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Posts posted by Purajh

  1. So below is the rack system I use for my paints. I am going to be building an adjustable shelf to put these trays on that will mount to my wall. The racks are 1 dollar each at the dollor store and there are other versions as well with cups for brushes and things. I like this system because I can put like paints or a specific color scheme together in a tray and just pull that tray off the shelf to my work space when I paint and then put the entire tray back when done.

    The Left rack is a 4x4 and will store 16 eyedropper style paints.

    The right rack is a 3x3 and stores GW paints in addition to golden and the larger Primer bottles/Cheep acrylics from craft stores. 

    A vial of FW ink is to the right for a size comparison it will not fit in either tray size so they will just sit on a shelf on their own.

    All of these paints work great through my airbrush (except the texture paint I left in the tray)


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  2. Dalmer I must say that looks amazing. Great job on the joinery as well on the lower shelves they look fantastic.

    I would love to see what you have planned for your paint shelf.

    I am personally working on building an adjustable Paint storage shelf that will be mounted to the wall next to my window. I plan to use acrylic nail polish trays I get at the dollar store to group and store paints to make them easy to bring down to the work surface.

    Perhaps when the weather gets nice and I get into production I can throw some pictures up of my progress. 

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  3. I recently started doing Kick starter and Humble Bundle this year. as someone fairly new to these platforms these are the things I tend to look for

    With Games Usually what brings me there in the first place is good word of mouth from other sources (example the kick starters thread on these forums)

    The second thing I judge a game on is the content and if it fits what me and my groups style.

    Lastly is the Stretch goals with a focus on kick starter exclusives .

    Things I have done in the past are mostly CMON and Munchkin kick starters, and pathfinder related humble bundles which have been paired with comic books.

    So now that you have a base of my experience this would be my advice.

    Look at the content you are producing and try to find avenues of media you can use to promote your project where the interest already exist. This is what will steer people to your project in the first place and allow them to judge the merit of the work.

    Find a good example of the work in the content and provide that as a preview to get buy in. These are the people that will buy the kick starter for based on your initial content

    The purpose of Stretch goals is to transition people from browser to supporter. Evaluate your production and shipping costs to determine your base starting point for your project stretch goals. keep in mind as you go along the cost of production and shipping of any additional physical materials that will add to the pledges. Use this information to develop well thought out stretch goals that may entice additional people to make the leap from browser to supporter. these are the people that are more likely to buy it as a collectors piece or something to resell on e-bay if it contains kick starter exclusives.

    That is my 2 cents, take it for what its worth to you.

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  4. For the larger monsters I glued some larger washers to the bottom of them and attach them to a magnetized shelf. Can either put it in my tablewar case or carry around the house as needed. also helps keep them in order and they will display nicer when painted.

    I really want to get something made that actually allows the decks to come out and be played straight from their storage trays.

    I will probably be looking at doing something custom when spring hits if broken token or another company does not already come out with a design I like.

    The flip side for me is I also have all the cross over stuff for Zombicide: Black plague and by June I will have the Zombicide: Green Tide cross overs as well. so all those zombies on top of all the expansions so far is adding up quick.

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  5. While it looks nice, it will not hold up to all the expansions the game has.

    I personally am looking form something simply for the cards dice and tiles and am looking to use my tablewar case to transport the monsters I plan to play with in a given night.

    also I laminated my class sheets so that I don't have to keep all those pads in the game box. I keep them in a binder with all my character cards and Roaming monster cards so I can build custom decks when I get to the game night.

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