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Posts posted by zcaust83

  1. NGL I definitely thought the terrain for this game was prepainted MDF board lol it's quite a bit of work to get everything suitable for the table. but it's really nice quality stuff, this is a fun project for sure and the game play is nice and smooth imo

  2. I have a large American TY force and most of it can be used as Iranians from the oil wars book. In 6mm I have west germans, a sizable warpac collection and more NATO stuff. Also a smattering of french recce vehicles. For flames I have a literal TON of Germans and a respectable American force used for smaller games

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  3. I can host one player at a time for team yankee or flames at my house here in Portland if anyone is interested. Cigarette smoke free and my wife and I are vaccinated*. I can set my table up out in the back yard or in my war room. I am regularly available as well and would love to have regular games again. 15mm or 6mm miniatures welcome. I have terrain for both

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  4. started playing this 4th edition last year and I like it a lot. I haven't been able to get any games though now that Tuesdays are out for me due to work.

    I have been playing team yankee in 6mm here at home as well and really enjoy it.

    Future reference: I have a 6x4 table and terrain here if anyone would like to schedule a game, there is ample parking. too much more of this non-playing though and i will be forced to offload my collection lol

  5. 11 minutes ago, Bolo said:

    Zcaust83 I used to play back in the day (80's & 90's). Just picked up the new boxed set a few days ago. Once Covid stuff calms down ... let's get together and you can teach me the ropes.

    Hell yea id be happy to. I've gotten a group together again and have been going to geeks and games on sundays. I hear the clubhouse is open again as well so if you're comfortable going out there, I could definitely come out and show you the greatness that is battletech lol

  6. Looking to start a campaign to run underneath regular meetups for classic battletech.  I have a character made and my merc company built and calculated. I want to take that character through a campaign while maintaining my company and I need willing participants to play along in the campaign. you can take part in the rpg only elements of it or the classic table top battle elements or BOTH! up to you.  reply to this or any of the other posts i've made or message me for details. I have the all source books needed in dropbox so you only need an email to participate.

    *taken from the CGL website*

    It is the 31st century. Mankind has spread to the stars and spawned titanic stellar empires, each controlling hundreds of worlds across a thousand light years and beyond. Yet the sins of man have followed him from the cradle of humanity.

    Political machinations of feudal lords plunge whole sectors into war; unscrupulous merchant starship captains smuggle weapons to their own faction's enemies; greedy military commanders demand tribute from worlds they're protecting; animalistic pirate kings harvest high technologies and human slaves in lightning raids; betrayals from oath-bound allies leave honorable soldiers growing cold on forgotten worlds; death at the tip of knife from a concubine turned assassin to avenge a world and love lost: it is a time of war.

    What empire will you swear allegiance to: a warrior merchant of House Steiner; the honorbound samurai of House Kurita; the vat-bred warriors of the Clans; a mercenary that fights only for the highest bidder?

    Choose your life in the universe: a MechWarrior piloting the thirty-foot-tall BattleMechs that turn the tide of any battle; a spy deep behind enemy lines discovering critical secrets; a merchant carrying critical supplies; a scientist unleashing the latest cutting edge technologies?

    How will YOU become a legend?


  7. obviously we can't meet up yet, but when stores start opening gaming space to the public, lets battle!

    I have everything needed to play so you wouldn't need to bring anything. we have a couple players from before the covid time who are still interested in playing and you can join us in our facebook group!


    I will have to check back here often to maintain that link so feel free to message me here on this thread or on facebook messenger or by joining the facebook group

    Places we can meet:

    in Oregon City- Geeks and Games (now open in a limited sense to the public!!) table space is by reservation due to distancing.

    in Portland- Red Castle games (7160 SE Foster Rd, Portland, OR 97206)* this is their new location, not yet open to the public for gaming

                              Guardian Games (345 SE Taylor St, Portland, OR 97214)*not yet open to the public for gaming

                              WOW clubhouse (717 SE Main St, Portland, OR 97214)*now open with limited space available so scheduling is key

    in Vancouver- Dice Age Games (5107 E 4th Plain Blvd #105, Vancouver, WA 98661)*not yet open to the public for gaming



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