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Posts posted by ZeroMoon17

  1. We are down to 5 months away. We really need to nail down at least a period. Lets give people a chance to build their armies.




    Basics are it is currently planned to be four player teams where each player has a late-war company and each game is played normally one vs one (emphasis added).  There are team goals and individual goals. Sportsmanship is highly regarded at OFCC events. It is not uncommon for some teams to have people that don't normally game together and these people will form a team online through a team finder thread.


    Hopefully I can release details very soon.

    Glacius, looks like taran has already decided it will be late-war, with four player teams. 

  2. Yup I talked with them and they are a maybe right now. They have to get permission from parents to be gone all day, especially because it will be Nathan's birthday. I'm about 75% certain they will be there.


    They are 16 and 13 years old so keep that in mind if you are offering a loaner army. I personally trust them with my models and don't think there will be any issues, but wanted to make it clear up from the that teenagers would be handling their minis.

  3. Dice Age last I checked does not have a following that plays Flames of War.  The owner referred me to one guy, who just moved here from South Carolina, but he sold his armies before he moved out and seemed uninterested in playing again.  I know of 3 other players in the Vancouver area, but they don't play flames of war, they play with their own heavily modified rules set that changes flames of war in to a simultaneous game instead of You-go-I-go.

  4. Just ordered up some Libyan platoons and support elements for the Mitraglieri garrison forces.Im thinking ill have around 300 pts left to expand on through escalation,one concern I have is if I should try and build the whole 1000 pts list now due to the shipping time to get the models.Does GG still order for FoW?,and can they get it faster at no extra charge,,being a business and all that?


    As for my Brandenberger`s Kamphgruppe Konen force,I picked up a pioneer platoon and the German Glider platoon,im assuming this is going to get me to 1k with just that?...they are friggen expensive points wise,lol.

    I know it will be a pretty minimal force model wise but should make it easier to learn the game with I would think.

    Guardian Games will still order FoW for you, but it won't get there any faster.  The advantage is that instead of all the purchase price going to Battlefront, Guardian Games will get a slice of the pie.

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