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Posts posted by Ish

  1. Quote

    I dunno. I get that it's based on classic artwork, but it looks like the next thing he's going to do is extend his hand and say "Hey, does this smell funny to you?"

    Just another Warhammer 40,000 miniature inspired by classic Heavy Metal album covers...



  2. 3 minutes ago, necrontyr said:

    Oh, you mean the alternate arm that comes with the kit pose?


    Don’t you go and research the issue! I’m trying to whinge and complain, dammit. Having full and complete access to facts doesn’t help me.


  3. The Crown Series 3, continues to be top form, even after the change over of almost the entire cast. Complete with a brilliant bit of “lampshade hanging” in the season’s cold open as the older Queen Elizabeth II (Olivia Colman) compares the new postage stamp with her portrait on it to the older stamps with a young Elizabeth II (Claire Foy) on them.

    As with series one and two, The Crown probably isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. But for a politics wonk, history nerd, Anglophile who loves a good dramatic character study (wit a bit of dry sarcasm and understated snark thrown in) this show is like tailor made for me.

    ”Aberfan” was probably the best episode of series three, possibly one of the best in the series to date. Although, I have to admit, “Tywysog Cymru” did a remarkable job of redeeming Prince Charles by showing him as the sensitive-but-witty young man he was always considered before his divorce became tabloid fodder decades later.

    Hard to give The Crown an objective rating. I love it, but I guess I can see why others wouldn’t... 

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  4. 12 minutes ago, InfestedKerrigan said:

    The impressive new miniature is inspired in part by the classic Mark Gibbons artwork from the Angels of Death Codex

    Now that they’ve said this, I find myself a lightly disappointed they put a plasma pistol in his hand instead of going with the original artwork’s “casually wiping some blood of my chin” pose.

    I know everyone wants Bigger Than Life Dynamic Action Pose! in their models, but sometimes something more understated works too.

  5. 27 minutes ago, Sgt. Rock said:

    It might. I picked up one of the GW widgets tonight, gonna see how it works out. Where did you find that gadget?

    I’ve always been interested in all the gadgets, doodads, and techniques people use in our hobby... Which leads down all sorts of rabbit holes if you spend enough time in book stores, libraries, and the interwebs.

    As I recall, I stumbled across these doohickeys via my uncle and grandfather, who were huge into R/C airplanes and spent the better part of the Nineties working on a painstakingly detailed scale replica of my grandfather’s WWII Hellcat. They used a doohickey like the above for painting all the bits and bobs that would go into the cockpit. But, I digress. I didn’t remember what it was called, but if you throw enough search queries at Google, it eventually gives you what you want.

    It’s actually kind of weird how little cross-pollination there is, these days, between the wargaming hobby and model railroaders, model car makers, R/C plane guys, etc.  Seriously, spend some time poking around in a really good, dedicated model train shop some day... They’ve got gadgets and gizmos that do things for making terrain types or model effects that gamers tend to consider impossible... and do it easily. I recall a bolter and chainsword thread years ago where someone went to incredibly complex lengths to add LED headlights and a spotlight to his Land Raider. He was bread boarding his own circuits from scratch, soldering bitz to bobs, and all sorts of nonsense. He probably could bought a kit for it at a train shop for $15...

  6. My WHFB 8th Edition Empire army had a massive 100-man infantry block of spearmen, plus their supporting detachments of handgunners and halberdiers; Next to them was a 50-man block of greatswords, plus their supporting handgunners and halberdiers; then there was the big, long line of archers behind them... and the long, thin line of skirmishing archers in front of them.

    Not one cavalry model in the entire army. 

  7. 1 hour ago, valourunbound said:

    You guys are killing me. I'm going to have something like 5 armies by the end of the year, I don't need a 6th. Especially when my heart belongs to the rats 💗

    Have you considered Frostgrave or Saga?

    Great ways to indulge in ADMCD (Attention Deficit Miniature Collecting Disorder) as you only need 12-20 models for a Frostgrave band and rarely need more than 60 for a Saga skirmish army.


  8. It's not unusually for GW to include more bases than there are models in a box. The standard infantry rounds are manufactured four bases to a sprue, so if the box set contains models that are a multiple of five, you'll usually end up with one or two extra. Which is better than one or two short... although that will happen every now and again too. In all my years of gaming, I've never had any problems phoning up GW Customer Service -- 1-800-394-GAME, yes I have it memorized -- to request some extra bases when they've been missing from a box. They usually show up in the mail within a week.

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  9. Incidentally, sand bags are super easy to make. Get ahold of some air-dry clay (I recommend Milliput), wet it a wee bit it needed, roll it into flat ribbons about 10 mm wide by about 4 mm thick, slightly oblong in cross section. Snip into lengths about 8 mm.

    Then using an old t-shirt (for the texture) pick each bit up and give it ever so slight of a squeeze (imprinting the t-shirt texture and making it look a bit lumpy).

    You’ve got a sandbag.

    Repeat the process until you run out of Milliput.

    You can stack, bend, twist, and pile these little lumps until they dry. Letting you make bunkers, barriers, piles against walls, whatever you need.

    Prime black or dark grey, block color with olive drab, apply generous amounts of sepia wash all over. Then apply some black wash as needed.

    A 1/2 lbs. block of Milliput should yield far more sandbags than even Rogal Dorn could ever need.

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  10. Doormat Hayfields by the Terrain Tutor. I find his overly-bubbly personality a bit grating, but he does great work. My misanthropic heart just cannot handle so much cheeriness... 

    Dirt roads and tracks. Simple and easy technique, but really effective results... 

    Crops and fields.

    The nice thing about a lot of this stuff is that it’s almost entirely “scale neutral,” meaning it will work for Bolt Action just as well as Team Yankee/Flames of War if you just leave off things that would give away the scale, like scarecrows or road signs.

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