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Posts posted by Sugarlessllama

  1. Well unit specific rules aren't really a problem in AoS. Since the rule is clearly defined on the warscroll for the unit it isn't confusing at all. Right now 40K has unit rules, that reference codex rules, that reference USRs, that in turn reference different USRs. But somehow people think that is less complex and more "flavorful" than the rule in its entirety presented on the warscroll.

    I really don't get it.

    • Like 3
  2. On ‎4‎/‎3‎/‎2017 at 11:35 AM, paxmiles said:

    Oh, wait, only asking about people that play exclusively at Red Castle or WOW? I don't got to Red Castle for logistical reasons. I'm at Guardian Games alot, which is a stone's throw from WOW, but I haven't been actually going to WOW lately. (Though, that's a good reminder, I should go to WOW more often. I always forget that I'm free on tuesdays, so WOW is an option again).

    Yeah, I am trying to focus on places where I tend to play and seem to have a lower number of WAAC/Tournament players. Mostly because I tend to enjoy narrative campaigns and I would love to try and put one together for this summer. :D

    • Like 1
  3. So the only thing I see that might be a problem off the bat is that according to the General's Handbook, Plague Monks and Plague Bearers are only Battleline if the army is Saven Pestelens allegiance. So if you have the ability to swap three units of them for some Chaos Warriors (or Blightkings if you have them) it would solve that problem. 

  4. I thought about doing a poll, but I decided against it. I thought it would be helpful to not just have a count of what factions are being played, but also who is playing them. That way if I wanted to get a match against a horde army because I am tired of playing against Space Marines I can come to this thread and find someone to ping for a game.

    It also helps for setting up narrative games and campaigns (which are my favorite things about 40K).

  5. I can see why you might be feeling let down if you were hoping for WFB. However, I think if viewed as a game on its own merits it is pretty darn solid. And Khorne is getting a new battletome soon, which I think will do some nice things for it as a faction. I see the Bloodbound doing very well once Khorne Daemons are thrown in.

    If you are looking for some WFB matches though, I think you might be in the right place. There is a section of these forums dedicated to WFB and 9th Age. I think if you poke around there you should be able to scare up an opponent or two. :D

  6. Are for running Ultramarines Chapter Tactics in a Gladius SF. I do it all the time, and I don't think it is silly. While using Salamanders in a Gladius lets them use each Doctrine once, being an Ultramarines Successor means I use them twice; except for Tactical Doctrine: I use that three times.

    I have found being able to re-roll all my 1's during the first three turns of the game to be a huge boon. And my tactical squads are essentially twin linked in both the shooty and fighty phases of the game for three turns in a row. Three. Turns. In. A. Row.

    I only have to start choosing between better shooting or fighting on turn four.

    However, if you really prefer the lore of the Salamanders (which is some awesome lore IMHO) then you should keep doing it.

  7. Just now, generalripphook said:

    I like the red and blue. But If i were to look at that army i'd say they were a successor chapter of the ultramarines, because of the blue omega. 

    First, I when I first saw that I thought it was supposed to be a smile because they are the "Smiling Skulls". And second, I don't think there is a rule that says chapter colors or iconography determine what chapter tactics they can use. So it doesn't really matter if the opponent is "confused" or not.

  8. 3 hours ago, paxmiles said:

    I will note, since both the Warmahordes and the GW apps keep getting mentioned, is that neither company has made any effort to make those apps availible to other platforms than the initial release. I'm using a windows phone, and I still have no access to either app. So while I like the idea of putting games on apps, no game should be reliant on apps for functionality, unless the developer actually makes the app compatible with every platform. 

    Anyway, I do hope the edition change is a good one. I really don't like the idea of quitting 40k, or having any large changes to the models I own. 


    To be fair, it does cost money to develop apps for each platform, and since no company has an infinite amount of money they have to determine which platforms will serve the most customers. And well, Android and iOS are going to serve the most customers. And while you may have a Windows phone, that platform does not have a very large market penetration. 

    I mean do you think that if the apps don't work on my Blackberry as well, that GW and PP should not be putting out an app for their respective games?

    • Like 1
  9. I would be down. Although I am currently starting a Stormcast force, so I would have to start with small games for a while. But I also have a sizable dwarf army if you would like to go bigger. Also, what is the AoS28? I see it posted about a lot, but I don't know what it is.

  10. Yes.

    The only things of import the General's Handbook added was the Matched Play system, and path to glory. Path to Glory was introduced previously, so it wasn't new to that publication.

    But the core rules of the game did not change with the introduction of the General's Handbook. And I like the game even without points.

    • Like 2
  11. Being able to only speak for myself, but I have really enjoyed Age of Sigmar. The rules are clean, the gameplay is fast and pretty dynamic, and the new lore and models have been fun. I really don't know what more I could ask from a game system. If they bring some of these elements to 40K, I think we could be in for something cool.

    • Like 4
  12. I am really liking how the above sounds. I actually think that the Bravery system in Age of Sigmar is pretty neat. If it were used in 40K, it would mean leadership would matter again. But  how they are going to alter ATSKNF?

    • Like 2
  13. Well I play ESO on my console and I have to say that I have been enjoying it. I don't know about the PC community, but the console side is pretty darn fun. But I can see why you would be annoyed with the game. Here is a tip: I really started enjoying the game more once I started looking at it as a Elder Scrolls game with the option to play with other people at times. But if you treat it like a regular MMO, and not a single player RPG plus, you are going to be a sad panda.

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