates and nerf the 2++ to a 4++ - If the DTG tournaments were to adopt what is becoming the new tournament model it not only legitimizes/affiliates the events with the larger GTs but makes an even playing field. If the players want to play slates and escalation the cool! Send them my way - I like crazy stuff I don't fully understand. For organized tournament play though, I'd be wary of trusting the players you taught vs. just adopting a basic and really non-restrictive RuleSet. YMMV
  19. Well hell boys, I honestly think Nathan just solved 95% of the problem and I really mean that.
  20. CrossPosted thanks to the fellas over at the 40k Wrecking Crew forums: _________________________________________________________________________________________ New dataslates Incubator node 1 tervigon 3 termagant broods Tervigon rerolls 1's when spawning synaptic swarm 1 tyranid prime 3 tyranid warrior broods 18" synapse range Skyblight Swarm 1 winged tyrant 1 hive crone 2 harpies 3 gargoyle broods gargoyles have the endless swarm rule (when a unit is destroyed an identical unit is put into ongoing reserve on a 4+) gargoyles also can control objective markers even if an enemy scoringh unit is in range of it living artillery node 1 exocrine 3 biovores 1 tyranid warrior brood (must have biocannon) All ranged weapons fired by models in this Formation have the Pinning special rule. In addition, models in this Formation that are within 12" of this Formation’s Tyranid Warrior Brood can re-roll the scatter dice when firing weapons with the Blast or Barrage special rule Endless Swarm 3 hormagaunt broods 2 termagant broods 1 tyranid warrior brood Endless Swarm Skyblight Swarm - GARGOYLES Score even if your unit is within 3" of it. 2 people on FB have the rules and confirm this. So you can deny while scoring with Jump Infantry fast attack units. Yup Sweet. Also Endless Swarm - 320 points for 6 additional scoring units. That have the potential to come back after dying. Yeah Tervigons are no longer must take because the cost for 2 tervigons buys this formation + upgrades. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ....So Corey, I'm guessing the rule will be no Data Slates at the monthly 40k tournaments, right? ...and Shae - tell me that doesn't raise your spirits just a wee bit. In 1 month I'll play you Chaos vs Nids. - I'll take Belakor and you take the new Rising Levithan thingiemaboper. #fungameWin
  21. Left Samsung S4 charghing in Back room while playing. It remains there.....eating electricity. No texts for you!
  22. Left Samsung S4 Charching in Back room while playing. It remains there.....eating electricity. No texts for you!
  23. spot on. I think these 'issues' might really be molehills but I don't know. A "molehill" sunk the titanic as it were...
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