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Posts posted by Sugarlessllama

  1. I would love to see a rule similar to the Mounted Assault rule for Codex: Space Marines. Maybe something along the lines or:


    "Winged Assault: If an Independent Character with the Blood Angels faction takes a Jump Pack, Assault Marines become a Troops choice."

    • Like 1
  2. Say what you want, but I did pretty well in Warmachine tournaments taking sub-optimal lists, and models the internets had declared horribad. Did I win all the time? Nope. But one can never expect to win every single game. But I had fun every single game. Which is what I was going for. The W was just the frosting. 


    Since coming over to 40K I have had a great time playing the armies I thought looked neat. And sure, sometimes I lost pretty hard. But I just tried using what I had in a different way, and I had a better run the second time. 


    But that's me. Your mileage may vary. :biggrin:

    • Like 1
  3. No. I just enjoy the challenge of a good scheme. Look for the Novamarines. I painted those. And the studio lead painted an Angels Sanguine army too.




    I actually did a small group of Novamarine terminators. The scheme is one of my favorites, and I love their lore. However, I could never got the lines straight when I was doing the tac squads and they came out looking like poop. :(


    On the plus side, it did give me cause to make my own custom chapter and I have loved working on them. 

  4. So I am starting to finish up my planned projects for both my Space Marines, and my Imperial Knights. Which means I am going to need a new project lined up. Right now I am really eye balling Blood Angels. However, I am unsure which chapter I should build and paint. Although I have narrowed it down to three choices:


    Blood Angels: I have never done a founding chapter before, and I love the look of the models. The bright red is something that really pops on the table, and I love the lore presented for them.


    Flesh Tearers: I have really enjoyed the Andy Smilie fiction that has been published for them. I kind of like the idea of making an anti-hero chapter. I'm not too crazy about the darker red, but on the other hand it is super easy to pull off. And I think it would look good when they are all together on the table top. 


    Custom Chapter: I had a ton of fun making my own custom chapter for my Vanilla Space Marines. And it would stand to reason I would enjoy doing the same for the Blood Angels. But I don't really have a neat lore idea, but I do have some fun hobby ideas for the force. I would most likely use quite a few Dark Angels models in the force in order to make a more robey, crusadey, looking chapter. 


    What do you guys think?

  5. Why not? Is autism an embarrassing or shameful condition? I've met Pax, and even played a game with him a few years ago and I was legitimately curious. I meant no offense.


    Things of a personal nature are best left to PMs. Remember, while Pax might not be upset by your comment, there might be another gamer within the community that is hurt, or made to feel unwelcome by said posted comment. The key to keeping internet discussions civil, is to always remember that your posts should be:

    1. Clear
    2. Informative of your position, or argument
    3. Inclusive


    Otherwise you risk sounding more like a troll, starting a flame war, or more dangerously.... making someone who has been lurking in the forums out of a desire to participate within our community, lose the desire to do so. 


    Another way to think about it is this: manners, they cost you nothing. But can reap great rewards.  :laugh:

  6. Well, I suppose the big advantage to the new Space Marine codex, is that there is a lot of flexibility. Tons of different ways to build an army. But I think there is still going to be a place for BA & SW. That is going to be in specialized armies. If are running BA for example, it might not behoove you to run shooty terminators, but instead fighty terminators with a banner, led by a sanguinary priest. The close combat focus of that unit is very much the feel of blood Angels, while the unit makeup is something that Space Marines can't do. Why use Vanguard Veterans when you can use Death Company or Sanguinary Guard? Why use bikes, when you can use wolves?


    The key,I think, is to focus on the unique units that your codex can offer; instead of getting into a mental arms race over whose tactical squads are better? How about how are your tactical squads different?


    For me? I think I will be adding a drop pod to my army for my Centurions. I love my Devatator Centurions, and use them quite a bit. Now I have the chance to deploy them via drop pod? Yes please! :D

    • Like 1
  7. I found the perfect chapter!  


    After painting up a test model, I really liked the white armor with red accents.  Bryan also encouraged me to find a way to use my Blood Angels models, which of course made using wing iconography necessary.  So after a few hours of internet searching I discovered....drum roll.......


    The Storm Hawks



    They are an existing chapter, but a blank slate.  Nothing written about them.  Founding uncertain, possibly from Raven Guard, but possibly not.   


    Very nice. I look forward to seeing them on the table top. :)

  8. Hey hey,


    So I have been looking over the new Space Marine Codex, and I am liking it so far. I really like the layout of the new book, and some of the new information about the heraldry common to the various chapters and such.


    As for the rules, I think they're pretty neat. So far I like:

    1. Tank Squadrons: I like the idea of making an all tank based Space Marine army.
    2. Walker Squadrons: I am a bit on the fence about this. However, I am going to put myself in the "Pro" column on this change. They are going to be way more fighty.
    3. Fast Attack drop pods: I really like this change. I think I am going to pop my Dev Centurions into a Drop Pod. I like the idea of being able to place the cents about where I want them, without them getting shot off the table.
    4. Bikes: 3 man troops option if you put them with a Captain on a bike. I like that option.
    5. Stormwing Formation: I really like this formation. I think it pairs very well with the Demi-Company formation

    So what do you guys think about the new codex?

    • Like 1
  9. I'm pretty excited about it. I think it is going to be a neat way to include an ally detachment of Dark Angels to my Space Marines. Two units of the Dark Vengeance terminators, and the new Interrogator-Chaplain would be a fun allied detachment. :D

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