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Everything posted by Raak

  1. Nah - I run my business on hard facts mate: http://www.macroaxis.com/invest/ratio/GMWKF.PK--Probability_Of_Bankruptcy http://www.macroaxis.com/invest/advice/GMWKF Assimilate information from several sources, corroborate, then analyze. Fairly simple stuff.
  2. http://www.macroaxis.com/invest/ratio/GMWKF.PK--Probability_Of_Bankruptcy
  3. I know we've discussed this before but a friend shot me a msg yesterday that made me want to check on GWs fiscal health. -->a broad look at GMWKF --> 75% probability of bankruptcy in the next 2 years. - I'm not liking those odds. To put that in perspective it's the same percentage chance you have of hitting an enemy who's Weapon Skill is half what yours is. ....yeah.
  4. I'm in for shizzle. Ariadna, Haq, or Nomads (are 2 nomad players allowed, Jim?)
  5. Raak: <looks up from feverishly painting and basing>
  6. I'll be soloing Ariadna vs. Nomads between 4-6 if anyone's interested.
  7. Just out of curiosity, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot makes you think X-Wing is a boardgame?
  8. No worries and they're wip not finished and based. next week perhaps?
  9. O.K. Hows this - Infininty between 3 and 6 AND I'll bring my, painted by my own hand, 150 pt Ariadna army!
  10. So, I'm looking for some infinity between 3-6 - anyone?
  11. Love the RoB board you did. The skulls in the lake were a great touch!
  12. Me Me! I can play early: 3ish-6:30 or 8-10. I'm Playing Jim 6:30-8p. If you can play would you be willing to bring an army/list for me to field?
  13. Jim: Skip what I said above and insert what Brad suggested. There'll be time aplenty for the cool bells and whistles I suppose :)
  14. Just checked the thread and saw this. Interested in (among the other awesomeness: Nomad Filth (Guided Missile Launchers + Hacking Device Plus) Hacking Zero V and Multispectral visors
  15. Hmmm... I think Jim and I have some Infinity but I was late seeing the message so I'm not sure what's up. I'm planning on Infinity unless I hear from Jim but will bring 4 points of Vikings or Princes of Rus as backup in case he has OFCC stuff and you guys have a slot open up.
  16. Sherman - Mine are still unpainted but I'm working on it. Vikings & Princes of Rus!
  17. I'd love to play some infinity on Tuesday; say between 3ish and 6ish? Only catch - you'd have to bring both armies .... yeah ... I know; yet still I have hope.
  18. Sorry - it's Tues, 15th. It was a typo. Jim could I get a topic title edit?
  19. No, 2000 pts is fine; no worries. 6:15p on Tuesday it is!
  20. Then how about 40k. OFCC list for you and I'll bump my NOVA test-list to 2000pts. Infinity before, after or soon.
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