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Posts posted by derek

  1. So I have about 3k in tyranids about 54 of each gaunt ( alot of the shooty gaunts have devourers ) 1 flying tyrant with the devourers about 20 gargoyles 6 ripper swarms 5 malenthroapes 1 tervigon 1 trygon prime 1 carnifex magnetized arms 1 hive crone 3 pods 2 built 1 nib I believe that's everything I have. I also have a fully painted hierophant. All models are in various stages of paint. I will provide pics to serious buyers I'm asking 450 and for an extra hundred there will be the battle foam for the army just the foam no bag to go with it. Also I have the codex psychic cards and the forge world book for rules for malenthroape the bio titan and the other lords of war and the dimarcheon. I don't sell these willingly I do it because I am desperate for some money. So please serious buyers only please

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  2. Ok so I have a different list with eldar primary


    Farseer bike mantle

    Dire avengers wave serpent

    jet bikes

    2 squads of 2 hornets

    wraith knight


    Real space raiders detachment


    Archon Wwp shadow field

    3 squads of warriors venoms with splinter cannons

    3 razorwing jet fighters with dark lances and splinter cannon and stock missles

  3. farseer on bike

    Jet bike squad

    hornets pulse lasers

    Wraith knight



    3 squads of warriors in venoms

    razorwing jet fighter

    2 more Venoms


    Dark eldar is the primary all venoms have splinter cannons


    Razorwing has dark lances and splinter cannon


    The rest is as explained any other ideas for this 1850 list the dark eldar is using the real space raiders detachment.

  4. I accept that ranged d weapons could very well be abused. And I also got the sarcasm. I'm not familiar with alot of the death stars and stuff that are discussed on the Internet honestly. Like I said previously I'm frustrated at myself for not realizing that the itc is the major tournament rules body around the 40k tournament community. I normally just play the game by the rule book and adjust lists to answers from the rule book I don't think d weapons are as powerful as they were in 6th edition but they can still be abused and that would ruin the game for me too but I find that it provided a balance to the death stars and the knight armies. and made players play a tactical game instead of auto include i win games. But I only really play in Washington so I don't have exposure to the crazy waac lists out there in the world.

  5. Well the issue I'm having is I ordered the model under the assumption that the bao lvo rules were being used I get that captain a changed According to the itc format changing. I just wasn't aware that there was a change that was going to happen I'll be honest the itc format I've never really heard of until now. I purchased the guardian cup ticket assuming again lvo and bao format was being used. Where the lynx was still allowed. Again I don't mean to sound like an upset 4 year old Im just irritated that I don't follow as closely as I should to the tournament scene because I'm not a big league tournament player I've only been active in non FLGS tournaments since the previous guardian cup in November. So it's more a personal frustration than any sort of anger towards captain a or any of the front line gaming community. I expect that the guardian cup will still be fun At least I hope it will be

  6. Ok I don't have a whole lot of eldar. I am doing dark eldar with eldar allies I don't own fire dragons and I couldn't do wysiwyg with enough trueborn or scourges to really get the good counter. I have alot of raiders and venoms and 4 hornets but the lynx was the model that made up alot of points. Like I said in Vancouver almost nobody uses ranged d weapons. I don't own a skyshield so I don't know what the broken combo is there. And IApologize if I seems like I'm complaining about this I just got irritated seeing the change.

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