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Everything posted by Atules

  1. Yeah, I saw it at GG the other day. I'll at the very least pick up the rulebook. Now, I need to convince at least one other person to pick it up with me!
  2. Someone came up with some campaign rules. Figured I'd share it! http://www.manbattlestations.com/hostedfiles/fa/MBS_FA_campaign15nov14.pdf
  3. Hey Pax, keeping missing ya. Do you play on saturday during the day at all? My weekdays are pretty sketchy.
  4. Cool, sounds good! Yeah, I mean there are a lot of things that I feel they need to fix in terms of how loot is acquired but I am curious how the game will progress. I did see your invite before seeing this post. Had no idea who you were. I'll accept the friend request!
  5. Yeah, the game looked really interesting today. Too bad I didn't have a chance to get the demo. Definitely keep me posted too!
  6. Curious if anyone here plays Destiny on the PS4. Looking for casual PvE and PvP players! PSN: Atules
  7. Awesome! I've been looking at the book myself and I'm pretty excited by the scenarios
  8. I'm interested. I am up for pretty much anything!
  9. Awesome, I'll also pick up a copy of Hail Caesar. Chances are if I like Black Powder then I'll probably like Hail Caesar. What army are you fielding again?
  10. Thanks for playing Black Powder yesterday. I didn't realize how fun it is! If you're looking for someone to play any historical games I'm super interested. I love historical gaming and definitely can play anything you have. Just let me know and I can get the rules for whatever system you're using. Once I get the AWI supplement would you be interested in giving it a go again?
  11. Thats a bummer. Are you planning on building a AWI 28mm army?
  12. Hi Taran, interested in joining us on saturday? My AWI was just shipped today!
  13. I can do the Guardian on Saturday. How about 12? Do I need to bring terrain or anything? I have a few houses for FoW stuff but thats about it. By the way, my name is Peter. Nice to meet you! Or will meet you.
  14. Awesome! Yeah, i have them facing the long end. Want to get together and try this out? I have no idea where the best place to play is. Got any suggestions?
  15. I use the command stands from FoW and place 4 15mm size men on them
  16. Just got into portland and here is what i have: Americans 39 stands of regular inf 15 stands of light inf 15 stands of militia British 50 stands of regular inf 10 stands of light inf 15 stands of grenadiers Hopefully that is enough
  17. If you are looking for 15mm i use https://www.bluemoonmanufacturing.com I like them a lot but i'm not an expert at 15mm so you may find something better!
  18. Awesome! Yeah, i'll order a copy when i get into portland.
  19. I have two armies. American and British. Off the top of my head I can't remember how many but it should be enough to start a game. All infantry and a mix of light inf, grenadiers, line infantry, and a few militia. I've never played black powder but I do have a lot of stuff. Talking about commitment.
  20. Warlord games has a AWI supplement coming out next month. I'm preeeetty excited about it! http://us-store.warlordgames.com/collections/new-releases/products/black-powder-supplement-rebellion
  21. Well, you are in luck. I have 15mm AWI!
  22. Cool, what time period do you play? I have a bunch of AWI figs
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