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Posts posted by valourunbound

  1. Thanks for hosting the tournament @Smashthedaen! It's nice to see the entire PNW T9A community in one room (one manly tear...)

    I would personally like to recognize the beautifully hand-crafted sportsmanship sheets. Really a testament to the wargaming hobby.


    Personal take aways: 

    1.3 is a larger change from 1.1 than I expected (these were probably my... 3rd-5th games with 1.2/3) Gonna have to rethink how the army needs to work.

    Meat grinders++

    Plague Disciples++

    Shamanism only seems good when not being cast on Rats-at-Arms. Back to Comet: the lore?

    Probably need to go 2+ AS on my Doomblade Tyrant. I'll probably still fail my saves but at least I'll have a chance

    T5 Dreadmills really... are not T6. Gotta play them different. Which means hiding until later.

    Colds take way too long to get back to 100%.

    Dane is no longer the primary suspect in the Great Movement Tray Heist of 2017. 

    • Like 1
  2. http://ulthuan.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=69344 <- example of Swordmaster's batrep. Note the photobucket is down right now... so check in a few hours. Yes, I know it's the wrong game (he's a traitor, more akin to a druchii than an asur).


    http://battlechronicler.com/ <- what he uses. There are guides around. Should look enough like mspaint to pass inspection at work.


    That said, I couldn't even tell you used mspaint, so GJ.



    BTW I'm beginning to warm the wife up to the idea of driving to Bellingham, so you better get that tournament going.

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  3. Lots of (European) people are saying they won't move to 4500. What are we going to do here in the PNW?

    I don't really care either way. It's not going to let me play more games in a day than I otherwise would. If anything I would hope I could bring more types of lists as I now have sufficient models to play that style, whereas before I was short a few.

  4. An actual list would be great (so we know how many points you need to add)

    I'm not a fan of the midsized VG units. I tried running them once and... they did nothing. They really need some character support.


    Rats-at-arms + meat grinder = tons of fun. 

    I'm not impressed by the Vermin Hulks with Chief, but I may have screwed up in my test game. 


    As for flanks, the trick is to either 

    • block anyone from getting there by having more bodies in the way
    • kill it 

    Units of 50 is pretty much the norm. About 40 for VG and 30-40 for Plague Brotherhood with a Pendelum.


    I think you should look into getting some shooting. 

  5. I'd say they might be a little overboard right now. They can do a lot of damage with little to no retaliation possible, depending on the matchup.

    I can't speak about Grudge Busters or Copters specifically though. Have you checked out the Dwarven Holds forum? http://www.the-ninth-age.com/index.php?board/6-dwarven-holds-dh/


    Some quick stats from a recent large tournament (ETC): 

    6/15 dwarves took Grudge Busters, and five took two.

    14/15 took some form of copter. Most took two Attack and one Flame, though the bomber was seen plenty.

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