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Everything posted by Raak

  1. Clouds are forming on my event horizon. I think this may impact my attendance tonight. Will try to fix this.
  2. lol! "for a good troll call (360)-hug-gies"
  3. How did I miss this? I'm turning email alerts back on. Duncan: Monday?
  4. O.K. Sounds Good; looks like we have 6 for GoT! I'll be down a little earlier with some things to play if anyone's around. 6:30 is probably the Latest we can Start GoT and actually finish. 3-5 hrs ..... I'll try to get some of the set-up done but no promises ;)
  5. I'd really love a game of 40k tomorrow. I have the day mostly free. Any takers? Come on!! It'll be fun!
  6. So We've got some tentative commitment for Game of Thrones the Board Game. Joey, Kacy & Myself. Potentially Eli? We need a solid 6 to make it work best from what I understand. Who's in? Bait = I'll buy the winner's first 2 beers afterwards and player voted most devious gets a wooden dagger (a blunt one obviously...they're quite treacherous after all, now aren't they) Chime in if you want some of the awesomeness! Because ...
  7. So - How about GoT on Friday? Who's In? 1)Wiccus=? 2)Smash=? 3Myself=Yes GeneralRiphook might play and that would give us 4. So... tentatively we need 2-3 more people......Who wants to play GoT? You win or you Die! (not really...horrible bit of advertising, that) Fix- Check your weekend!
  8. bugger! I accepted a Wed. match just minutes after I posted that. I should have edited the OP. Can you do Friday, Sat, Sun or....Monday?:D Crimson Slaughter! Cool - I'm excited!
  9. So which of the following interest you enough to : a) Devote .5 hour to reading the rules and then watch a youtube run-through of the game before showing up to play b) Spending 3-4 hours with friends having a good time Any day or night Wed 4/9 - Sun 4/13 at DTG or I'll host or we can do it at a pubstraunt (coining that)
  10. I can't make game night because of a family thing but I'm looking for a game of 40k the next day, Wednesday 4-9-2014 1850-2000 pts. Friendly or Competitive it matters not to me, lets just play, eh?
  11. I'm trying to stick to 1 system until I learn it but X wing looks awesome!
  12. I'm up for 40k tonight 1850-2000. Be down by 4;30ish...any takers? EDIT: Probably not headed down as nothings scheduled yet and I have some things to do at home anyhow... have a good one and drink one for me!
  13. IG come and IG go. PM me; they might be nomadic if you want them to be.
  14. Room is now spoken for, thanks fellers.
  15. So: I have a Hotel room booked for OFCC at the hotel from the comps website. I'll transfer it at cost -20% to someone who's going. I can't commit to that particular tournament atm (not tot mention I'm not on a team, lol). Good luck and may the Forgeworld be with you. Pm me for room info if you want to grab it
  16. Let me know when you do this Don and I'd be happy to bring 2-3 Frontline Battle Mats + terrain for the big day. ps. Still haven't dropped dust jacket @ DTG. Will do it tomorrow
  17. I've got an Iyanden cover for you, Don. Will drop at dtg this week. No others though, sorry.
  18. Agreed! Is it possible to quit GW and not 40k? Is it still 40k, then? Will it be homebrewed in garages and come at the price of giving up community play? (Note: these are questions I do not have answers for, not counter-points, Kev) I'm genuinely interested in a club based alternate rules system as long as it doesn't require unilateral acceptance and/or a blood oath....well definitely not unilateral acceptance
  19. Warhamster Rally: http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/1314/warhamster-rally
  20. Live it up, my friend. Soak in every second. Live large. Breathe deep. Stay alert. Have fun.
  21. Rick Priestly did an AMA on Reddit about a year ago: http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/172inz/i_am_rick_priestley_ask_me_anything/ It's an interesting read and addresses, albeit indirectly, some of the issues discussed in this thread. Disclaimer: I am not suggesting we all go out and burn our 40k armies and codices and Play Rick's Gates of Antares (not even sure where it's at in the dev process after the kickstarter fizzled)
  22. Yeah, the designer is a Genius; and an ex-analyst for the Company. FWIW he says his personal favorite in the COIN series is Andean Abyss. I like them all. Cuba Libre just hit the table the other night.
  23. FWIW - Reecius @ Frontline reviews the nids Living Artillery Formation and offers a good tactical assessment. Insightful comments section too
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