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Everything posted by derek

  1. Guess I gotta drop stuff down not sure where to trim the points list came out to 2229
  2. Hey guys in preparation for the Guardian cup I've been working with my orks and I've come up with a list the only thing missing atm is the 3 extra meganobz for the bully boyz formation. Great WAAGH detachment Zhardsnark (warlord) Big mek mega force field bike pk Mad doc 8 bikes nob big choppa 10 boyz nob pk boss pole 7 tank bustas trukk 4 Deff koptas rokkits Stompa Bulky boyz 3x 5 meganobz 2 trukks and a battle wagon rokkits on all trukks and if points allow 4 rokkits on battle wagon
  3. Ah I don't have my codex so I couldn't double check my theory. So it'd be 4 turns then instead of 5 so still useful
  4. Was just double checking to make sure I was reading it right. Don't want someone saying I'm cheating because of that.
  5. The question there is, is that how it actually plays out you'd get access to the tactical doctrine 5 turns in a row on a game that had all those things in a list
  6. So I'm gonna ask my doctrines question here as well. In the demi company they get to use the tactical doctrine once per game so in theory a battle company would get to use the tactical doctrine 3 times due to getting access to each doctrine as a battle company and if you took ultramarines then you get access to a 4th tactical doctrine and of you took papa smurf then you get access to a 5th one right so for 5 turns your tactical marines could be twin linked for both shooting and assault?
  7. That's mostly true until they add heavy armour and get to still roll up that armour save against anything not ap4. And add a pain boy in there and then you have the issue of feel no pain. And a kff just makes it that much more difficult. Trust me orks aren't as simple to beat as they look just take a bit of skill to get used to them
  8. Yea that is true it handles alot of ork things very well and can't be hurt unless it's a power klaw or tank busta
  9. My primary opponent is orks so that's why I say orks it's not to just say hey everyone plays that army. Just using my standard opponent as a reference point
  10. Ok it still promotes a threat to alot of targets that you could potentially struggle against. I could aim a lascannon at the dread in an attempt to blow it up or I can shoot 6 twin linked s7 shots at it and attempt to immobilize it or blow a weapon off and as west said If I have a chance to get that mobile melta unit stuck in your deployment zone then I have a chance to blast it off the board with something different. For 185 points there about it can have melta immunity and take 2 heavy bolters to help deal with that large mob of orks and only dedicated tank destroyers or something with s6 or above will destroy the tank so it has a good all around ability to ignore light basic infantry except when dealing damage to those units
  11. Autocannons work for marines very well since the equivalent of the autocannons is a heavy bolter and everyone says they're terrible I think they work just fine when you fight the opponents that they work best against. Autocannons are the bane of skittari and other low toughness models that have an abundance of special rules so they instant kill guardsmen and guardians and dark eldar warriors and ignore the armour of necron warriors which there is an abundance of in this meta I mean the warriors for necrons.
  12. I believe the horus heresy books came out after the second printing of IA:2 so the book might be right it wouldn't really matter besides the legacies of glory that are at the end of that imperial armour book. And I'm debating on getting into 30k if there's actually players around portland who play it.
  13. You can buy a legacy of glory for the sicaran that gives it ignores cover for like 35 points. They become the answer to things like flyrant spam and jet bike spam because of that ignores cover legacy. I was thinking 2 or 3 for how many I want to run because we'll 3 is a good number to have hell 9 is a good number to have never know what will happen whenever the horus heresey books get released from the gw line instead of forgeworld. But as it stands 2 would probably work best since it's 226 dollars for 2 of them.. my wallet will hurt so much after my purchase of those idk how to fit the book in there too
  14. Ok then I will probably pick up a couple over time. Not sure if anyone could help me out with a scan or something but to save myself 200+ dollars on a book and 1 model could somebody shoot me a link to the rules or email me a scanned pic of the rules or if somebody has a pdf shoot me the pdf via email
  15. So are sicarans worth the money and points now? I mean now that we don't have serpent spam. I know we still have flyrants spam and stuff but in a non competitive point of view for just tough league matches are they really worth what they bring?
  16. Well the question I have now is how does the itc rule it? If I wanted to take a sicaran in a vanilla marines cad well ok let's say 3 of them but you need a master of the forge respectfully but that unit no longer exists would a techmarine suffice because he has the MOTF stat line. If anyone has a way to contact reecius I can just shoot him an email with my question and go straight to the source for an answer I suppose.
  17. IfestedKerrigan has it right is it worth it now in that sense? I'd rather not dump the 100+ dollars on it if I won't ever use it
  18. I mean are the sicarans worth using now that the battle company is a thing that gets free transports and everything
  19. I'm assuming a techmarine would suffice but just checking
  20. So what's the ruling on this one since there's no MOF anymore how do you include a sicaran or 2 or 3 in your list?
  21. So just one question regarding the battle company and the Gladius strike force. If I took 2 demi companies they'd be a battle company yes? So does the auxiliary choice that comes with that also count as part of the battle company or is it only the 2 demi company formations. And do you need more than 1 auxiliary to make the battle company or is that an option after the first
  22. I was confused because he's a level 1 with 2 powers and I was trying to understand why they made him level 1 with 2 powers. I don't play psychic marines very often if at all. I understand how powers are generated but that was confusing to me because when I do play against grey knights I always feel like I'm being cheated somehow. So just as a claification since they're all mastery level 1 excluding the hqs that means they only generate 1 dice correct? And in the itc even though they know multiple powers they can only generate 1 power because they're only level 1. I wasn't trying to be argumentative or be talked down to I was just trying to get some clarity on how the units function in the manner of I hsve this many Dice vs this many powers available to cast.
  23. The 7th ed codex that came out in October? No the dread knight knows banishment and sanctuary according to the digital codex. He's mastery level 1 but knows 2 powers of he takes a force weapon he gets force which would be 3 powers. He's also mastery level 1 so does he know 4 powers or 3 powers depending on if he gets a force weapon. Same deal with terminators they know banishment and hammer hand. Digital codex pg. 147 and 166 for each respective entry.
  24. Ok so the dread knight for example has 2 powers known and is mastery level 1 so he knows 3 powers as mastery level 1. Does he get to exhange a power does he get to know the primaris sanctic demonology power because his powers were generated for him these are the things I'm trying to understand and the book doesn't seem to explain it at all
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