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Everything posted by Noland

  1. https://m.facebook.com/groups/2174479509464279
  2. As an experiment to link to more gamers, Ed and I have a Facebook page called “South of the Sound (Table Top Gamers of Tacoma). The site is for all gamers to use, more people should generate more cross pollination of game interest. That is the theory that we are testing. So I am not going to stop 40k gamers from using it with the hope of drawing a couple of them in. By no means is this to replace this forum, just a quick way to connect people as we find them. Feel free to connect post and do as you need.
  3. Are you guys in PDX looking to do the NW Invasion or is there something planned I am missing? I would be willing to come down if we planned it out far enough.
  4. Great tournament with excellent prize support. Thanks again to the RCDD for another great year.
  5. Off the wall request, does anyone have two rare earth magnets they would be willing to sell? It would seem that the logisticians at BF are continuing to do a bang up job on on not resupply stocks. I need two for Grant Turrets. Trade for $ at the tournament.
  6. I will be there, but I will pay at the door. Chapter President of Procrastinators of America
  7. 90% in, still working my calendar. If I can make it Imwill be playing Desert Rats book, list to be determined..
  8. I have piles of 6mm but nothing 15mm. I could field two companies from each side on a "kids table." Or I can spectate.
  9. Greatly appreciate the event. I had a great time and look forward to next year. Maybe I can get my dice out of first gear by then.
  10. Do you guys want me to dress a table or is it under control? I am more than happy to support and could do two tables if asked.
  11. I have enough to field US, East Germans and Russians in 6mm I will plan to face off against Ed who usually plays US in 6mm
  12. So the German made Leige and the US and Brits are separated. Looks like the Manhatten Project just got a new priority target.
  13. I am registered as US and can do a table or two if needed for support.
  14. Did this end? If so, do we have an outcome of the campaign?
  15. Probably we could create a mission and play it out in three locations and see what the results end up like. It would have to be a mission with tight time parameters....rapid attack is the name of the game.
  16. Darn...the Engineers did not break the bridge
  17. We can make your suggestions on point distributions work. When you post your thread, I will drop in a note on seats available for the munchkin Yankee fight.
  18. I think Ed and I are the only 6mm gamers out there. between the two of us, we probably could go battalion strength on both sides as a note.
  19. Perhaps Ed and I can play but we could play ourselves repeatedly and tally our efforts to the collective?
  20. I will plan to observe as Ed and I only have 6mm TY
  21. More time for turns if we have to physically play them out. If if we can admin missions, short time is better to advance the campaign.
  22. Report to follow. US Attacker German Defender German win of Battle Arrow 3 (4:3) Ed (German SS) over Bill (99th US INF)
  23. Will the escalation auto end the Bulge Campaign? I am not sure if we are going to have the Bulge complete by march as we are just lumbering into turn 3 of 5. Thoughts on time management of events? I have no concern if Bulge is curtailed for other activities; but I would not mind finishing it either.
  24. Maybe Tac this year. I think you should carve out some time at Enfilade to see what people would like to do. Might be a good way to drum up West to East support.
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