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Everything posted by derek

  1. No void shields are just boring to me i cant buy a model and i cant convert for [big bad swear word]. I dont normally play with fortifications and why use it i want to go forward not sit still
  2. I have 45 and wanna use as many as I can
  3. 40k army looking at 100 to 250 models at a minimum for an ork army
  4. Also the last 80 boyz are slugga choppa
  5. Alright so walked into alot of orks thanks to chappy. So with what i have now ive just been flooded with the thought of green tide goodness. As it stands the list i have in mind is this Ork cad Hq Big mek kff power klaw lucky stikk Painboy Troops Gretchen Gretchen Heavy support 15 lootas 15 lootas Formation detachment Green tide 30 shootas 30 shootas 80 boyz 5 squads with nob 3 with power claw 1 with big choppa 1 bare minimum Warboss power klaw big boss pole Comes to 1848 Things to note is i have no desire to use a void shield generator and the boss in the tide is my warlord for endless waagh. Only question that im stumped on does the lucky stikk add +1 ws to the entire tide since its 1 unit?
  6. So forgive my terrible explanation of what im trying to achieve here. So i want to build a display board around a 3x2 with slots in it for models to sit in. Idea is the bases are flush with the board so their bases would match whatever is on the display board. General idea is ill need a thick piece of wood some added stuff for flavor. Only problem im facing atm is how do i go about cutting said slotted holes in wood ive not a clue on power tools and stuff that would probably be used in this process. I want to add a sheet of metal in the board to magnatize my models so they dont pop out of place at the drop of a bad luck situation. I have a few kind of ideas about this in that i would take a thin piece of wood glue or screw down the sheet of metal then add a second layer of thin wood to hold metal in place and to hide it from site. Then add things for the diroama effect. Any help would be great and i apologize for the absolute wall of text. The Internet so far has provided no results for what im in search of
  7. As much as i love seeing beautiful models all painted up and stuff i have only ever painted 2 armies my dark eldar and my necrons but both times ive gone to tournaments with either army i feel like all i got was weird looks because i couldn't paint very well so kinda discouraging to put paint on models anymore. I am working on models but i cant stand painting
  8. Thats so far though wjat day is it on? And is that the one kear Clackamas
  9. Yea they have tge basic gear 30k squads do just minimum 10 man squads and dont combat squad or have they shall know no fear
  10. Well while i get where youre coming from i feel like 30k does need its own rep because while it is 40k with fancy although crazy expensive units it wants to be the friendly game that is story driven or just for a different version of 40k that lacks the formations and the i take 2 cads alonf with a battke company kind of stuff.
  11. Is anyone gonna he getting into 30k now that like 90% of the costs for the game are easily accessible from gw so theres no messing with conversion rates for basic land raiders rhinos vidicators or whirlwinds or even drop pods. You still need to purchase stuff from forgeworld but its so much cheaper now. Even razorbacks have a place in 30k as a rhino with a heavy bolter attack bikes and land speeders as well im crossing my fingers people get interested in it because i want to play a far more balanced game than what 40k has become
  12. I have my set and the 2 books models are beautiful worth every penny for them alone. Hoping that 30k takes off in the portland vancouver area so i can actually not feel to terrible about the purchases for my army
  13. Well if im investing in a 30k army and i want to run models as other models as long as they have equipment like theor 40k counter parts theres no issue in my eyes
  14. They probably do gw just hasnt released it yet just like the random centurion models thst nobody has heard of until boom look at our marines in sode marines
  15. Guess that's the next question if theres no similar weapon to say grav as long as im consistent then its totally chill?
  16. I was curious because i really like thise models over the gw bikes and just wanted to be sure itd work out and i wouldnt show up with a 30k army as its 40k counterpart
  17. Well grav weapons like gw sells arent available from forgeworld i could get somewhat close with a different weappn but thats about it
  18. So just curious about what the tournament community would do if somebody walked up with sa the 30k jet bikes and said these are my 40k space marine bikes? I mean yes they are different models but really theyre just different because one is longer and on a flying stand. So if they were painted as say imperial fists and i wanted to use them as imperial fists bikes just because im not fond of the gw bike models is that an issue or would most people be totally chill with that?
  19. Ive been watching a couple vids and its the storm raven along with extra stuff. The fire raptor looks like an absolute nightmare but theyre totally needed for some 30k action
  20. How difficult are these to put together ive heard their an absolute nightmare
  21. Well in Vancouver at this time theres me and a friend he has mechanicum and i have salamanders looking to hopefully spark up everyones interest so theres a better player base.
  22. The 2 red books are really all you need for 30k the 40k rule book is the same for 30k. So does make things kinda easier and since it looks like the dollar is dropping in the conversion rates hopefully soon itll be easier to purchase the stuff for 30k
  23. So with that new box coming out is anyone getting into 30k in the Vancouver or portland area?
  24. The rules for 30k are the same as 40k the only difference is the foc. If youre in portland and go to guardian i can being my books its pretty much 40k with more quality units
  25. I have a cdl class b with passanger air brake and school bus endorsements i have worked in security and driving jobs
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