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Everything posted by derek

  1. Can you show me the faq quoting that i cant make a chapter master from the captain
  2. Why not? Its an upgrade just like the heavy destroyer is to the destroyer squads in the destroyer cult. And yes atm i only have 1 pod but im switching over to 5 more pods
  3. If anyone is up for 40k im on my way
  4. Also scout bikes are pretty much my drop pod delivery system. I know they will suffer a horrible counter attack once the pods are delivered
  5. Lack of models available is the general reason for the centurions and getting the 15 grav shots has never let me down with enough hot dice you can wreck alot of things. And since i plan to move to drop pods khan has no real benefit to those. And scout bikes are a smaller foot print that with locator beacons can put me right in the enemies deployment zone without scatter. Being a point cheaper and having a slightly higher toughness doesnt hurt either. So with these things in mind what else could change to help be beneficial to the army. Is the acheron the best knight choice or is there a better one
  6. Khan is on foot because i dont have a model on a bike for him. And most likely will be changed to a chapter master on foot
  7. So list review request tips and what you would do different. The list will have an alteration in the form of drop pods Kasorro khan 3 tactical squads all in razorbacks and with flamers Dreadnaught multi melta heavy flamer drop pod Attack bike multi melta Devestator squad with rockets Chaplain 3 tac squads in razorbacks with melta guns Attack bike multi melta Dev centurions with grav 10th company task force 3 squads of 3 scout bikes Oath sworn detachment Knight acheron
  8. Sometimes as much as i love working for nike's campus i hate the volume of traffic takes an houd to go 2 miles there's a serious issue with that
  9. Sure ill be there closer to 6 or 6:30 traffic from beaverton sucks
  10. Hey im looking for help with my space marine battle company. Would somebody be willing to play an itc game tomorrow at a somewhat competitive level not op or broken just a good struggle type of game
  11. Might have to show me some 30k game play wanna see if I'll enjoy it before dropping 100+ dollars on a book alone.
  12. Lol. Yeah i wanna move to 30k im a HH nut ive heard just about every audio book twice
  13. Ok just wanted to make sure because i wanna run them for fun
  14. Hey guys just wondering did the itc rule on the hq tanks in the tournament scene i got lucky and scored both the book and models so
  15. Its in fhe IA 13 warmachines of the lost and the damned
  16. Well anyways that sucks cause I thought it'd be a funny thing to see. Anyways anyone in the Portland area up for a itc level game next wednesday or the following sunday? I'm trying to critique my ork list so any help would be appreciated
  17. Completely off topic and I hope somebody with some insight to this can help me out. In the itc you can't have a torrent hell storm template right? But what happens if you bought the promethium pipe relays and then sat an archeon (or however you spell it) behind it and fired off that template is it technically a torrent flamer equipped model or given that by a special rule I think the itc ruled on this already but I can't remember
  18. So dropping 12 bikes and the 2 bike hqs swapping them for a big mek on a bike with a kff what would you alter with the points you have available now using what I have and knowing you could grab an extra trukk or something else I know you guys don't think the stompa is tournament worthy but I feel he works in just the right ways especially if you have a big mek or a mek inside fixing him throughout the game.
  19. Ok I don't have 21 ork bikes or a second warboss on a bike or a painboy on a bike. I have 20 boyz 10 gretchen 12 grot tanks with grot zookas 5 flash gitz 15 Meganobz 7 tank bustas 4 Deff koptas 2 warboss ok foot one with pk and one with big choppa Big mek on bike with a kff Zhardsnark 12 bikes Traktor Kannon Kannon 2 trukks 1 battle wagon 1 morkanaught 1 stompa I don't have enough money layin around to purchase the stuff for the list you suggested.
  20. Anyways for the Guardian cup I have 2 army choices a space marine battle company or an ork army I need to get 5 of either razorbacks or drop pods for the battle company or I get 3 meganobz and a trukk for my orks
  21. It was bad dice rolls on my part and good on his. He's amazing I'm not denying that part trust me. He's just not being the shining star I thought he'd be after the 10-20 games I've played with him
  22. I know it doesn't make him bad I know he's a beast when he gets to do stuff but I just feel like he doesn't accomplish enough with what I have for support to make him worth the points at the moment
  23. He's been very underwhelming for me he's died everytime I use him and struggled to get through some terminators in a game and was thus killed by a captain holding the burning blade
  24. Yea as cool as bikes are I think Id prefer them in the fast attack role. Zhardsnark just doesn't do much for me so in regards to changing him to a basic warboss on bike with pk and grabbing the thinking kap and fishing for infiltrate warlord trait in a standard cad would he be able to join a squad of bikes and infiltrate since they don't have the infiltrate rule under the itc
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