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Posts posted by Raak

  1. I played a doubble header of 7e 40k today and despite my recent claims that I was swearing off organized 40k for the time being I have to say that I'm recanting it all here and now. Daddy's back 7e. I missed you. [big bad swear word] you Tactical objectives go chop some wood for the damn stove. Now, where was I? Ah yes, being back.


    The problem, you see, turned out to be mostly me. I wanted more from my 3 hour time investment than I was getting but what I failed to see was that the importance you give 40k in your life is determined by much more than just your love for the hobby, a love of playing or winning or even some unknowable combination of the above; It is determined by what you want from 40k.


    I wanted the wrong things from 40k. Now I don't. I won't go into it all here, but basically I do think that the game is playable on both a garage and GT level though they obviously require different mentalities. For the old hands this is probably not news but for the new kids on the block it takes a while to suss out the learning curve in this game and while it doesn't hold my #1 game of all time spot I still love me some 40k - enough to play at least twice a week and that says a lot.


    Looking forward to playing some 40k with ya'll.


    ...and some Infinity too - Lord knows I got bit by that bug harder than a half-starved bedbug goin' at a hefty hillock of flesh.


    and while we're on skirmish - who's up for a kill team game? - garage or FLGS.

    • Like 1
  2. Ofcc practice would rock John!


    I can get there most any time. Sorry, can't reply to the message on the phone...

    Great! I will see you there @ 4:00-4:15 for OFCC practice with 2000 points of Daemons. Looking forward to it, man! if you can't make that time or something comes up call me at 360.610.7389

  3. Well shoot, O.K. I'll put it out one more time but due to scheduling conflicts if nothing materializes by midnight-ish tinight I'll take a raincheck this Tuesday.


    Looking to play:

    • Infinity
    • 40k
    • BattleTech
    • Any reasonably interesting board game supporting 2+ players
    • X-wing ?? (The question marks are self-interrogatives)
    • What chu' got?



    Note: I'll be trying again next Tues and I admire those of you that go down with no game scheduled but since I'm just outside of practical bicycle commuting distance and greedy enough to try to capitalize on other gaming opportunities throughout the week both here and in Seattle, I need the negotiating capital that a Tuesday night at home can often bring.


    Happy Gaming!

  4. In a lame attempt at fairness, I will list the interested parties in the order of their response. Shae, this will take about 15 games at one game every 4-5 weeks, I'm assuming you probably wont want to commute and will therefore do the only reasonable thing: quit before you start and remain here forever to game with us.


    1. Casey

    2. Joey? (Can I get an independent verification of your participation, Joey so that I know Smash isn't just shanghaiing you.

    3. Corey

    4. Andy

    5. Brother Sir



    As soon as Joey gets back to me we will bump up any alternates and get this party started.

  5. I've been wanting to play my copy of Risk: Legacy for ages. It has one rather difficult requirement: That the same 5 players meet to play at least 15 games.


    Starting: ASAP

    When: Not Tuesday Nights

    Where: DTG, Your house, My House, Their house

    Commitment: You need to want play at least one 90+ minute game of Risk:Legacy every 4-5 weeks.


    Now... I need 4 more generals; Everyone I have ever talked to or read about playing this has had an absolute blast - Who's comin' with me?




  6. I have a Memoir '44 with Eastern Front and Med Expansions. Expansions are  in shrink and the base set is punched organized and in excellent condition.

    reason for trading: To be honest I have a lot of games and the fact that Steam has this now makes it's cardboard form redundant (for me)  and since I need the space - its up for trade


    Also Talisman 4e - Punched, organized and played twice.

    reason for trading: Just traded some 40k stuff for a version of Talisman 4e with painted figs


    pm with trade offers. I like random games; not looking to make a killing just trade games.

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