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Posts posted by SigurdBC

  1. The power you guys are thinking of is "Wing of Sanguinius". The power is WC 6 and allows the psyker to move again as if it were the movement phase. The psyker's MV is changed to 12" and gains the Fly keyword. This is hilarious because of Librarian Dreadnoughts being able to move 12" and fly over enemy models. My information source is an online batrep on Tabletop Tactics where they got an early copy of the codex. The BA player uses that power on his first turn to enable his Libby Dread to assault a Maulerfiend further up the field and kill it. It was pretty epic. 

  2. 5 hours ago, Scipiano said:

    Mind if I take this game?

    What points limit were you fielding?

    I don't mind in the slightest Jake. I'm thinking 2k if that's ok with you. I'm bringing a flyer for the first time in 8th, after I elbowed some things around to get it in the list, and I'm looking forward to using it. I'll be there around 6. 

  3. Even though I know spawn aren't amazing don't underestimate what they can do. Take into account that their attacks do 2 dmg a piece at AP -2. Run that bad boy into a combat with a squad of Terminators and watch your opponent sweat when you are wounding him on 3s (spawn are str 5 as I recall) and he has to now save on 4s instead of the seemingly invincible 2s. Nothing feels worse than losing Terminators to spawn of all things. 

  4. 57 minutes ago, nathonicus said:

    I will try and be down, but likely not. Leaving for Minnesota Wednesday morning, and seeing a Matinee of Thor Tuesday afternoon.  Everyone have a good Thanksgiving if I don't see you before then!

    Well maybe I'll see you there Nathan if you're going to the Barkley Village theatre. I'll be trying to go to a Matinee Thor viewing as well. 

  5. Yeah I've made a few changes to my list as well since last we played. The scouts are gone and I've replaced them with a Land Speeder to try and see how they'll fair in 8th Ed. Also, the Terminator squad changed to have a mix of TH/SS and combi-weapon wielding models. Playing against Gage's cc knight last week, that reaper chainsword that Knights have is terrifying. 

  6. I realize the reasoning is coming, but just as a recommendation if this is going to be one battalion detachment that you split off the second Daemon Prince and the Heralds and bring a Supreme Command Detachment. It's the detachment with the 3-5 HQs and optional Elite and Super Heavy slots. This would give you an extra command point and still give you the same exact list. 

    • Like 1
  7. Having played as Daemons a few times in 8th there are a few things that I've observed that you could use in your list "noodling":

    • Mono-God lists don't seem to work as well in this edition. In 7th, I had no problem giving opponents a run for their money with my mono-Nurgle list, even coming out ahead a fair bit. However, in 8th I'm finding that Nurgle just doesn't pack enough of an offensive punch at either range or melee to be able to carry itself anymore. You just don't seem to do enough damage before you are gunned down or chopped up in cc. I would recommend a mixing of the gods, and you can determine how much or how little you want to do on that front. 
    • You need at least some range. Chaos Daemons by themselves don't have a lot of shooting, outside of the psychic phase, in this edition or in 7th. We've got Soul Grinders and Skull Cannons, both of which are unimpressive in this edition for their points. I would recommend allying in some CSM guns to fill this roll. Obliterators are a great choice along with things like Predators, Vindicators, Havocs, and Helldrakes to deal with the heavy stuff and units like Blight Drones, Chaos Space Marines, etc. to deal with the lighter targets. A pure melee army, which I have tried in my few batreps, don't seem to do the deed anymore like they could in 7th. 
    • Put wings on the Prince. With a movement of only 8'' for a melee focused model you will find that your Daemon Princes will take too long to get up the field before their fodder shield gets blown apart or they are sniped out by snipers and other long range, high str shooting units. They are a great unit don't get my wrong but that extra mobility that the wings gives you is a must I feel on Princes in this edition. As an added bonus, this allows them to assault flyers, fall back and still shoot if given a Warp Bolter, and pass over other units which would otherwise block them up and get in their way. It can be pricey but well worth it in my opinion. 

    Just my two cents on a few things and best of luck with your army building. I'll be most interested to see what you come up with since I've been at a loss as to how to build an effective mono-Daemon list in this edition.   

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  8. 4 hours ago, The_Rat_Catchers said:

    Since there will be an odd number of players for Cars Against Humanity, I think i'll sit out to allow an even match up, and dust off my Death Guard I have yet to play. @SigurdBC i'll take your loyalists on!

    You're on Gage. I'd fart in your general direction for my opening salvo, but your Death Guard would probably like it. 

  9. 16 hours ago, VonVilkee said:

    So the shop didn't get my starting mechanicus in I'll have a few blank bases,  cool?

    Fine by me. If we end up playing kill points they'll just count as casualties at the end of the game lol.

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  10. 3 hours ago, WestRider said:

    I don't think any Daemons have a Deep Strike equivalent anymore.

    Unfortunately not, and that's why I believe Daemons got nerfed HARD in 8th. Not being able to deep strike forces you to either "deep strike summon" most of your army or foot slog it up the field while you rely on a 5++ to save you most of the time. Big disappointment that Daemons lost that ability in 8th. 

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