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Posts posted by valourunbound

  1. I feel like I should stop volunteering for things. And I'm sure Evan doesn't want to face me agaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain. It'd be like the 10th time in a month. Ok, the third time in three weeks. Whatever.

    C'mon people, someone play Rudra. He's just like Grimace [not really]! (I had no idea who that was until 4 seconds ago)


    That said, I and Brad will be throwing down at Red Castle tonight around 6:30. I'm sure there would be time for plenty of games if anyone wants to drop by.

    • Like 2
  2. Math has been done.

    I have come to the following conclusions:

    1. The old Master of Blades and the new Master of Blades are both 16.7% better than Parry.
    2. New Parry is technically worse than Old Parry. See below chart. However, that is because old parry was significantly better when the successful hit was a 3. While 3+ to hit does happen, I would argue it isn't the majority of cases, especially when you consider that you must have a sword to parry. Feel free to prove me wrong. Outside of 3+ to hit, New Parry and Old Parry average to be equal.
    3. [With Old Parry] Don't try to hit a Dwarf with Master of Blades and two Dwarf Axes. It doesn't work.


    Here is a massive ugly chart that shows... everything. Someone might be able to draw more conclusions from it than I have presented here. 6eeqfVe.png

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  3. those 7 models just need to shoot 3 of your rats off and kill 2 in combat and ta-da roll your cute rat leadership!


    False! With 21 models you have to kill 6! 


    P.S. I'm disappointing no one noticed that Skaven are capped at 20 models. What can I say, I'm a cheating bastard rat. Just like rolling a 13 on 2d6 to win the game :)



    P.S.S. I'll run the math on parry, etc. Is the goal to nerf parry or keep the same numbers? Furthermore, with Master of Blades, are we looking for a nerf or an equivalent buff (e.g. 15% better parry)?

  4. Was the Shadow Warrior list official or fan made?


    Another question: A certain person believes that parrying with dwarf axes is superior to parrying with a standard sword. I believe this is due to the dwarf axe Parry rule not being edited like the main book's Parry rule. As such, I believe a dwarf axe uses the same parry that the rest of us sword-wielders use. Is that correct?

  5. Hey now, I can only have 20 +d3...


    Yeah that punking was annoying. My assassin is claiming to have a broken leg... but in reality his pride was wounded. And he is now afraid of dogs. And pigs.



    Question: Are we doing anything with wagons? I'm seeing them mentioned in the materials.


    Another Question: Are Elves OP or something? I didn't see any in the warband list.

  6. I'm pretty sure that so many changes have been made that Swedish is invalid anyway.

    Swedish wasn't perfect to begin with, so I say just discard it and play the game as you have modified it. You've worked hard to simplify certain parts of the game. Why not simplify the army construction phase :)


    NB: I love Swedish. I would trade the extra math practice for a fun game any day.

  7. Different people are bothered about different things.


    I think that the writers like the movement shenanigans in 8th edition.  I think a lot of people like them.


    Of all the things people complain about (of which there are many) movement is not typically one of them.


    EDIT: I've play Eric. I know about movement shenanigans.

    • Like 2
  8. Take this with a grain of salt: I will be playing RealHammer with Evan (rudra34) tonight at Guardian at 6:30.

    Evan plays quick. I have no idea what I'm doing. This puts the game length at about 2.5 - 3 hours. 

    If you show up around 9pm, and are willing to hang out for a bit, I could play AoS with you after the game with Evan.


    If that's just too random and unscheduled for you, np :)


    Edit: turns out Guardian closes at 10 tonight. AoS is quick, but it may not be THAT quick.

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