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Posts posted by valourunbound

  1. Hellooooooo. It has been very quiet in here. Is anyone alive??


    I'd like to set up a game to test this, but I don't even know if Sunday nights are still happening. I'm available Sun-Thurs evenings. Yes, I know I'll have to row through traffic to get anywhere, but I'll deal with it.



    P.S. Here is the latest announcement from the 9th Age designers.


    Dear players

    The way work is done on the 9th Age is very different to what many gamers have been used to in the past. So we are compelled to give a few explanations to ensure understanding with the community, for whom we are doing this.

    The 9th Age is currently in, what is known in the gaming industry as, pre-beta testing stage, and will soon enter the beta testing stage once the army book development teams get selected.

    The current stage in the development of the game is a period when the product is almost always kept from the scrutiny of the public and these initial drafts are always prone to sudden changes. In contrast to most game developing projects we have decided to keep the public in the loop from the very begining, and it is this process that you are currently observing and participating in.

    During this initial period before the beta army documents are drafted the imput of the community is valuable as a failsafe mechanism. All input is appreciated but the one optained through playtesting carries greater weight. Here we depend upon you as the community to help us out in the playtesting process (to suplement our own internal playtesting) so that we may produce the best game possible.

    The current TAC document is here to provide a stop gap measure that allows players to play with their models in the 9th Age and is far from a finished product. In addition the TAC army lists will serve as a skeleton for the initial drafts for the future army books. Currently the TAC lists lack certain rules players have been acustomed to, due to streamlining. Most if not all of these will return in one form or another in the army books.

    So we ask the community to help us out by testing the drafts we present you. Also don't be alarmed if you playtested an earlier version of the document, as this will also provide us with valuable information, showing us if the change made was validated or not.

    At the moment we are focusing on the units far more than one characters because the latter are easier to balance, in order to help us out we would like to ask you if you could play with more units than usual in your games. When selecting army lists for you playtest games we would be thankful if you would take only the necessary characters and focus on the meat of the army, which is the units. Also through current playtesting it has been shown that the army size of 2000 points is best suited for testing units, since at that size of the game it is easier to notice if a certain unit is weaker or stronger than it should be compared to its cost. That said we are not telling you to not play your average sized games (at whatever points size they may be) as different sizes of the game are prone to providing different data. For the moment we are focused on balancing our game in the 2000-2999 point range which is an average game that would take an evening to play and is most often encountered in tournaments.

    What is important is that you report your experiences from these games so that we may have appropriate data needed to produce a quality product for the benefit of all. So please remember all of this will be very hard to achieve without you, the playtesters.

    As a final note we would like to thank you on all the feedback, and help you have already provided, and invite you to continue on this game developing journey with us.

    The 9th Age team

  2. Hey guys.


    9th age is nearing its beta release in the next couple of weeks. So far they have released three sneak peaks of rule changes that are included. These include fixes for Gutstars, Heroes on Chariots and Steadfast. I'm most excited to be able to run a HE character on a chariot, because it will finally be stronger than dollar tree paper towels. 


    Links with more goodies: http://warhammer.org.uk/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=98&t=130720&sid=711c60ef5007188dd9c6655e2f8fc53c


    Is anyone willing to test out some of these changes after they release the beta?


    That or we can just continue theoryhammering in this thread. s'all good

    • Like 1
  3. Only one problem with that thinking: if no one trys any of the systems, none will ever win out.


    Another difference: it doesn't cost any extra money, unlike backing a new storage medium.


    I agree that we shouldn't decide yet. We should try all of them and be flexible if another appears or if our favorite dies.

  4. You mean to apologize to Patsy 1.

    Patsy 2 is very similar to Patsy 1, save for the missing and/or injured limbs. However, the two have never been seen in the same room at the same time. There is much controversy regarding the two Patsys.


    Batrep time!

    Game 1: Traces to Emprise vs Jeffery's Undead. Jeffery had claimed that my warband would struggle versus a fear

    causing army. He was not incorrect. I managed to pass 2 fear tests on leadership 4. My plan was to be charged by his Wolves and Zombies, and that is exactly what happened. While he did rout before I, he walked away with 6 information points versus my 8, so it was not a huge loss.

    Post game: 1 Verminkin died. Again. I'm seeing a theme. 3 of my heroes hit a box, as well as my Verminkin. This resulted in BS4 Verminkin and a Black Skaven with The Art of Silent Death (muahahaha).


    Game 2: Breakthrough vs Evan's Middenheim. Evan was the defender, so he set up in the tower, and I deployed in an aggressive position so I could try to take it. First turn I caused 2 wounds to the Ogre Bodyguard. This triggered his ability, "Invincability". At this point, the Ogre slaughtered 5 rats, and I failed my rout.

    Post game: Nobody importent died, and my Night Runner leveled up to get +1 leadership (just what I needed).


    N.B. BTB scenarios don't increase loot. Go back to normal ones.

    • Like 1
  5. So... Weird question. I have read the contents using... Other sources. I would be willing to take the book off your hands, but I'd need the book to be well made. Are we talking standard army book paper back, or a nice hard back?


    Alternatively, you could just come to WoW on Sunday and I can see for myself.

  6. Time for my daily rules question:


    Say I take a wagon, and load it with slingers, and start destroying everyone. For this to work, I need to know a few things: How many horses/animals does it come with? As many as I can fit on the base? Does the hero who bought it have to be the driver? Does a hero have to be the driver? If the wagon is destroyed in a battle, is it permadead? If I only lose a horse, do I have to buy a replacement?

  7. Quick post carnage report:
    Vs Brad's... Mercenaries of some faction
    1st Game: Occupy. We rolled 4 objectified buildings, which means we would have to fight over at least one building. There was one in each deployment zone, and two next to each other, in the middle of the board. The first few turns were pretty slow, with some shots fired, and one rat being taken out of action. I was hiding from his shooting (BS4 longbows???) in all the buildings. Then, on turn 6, I left cover all at once. He couldn't handle the overwhelming numbers of my rats. I took a few of his men down, and he self-routed. Victory for the Skaven. Post-game: 1 mercenary had to be replaced. 1 Verminkin died from his wounds, and a replacement was quickly summoned from the Eshin output at REDACTED. My Sorcerer reached an advancement box, and leveled up his (drum-roll please) Leadership. Piece of [big bad swear word].

    2nd Game: Skirmish. I ran at him. He waited for me. He fired his long bows, killing some rats. First turn, 5 rats failed their jump test. On I4. Out of... about 7 tests. That was a theme for the game, giant rats rolling 5+ on jump tests. When I finally got to him, he held the choke point on a bridge. We fought for several turns. He passed two rout tests on a 7. When he killed enough of mine to make me rout, I failed the test, and the Mercenaries from somewhere won the game. Post game: However, this was a shallow victory, for the Mercenary leader died from being bit in the leg by a diseased Giant Rat. With that loss, the Mercenary squad was disbanded. Meanwhile, the Verminkin fresh from the Eshin outpost died. He was quickly replaced.

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