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Everything posted by IamTheHuman

  1. We are friends IRL. We run www.hereticsedge.com but he always likes to just saying “shady” on ALL my posts. Like a jackass. Hahaha Just like he did above.
  2. Looking for either a full on sprue box of dark vengeance, the cultists, or a helbrute, or a combination. I don't need the SM side, but, if its a full box at the right price I'll take it. Just go ahead and PM me. Also, @happycamper. Shut up. No more of your shady shenanigans.
  3. Watch this guy, he's shady. Especially when he advices against meltas but is looking for them himself... Shady....
  4. Bro! Don’t make me spill the glue on your models... oh wait. You did it for me... jackass. Hahahah
  5. So, the blightlord terminators only have one melta in each box. I need more! Anyone want to sell me some melta bits from the death guard sets? I need 4 total.
  6. Bro you douchebag. Hahahaha I didn’t realize it was you! I never knew your Ordo SN. Sneaky bastard. Shady. Pft. Says the guy trolling his friend behind his back!
  7. Don’t know why I didn’t see this before, but what’s shady about buying poxwalkers?
  8. More like 10 condoms full. And more. Stuff is all replaced. Christmas gifts handled early. Bills handled. Debts handled. Now I get to play with what’s left. So gimme them poxwalkers!
  9. Definitely not anyone’s place to judge anyone bro. They’re handled. Extremely well. Thanks for your concern though.
  10. So, in about a week or so I'll be coming into some money. Sounds shady. Its not. Had a theft in my home a few weeks ago, insurance check is FINALLY on its way to replace stuff. So.... imma buy some warhammer stuff too! I know I'm late to the game on this aspect, but, I need your pox walkers. Or, the deathguard side of the dark imperium set. But specifically the pox walkers and bloat drone. PM me with offers please.
  11. And though my intention was for miniatures obviously if you were interested in the studio in the traditional fashion that's also acceptable of course.
  12. So I've had some success in the past trading stuff I wanted for recording time in my studio. I would consider it a small scale modest professional studio. Not a bedroom studio, but not the full scale hollywood studio. However, the examples of material I have from my studio DO reflect that level of quality (I even have reviews and compliments from real world famous producers if that matters). I know there probably aren't a lot of people who would want to utilize this trade offer, but, I'm low on cash, flush on time, and I want to flesh out my miniature arsenal. So, I figured I would throw this out there. The only thing I can't do is recording (and KEEP) an entire band performance at the same time. I can do scratch tracks all at once, but then we would overdub the takes afterwards for better control/isolation (as I said, small scale). I record a lot of hard rock, metal, and hip hop (actually hip hop is my bread and butter primarily). I've done a few cool nerdcore artists locally, and even gospel. What I am looking for are newer fantasy models. I'm just very nitpicky and the older models tend to have mold lines that are just awful (especially the metal ones). Highest value will go to miniatures still on sprues but I won't try and rip anyone off or low ball. I'll be generous. So, any takers? Also, if this somehow violates the TOS let me know, and I apologize in advance.
  13. Where do I find information for it? I'm possibly interested in going.
  14. Long shot, but, are you an idiot like me and at one point accidentally ordered multiples of a color you only use rarely and don't see yourself running out anytime soon? Well awesome! What colors did you order? Want to trade? I have Scrufulous brown and Cadmium Flesh. Yeah. I know.
  15. Go ahead and send me a picture. Ogres/giants of any kind are great for DnD style play.
  16. I will check that out. And yes. Warhammer/25/28 MM scale. Also I should mention looking for seraphon too (specific GM request).
  17. I actually do go there sometimes but I didn't know they had used miniatures. I've seen painted ones but I guess I just assumed their price was based on someone commissioning them. Didn't know it was just straight used. If this doesn't bear fruit here I will try that next.
  18. So I mostly play GURPS. If you're not familiar it's just another tabletop RPG system. And we play fantasy. So, I'm always in need of monsters/monstrous creatures and bad guys for the GM (DM for you DnD guys) to throw at us. I'm looking for either unpainted/unassembled or at least well assembled miniatures. Not super interested in painted unless the price is near the unassembled price (I would likely just strip and repaint). Newer models preferred, but some of the old metal miniatures can certainly hold their own. PM me with details of what you have and your prices. Or upload here. Either way. Also. The paints is the $200 set of master series paints from reaper you can find on eBay. It's very slightly used. Most used colors are the bone colors and one of the flesh tones.
  19. I realize that I wasn't clear. I mean the novels. Not the play information.
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