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Posts posted by derek

  1. Ok so here's the list it's been played twice so far and has had good results both ending with a pretty strong win for me but against a very competent player I doubt it'll be as good. One game was 1850 and one was 2000 and I'll put the difference in the list at the bottom



    Decurion detachment 1850


    Reclamation legion

    Nemesor zahndrek

    immortals x5 with tesla night scythe

    warriorsx10 ghost ark


    tomb bladesx3 shield viens nebuloscopes and partical beamers


    Canoptek harvest


    wraithsx6 with whip coils

    scarabs x6


    Anhillation barge

    doomsday ark

    anhillation barge

    anhillation barge



    At 2k my opponent didn't want proxy so I switched to a necron lord with a war scythe res orb and nightmare shroud

    added another 9 man squad of gauss immortals and filled that 5 man squad out to 10 with tesla. And switched the flyer for another ghost ark


    The list with how well it did made me feel better about my necron army I only had night scythes before so being able to play the av13 wall is a welcome change.


    For the 1850 game my wraiths and spyder were the all stars mainly from the Buff from the Spyder and the wraiths killing a night and like 4 other skitarii units in the course of 3 turns definitely made the points back and was really happy.

    The 2k game my tomb blades and ghost arks were the stronger presence killing their fair share of the space commies the wraiths tied up a unit of broad sides and a riptide for two whole turns.


    So any ideas what to switch and change around I have enough stuff to do the destroyer cult as soon as I can get the money to get the upgrade kits and get building. Outside of that I have one extra ghost ark still in box so I'm up for using that.


    Let me know what you guys think and sorry for the wall of text

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  2. Ok so I've been on a weird thought process lately, the question I pose to my fellow ordo members is this:


    a triarch stalker is a very manouravable model ( excuse the spelling errors)


    the front legs of that model can be positioned very far out in front of it but it's body might still be behind the aegis defense line but it's 2 front legs might not so does the stalker retain a cover save from the defense line?


    Not game changing in any manner just wanted to know an answer before I ever try that silly shenanigans on somebody

    • Like 2
  3. Well in the exterminatus rules where it shows the relics allowed to be picked if you took the detachment it says absolutely nothing about only one of each relic can be taken. and other forums have discussed this and have come to the decision that until it's faqd that multiple relics can be taken in that detachment Forums such as war seer and I believe abuse puppy said the same thing a while back when this book was released I can't remember. Other forums have also stated that there is no such limitations frOm that book like the codexes. And I am pretty sure that there is nothing in the rulebook limiting you to one relic from codexes. The idea wasn't taking 2 god shackles on 1 cryptek it was taking multiple crypteks and then adding the benefits to 1 ctan since again straight from the exterminatus rules there's nothing stating that it doesn't stack or that multiple of any relic cant be taken. Fluger I didn't see your posts earlier and I did look at front line gaming's review of the codex and I strongly disagree with alot of reccius determination of good and bad units as alot of people have stated to me since I started this game there are no bad units just bad generals now I have found units that just can't do anything besides be cannon fodder ( dark eldar wyches) but that was after I had looked and repeatedly tried them so. I did read captain A's war game's con review and I did enjoy seeing what he did. Army builder hasn't failed me yet but battle scribe has. Also notice on the relics with my hqs none of them have multiple unless it doesn't effect their wargear such as weapons. Anyways thanks for the help guys again for the millionth time I apologize if I ever came off as condisending or rude or offensive that's not really me I'm very laid back and not one to get fired up about these things

  4. Then the itc might as well write their own rulebook for the game since they obviously do it better. I'm sorry for sounding rude but I've been asking for a while now that we can leave the discussion of the itc rules and stuff alone I'm asking for competitive necron lists not to debate the itc rules

  5. Guys I get that people will disagree with me but I just don't see the rule mechanic working the way you do. So can we please just leave the topic alone Now it's been beat over the head like a million times now so I think we can all agree to disagree with how the mechanic should be played and how it will be played I will just have to ask every time I want to go to a tournament if theyre gonna play the game by the rule book or by that in my opinion somewhat terrible faq the itc prints out. But the original thread was to see exactly what necrons lists were looking like in the competitive scene not really debate the one ruling I disagree with. I'm really looking for actual lists that have been taken to tournaments since the necrons codex came out to events such as the storm of silence the guardian cup and stuff like that. Also I had questions about the mephrit dynasty relics and the ability to use them in conjunction with the necron codex it doesn't appear to say anything about relics and how many a model can take and how many of said relic can be taken so it sounds like you can take multiple god shackles to make a ctan t9 or t10. I'm guessing this is due to the fact that this was released prior to the codex dropping. I know a few people mentioned that I have alot of relics on hqs but when I was using army builder and that's what it allowed me to do so. I know there are no ghost arks shown but they are indeed in the list I just didn't type it out again I apologize for any condisending tones or rude posts.

  6. Anyways the competitive lists somebody mentioned oberon but why him? I think zahndrek would be wayyyyyyyyy better for a competitive army list what about flayed ones I kinda like the idea of 20 of these guys putting out almost as many attacks as a squad of 30 boyz for just a immortal squad more in price. Any other good tips for competitive play

  7. I can't take flyers due to friendly agreements. I only own the transcendent ctan if I had time to get a tesseract vault and take that I most definitely would and I would most definitely spam monoliths if I had them I had one at one time but he exploded when I was moving. And lord hanaur I appreciate that you're in my corner along with a few other people I don't want to come off as a jerk I really don't want people thinking that's what I am so I apologize to my fellow ordo members who have read this topic and have responded if I've been coming off in a rude tone. Anyways looking for some advice on competitive lists I don't have much in the way of crons I have ordered 4 ghost arks because my friends have complained about the flyer spam I was using so I wanted to switch to a ground control game and to be honest orks are the one army barring knights that drive me bonkers and pretty much make me go full retard when it comes to orks. fluger and I played 1 game up north against eachother in a tournament when I came with 6th ed eldar and dark eldar 3 wraith knights and some venoms and he experienced my terrible decision making When It comes to orks. My friend does have a few squads of shoota boyz a couple slugga boy squads 4 trukks 1 battle wagon a mass amount of nobz a couple warbosses gazzy 8 lootas and 9 burnaz and 5 deff koptas 1 war buggy and the storm claw stuff and a deff dread army varies when we play I never can really guess at what he will use because it's almost never the same besides his trukks and the boyz he also has like 20 or 30 gretchen probably more stuff now that we haven't played for 4 months.

  8. That is not what I'm trying to say that my opinion is the only one it's just to me that it's very clear. The rule didn't need changing to me but that is my opinion along with a few other people that I know who play crons. Anyways will somebody please look at my list and tell me if it's good or not

  9. Thank you lord hanur for siding with me here that's what I've been trying to say this entire time but since everyone feels to disagree with that basic concept of rules playing as rules are written to me the spirit of the rule is clear and changing it to your benefit is ruining the spirit of the basic rule. Anyways back to how I wanted to change the topic to list construction does anyone have constructive criticism for my list I posted

  10. ok well i disagree on that ruling because its pretty straight forward on how it works.



    anyways changing topic in my own thread i have built a list that i am gonna be using against a friend he has expressed to another of our friends his dislike of flyers i'm not here to debate that i am just going to work with it and build a list in the idea that he has no flyers in his army list.



    i'm using the mepheret dynasty cohort detachment and heres the list 


    mephrit dynasty cohort  1994/2000


    HQ: Cryptek 


       phase shifter


       god shackle

        solar staff



    resurrection orb

    phase shifter

    viel of darkness


    solar thermasite



    Necron warriorsx20

    immortals with tesla x5

    immortals with tesla x5

    Tomb Blades shadow looms and nebuloscopes

    transcendant C'Tan



    Canoptek Harvest 


    Wraiths with whip coils x6

    scarab bases x3



    Annihilation nexus

    Doomsday Ark

    Annihilation barge with Tesla 

    annihilation barge with Tesla



    I'm open to slight changes dont have much else to use honestly i have thought about a decurion but i have been wanting to try something different it kinda feels limiting in the decurion detachment.


    so any tips changes or dirty tricks i can try please enlighten me so i can modify the list my friend is playing orks and i'm not to sure of what hes gonna bring its been almost 4 months since i've played him

  11. It's easy to interpret to me works just fine as the way it's written you just can't benefit from the rules next turn if you're not next to the spyder it works just fine the way it is there's no reason to change it what so ever since weRe not bringing anymore than one of that formation so not sure why the change is needed if we had the ability to bring multiple of those formations I can see it but with only 1 no I disagree For the change. The itc can say it's being fair but I don't see it as being very fair

  12. The aura effect of the spyder is bs it does exactly what they're saying it does without the limitation of being in that bubble the entire turn just for the start of the turn to me and another friend who's been doing this game since 2nd ed there's absolutely no point in doing that nerf it's just playing favorites with imperial stuff and all them other waac whiners saying omg that is so op because they can do that every turn until they fall out of that 12 inch bubble

  13. So does anyone disagree with what I said about making the roll better than a 4+ with modifiers it can be interpreted in different manners depending in how you read the rule I see it as I can get a bonus and pass the roll on a 2 due to modifiers but my friend says no you need a 4 on the dice to pass so any ideas?

  14. Ok so besides those few units people have said is there anything else worth looking at in the codex. I personally like the deathbringer flight for some super strong anti tank because of the Lance s10 ap1 approach. Has anyone looked into how you can manipulate reanimation rolls with the decurion and crypteks? Being able to pretty much always pass unless you roll a 1. Since you can never have better than a 4 up roll but crypteks can manipulate it so in theory you can have a 2 up. Just due to the wording

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