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Everything posted by D_Lo

  1. Looking for a ninth age opponent, 4500 points or 5000 if we wanna get wild. I ain't playing any tournament lists yet!!
  2. Anyone else doing batreps? Looking to start doing in the near future.
  3. Anyone free for a game of ninth age before 6? I'm free after 2 and would like to play more.....
  4. I believe I'm righting a wrong in the great book of grudges with sherbert
  5. Sweet!! Whatja playing? Orcs again?
  6. I'm impatient and wanna see some games. Come one, come all and play a game with a friend and let the merriment fill Dark Tower!!! I'm trying out Undying Dynasties, 4500 points. Looking for an opponent who's willing to take on a noob, maybe with a playtest army as well.
  7. Figured, didn't say hand weapon but I guess it's assumed everyone have them.
  8. Do the core skinks fight close combat with poison javelins if equipped with them?
  9. So I have a buddy, not part of the group, whos interested in playing a small game of 9th to learn it. Anyone interested, like a half point game or something.
  10. Finally a worthy opponent, may the battlefield run red with the blood of our battle. I'll be there early so I can set up before hand lol
  11. Lol I see how it is, you all are afraid of my power!!! Yes be afraid, be very afraid mahahahahaha........
  12. So no two wizards can have the same spell, so if I run a plague prophet on a pendulum with the upgrade, he auto gets the three spells, even not being a wizard? Also if I were to run with a magister and upgrade it to a plague patriarch as a level 4 would he auto get the other 4 spells from shamanism? Since the pendulum grants only those spells?
  13. I've made a 4500pt lizard list for a ninth age game. Looking for an opponent. First ninth age game here so go ahead and try a crazy list you wanna try out.
  14. But nerd-metal heads are the bestest of people's.
  15. I'm coming in to meet people. I'm new to the warhamsters game so just meet and observe for me this week but I'll take someone on next week. I'll be the guy with a big red beard and a mandalorian beanie wandering around. What's a good time meet the most people?
  16. Hey I'm new here so I wanted to introduce myself, I'm David Lopez, 25 years old, and very eager to expand my tabletop experience. I've played warhammer fantasy 8th/end times for about 2 years now, playing mostly lizards, undead, and skaven but I've also collected ogres, orcs, variety of chaos (beastmen, demons and WoC), and dwarves. I've also started learning 40k playing nids, mechanicum, and alittle dark angels (cause every 40k player has at least one space marine army). I've played one game of 9th and it wasn't a good showing for me but it seems to be what's in and anything is better then Siggy. I've dabbled in sub-warhammer games like Mordheim and Path to Glory and liked them very much but never got far cause my small group of friends that play all have conflicting schedules. So I'm into pretty much any game (money's tight so may need to proxy) but I plan on swinging by Tuesday to meet and check out some games.
  17. Is there a group or thread for just Bellingham Washington players? New to thread and can't seem to find one. All I see is W.O.W. and warhamsters groups. I'm looking to play 8.5 fantasy with more people then the three of us in my group.
  18. Looking to play some quick kill team games at dark tower this Sunday(the 30th). Still new at 40k so wanting to learn with smaller armies you know. Plan on bringing some cult mechanicum and some tyranid/cult genestealers.
  19. Hey I'm new here and I as curious if there was any Mordheim players or anyone interested in playing Mordheim at Dark Tower sometime?
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