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Posts posted by derek

  1. Well the part that irks me about the itc right now is allowing the battle company because it's still duplicating a formation even if it is a new formation that's just a blatant disregard for the rules they set up. I wish they would just quit with all the random things they do I get it prevents "spam" but you're not because you're allowing free transports so isn't that a spam in itself. Jet bikes are still spammed and now marines get to bring two really solid formations that can decimate alot of armies unless you had a really good counter like having a few canoptek harvests would be because the whole formation has fearless units in it. Personally for me I think the itc needs to go back now that fantasy is taking over and thoroughly look at every brand new codex and see what they want to do with them now that we have a long wait before anything new comes out And let the community decide if they wanna fight that limited release skyhammer formation or if they wanna fight a battle company that gets like 40 objective secured units. Yea bike spam is mean and I totally agree with them but this is just irritating to see because the tournament scene I can play in around here is mainly just itc format unless I travel to lord hanars tournaments (which are very solid and very enjoyable btw) probably because of the loose restrictions on the game and everything. But I'm probably just gonna travel north now and play cause I'm fed up with itc taking over the whole meta around Vancouver and portland

  2. I apologize if I am coming off as aggressive or argumentative just explaining how I feel about certain things and what I feel I wanna do because I'm not a big death star fan. The itc to me is just picking and choosing what armies get buffs and what ones dont I get that the harvest formation is mean but come on it doesn't need a nerf in any manner.

  3. It's pretty self explanatory to me you need to be within 12 inches at the start of the player turn to get the benefit from the Spyder if you can't continue to stay within 12 inches by the next turn then you lose your ability to get the special rule next turn Idk what needs to get changed because you get it until the following turn. What other options do I have to try besides a big death star because to me thats just lazy 40k you're not really using "tactics" just saying alright this unit will carry the game along with key units to support it.

  4. So necrons apparently have really nasty top tier lists so what do these lists have in them because I hear the itc is changing things and I will be honest I'm not impressed with the fact that they're changing anything for necrons seeing as they're allowing that battle company and all. I have also been reading about the skyhammer formation and getting turn 1 assault and stuff. So as a necrons player how do I deal with the cheese spewing fourth from gw. I'll be honest any more changes to the necrons codex and I might just say it's time to throw in the towel with the itc

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  5. The we can kill any unit with no effort with d weapons is a lame excuse it's only killing you outright on a 6 you didn't need to change the chart besides the 6 if anything stomps are way worse cause it just kills everything under the blast template on a 6 no question at least ranged was 1 model was very very dead not a whole unit on a 6. Wraith guard were s4 for purposes of instant death and could never get a 6 so bad example there

  6. I'm perfectly calm I just don't get what the huge nerf really accomplished in reality. You still allow knights to come to the board as an exception of only 1 lord of war since their a whole codex. You allow two of the same formation to combine as a battle company per the boom but per itc rules you can't duplicate formations. I don't mean to come off as grumpy or angry I'm just saying that picking the rules you hold every army to and then changing some is just dumb. I don't think the d3 wounds was bad yes it had the chance to be 3 wounds but you got invulnerable saves and cover saves no matter what unless a 6 was rolled. I support that there needed some balance to make sure there wasn't any crazy amount of spam and I am cool with it because I for one would get sick of mass wraith units every game But d weapons shouldn't have been nerfed to oblivion just a Suttle change to the one roll that made everyone angry.

  7. The d3 wounds was just fine what I think should have been the change was on a 6 you do 3 wounds no armour or feel no pain and invulnerable saves at a negative 1 to save cover is allowed and any failed saves cause instant deat. A 2+ invulnerable save vs a d weapon was dumb anyway so you still get some sort of save and a chance to live.

  8. Yeah allow the titans laugh at the way to deal with them if you're not playing space marines or necrons or craft world eldar. The its changes rulings for the armies benefits but couldn't do so for any other item like vortex I don't think it should suffer that bs table the itc created because d weapons are meant to just vaporize whatever they hit not just say hey I'm glad that gun that is weaker than me can kill you but lordy you still get to survive my destroyer weapon. I think the itc should have just changed the 6 result not the whole chart cause the gripe was the 6 result right

  9. I don't think it was very fair to allow that duplicate formation. I hope that Reece changes his mind or at least allows other armies to do the same thing. I don't think it's cool to just let a army that gets freetransports because of duplicating a whole formation is just bull. I agree that the itc has stated that it votes for everything as they did about the whole ranged d weapons and they also voted against duplicate formations because that'd get kinda crazy but hey guess alot of people won't be down for the itc rules if they just favor one army because it's 1 formation is stupid op and eldar were soooooooooooooooooo op and then this..... man not sure how I feel about this

  10. I don't play eldar really I have a small army being built and I was just wondering without having to rely on the cheese of the dex what would you do. My friend has told me mass guardian's can do it too anywhere in the 60-80 range could manage him. I figure 2 squads of 2 hornets with pulse lasers and anything that can get ap2 access would be goodagainst him but I didn't want to think I just had to load up on mass ap2 weapons

  11. Ok but like fluger said the quote is directly from the book showing only one per phase. I mean I get the points you guys are making and I could possibly be wrong and that's why I'm asking. But it could mean 1 and only 1 type of grenade can be used per phase so no captain with melta bombs and tac squad with krak grenades too but idk

  12. Are you guys positive because it says on page 180 of the big rule book specifically in big bold words only 1 grenade of any time can be thrown by a unit per phase. Does that mean you can't mix haywire and melta bombs or you can seriously only throw 1 grenade

  13. So I see people's answer to imperial knights is generally mass grenades normally haywire but I'm confused about how everyone can get so many grenades off in 1 phase before said unit toting haywire is splattered into the ground. Since in the 7th ed rulebook it states under grenades you can only ever throw 1 of any grenade in any phase you cant kill an Imperial knight with just 1 grenade unless it had 1 hull point left so can somebody explain that to me

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