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Everything posted by Raak

  1. At least WFB can breathe easy now that this shelves 9th for awhile
  2. Would love to have you both and I understand your pain from migraines on a very personal level. I just cannot have any of that on my property or around me or my family. No judgement. Personal Decision.
  3. Sorry Zimm. Negatory. Perhaps drinks and taxi have given people the wrong impression. I aim for everyone to have a good time and get home safely not show up and drink till we drop. That's not my bag. I wanna game and have a few drinks as I do so!
  4. Thanks for all the input. As this idea continues to form I'll update the thread as needed. Feel free to chime in if you'd be interested and if not no worries!
  5. I do, though you'll definitely be more familiar than me with this title. I've played it twice and both times it was with people who knew it well.
  6. you are never wrong, Kevin. <twitches> but yeah, basically that's's what I think it will turn out to be or at least that's what the interwebz think.
  7. So I wasn't going to repeat the rumors on BOLS but today GW officially took the 6th ed codex off the website. *****7th is coming***** May 25thish by the look of it. <crosses fingers> please make assault relevant and don't fuC< with Daemons, please make assault relevant and don't fuC< with Daemons, please make assault relevant and don't fuC< with Daemons. That is all.
  8. I'm trying to gauge interest in a monthly 6-8 hour game day centered around Heavier games, fine food, good drink and excellent company.
  9. Sorry - Sick kid so just got him down and read this - PM me a number to call you at. Tomorrow we'll figure it out, no problem. We can do it county style with tow straps and 2 drivers or grab a real tow rig from uhaul. I'm up for either.
  10. "I want beat my face 40k, Boardgame or Tabletop Mini Boardgame action this Tues" Preferred game: 40k, 1850-2000; competitive Alternately: Dust Tactics - demos & fun Flames of War - 1000 pts < Japan, Brits, Germany Boardgames & Hex based war games - Eclipse, CColors: Napoleonics, Combat Commander, Dominant Species, Le Havre X-Wing - Beginner level going once, going twice...
  11. I can probably tow it kev. What kind of car is is?
  12. I thought I'd start the Tues night thread. I'd like a game of 40k if anyone's up for it. If you need OFCC prep I can scale a Screamerstar up 2000 and if you want a mean 1850 we can do that as well. The basic list I'm trying out now is an 1850 Screamerstar with 3 Hearlds. Alternately, I'm into (can teach/bring) games of Eclipse, Le Havre, Dominant Species or Command & Colors Napoleonics. If anyone's feeling like it I can bring 2 Dust Tactics Armies and there's always Flames of War if anyone's game; again - I can bring an army if you want to try something out. - Nathan do you need Red Guard in Summer dress still? How many? My filler will be "Pixel Tactics 2 Bitc&es!" or as the designers prefer to refer to it "Pixel Tactics 2" TL;DR - I want beat my face 40k, Boradgame or Tabletop Mini Boardgame action this Tues - - Wait - we have a meeting, no? I think this means we can just pause the game(s), right?
  13. Yeah, I have to say, as soon as we start asking Nathaniel to police Warhamster matters it makes us seem a bit more of a liability than an asset. just my two cents. Also I haven't met this guy but it sounds as if he has people fairly riled up. Might I suggest someone who doesn't anger or get exasperated easily talking to him? If it should escalate to harsh words or worse (Sorry, I'm a worst case scenario kind of guy) then we have already lost the battle. Again, just my opinion. EDIT: I will obviously NOT be the one volunteering to talk to him (just making that clear) :)
  14. From what I've seen, there are few if any rules for counts as or converted models on the Tournament level. At the club level I'd say the cooler the conversion the more street cred you'll get :)
  15. tenure, student, lecture and interrogative analgasism in the same sentence are synonymous with academic court-martial. Happy for your moment but keep your job, lol
  16. I know this was probably covered somewhere but is 3 color paint required now?
  17. Got 'em. In foam and ready to roll in a few.
  18. 1 commissar and 1 priest 4 guardsmen w/ melta. I will go look at old codex and see. if nothing else I will bring 2 proxies.
  19. Your call. Probably not BattleTech or CC: just to avoid a double header. 40k works or a board game. A good board game wouldn't be a bad idea but then again we could probably do 40k faster. Your call. I have to bail by 5:30/6 at the latest if that makes any difference
  20. I'm free for some gaming then. Anyone else as well?
  21. Lol. Yeah, I can be pretty oblivious. I "discover" things all the time.
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