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Salty Monkey

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Posts posted by Salty Monkey

  1. 11 minutes ago, paxmiles said:

    With Night Lords, I feel that every miniature should be shrouded in a black mist. 

    That said, no clue how to accomplish this in modeling. 

    That would be very cool...but as you said I have no idea how to do something like that 😉

  2. This is it. my last list for the final escalation league game...kinda a hybrid of a fun list and a "smart" list but NO Boyz

    **smart is retaliative as it is me after all 😉

    Deathskulls Orks                                                                                                                                                                  1500pts

    1x Battalions, 1x spearhead & 1x vanguard detachment: (5 +1 +1 + 3 – 1 - 1 -1 = 7 cps)

    <extra grubbins (-1), warphead (-1), specialist detachment (-1)>

    Battalion Detachment: (Specialist Detachment Dread Mob -1cp)


    Azurg Tug  (80pts):  Big Mek with *da souped up Shokk Gun & stick bombs

    *Grubbins: Da Souped-up shokka

    Big Mek in Mega Armour (110pts) – Kustom mega-blasta, power klaw & Tellyport Blasta

    Big Mek in Mega Armour (127 pts) – Kombi Skorcha, power klaw & Kustom Forcefield


    11  gretchen (33pts)  – grot pistols

    10  gretchen (30pts)  – grot pistols

    10  gretchen (30pts)  – grot pistols


     Spearhead Detachment:


    Warlord: Warboss (80pts) – Kustom shoota, attack squig, *** extra grubbins: Da killa klaw(-1), 2x sluggas & stick bombs


    Bonebreaker Battle Wagon (9pl, 159pts) – bonebreaker ram, deffrolla

    15 Lootas (255pts) - Deffgunz & stickbombs

     5 Lootas (85pts) – Deffgunz & stickbombs


    Vanguard detachment:

    Weirdboy (62pts) – weirdboy staff. Warphead (-1cp).


    1 Painboy (65pts) – ‘Urty syringe, powerklaw

    Nob with WAAAGH! Banner (77pts) – kustom shoota, choppa, WAAAGH! Banner stick bombs

    10 Tankbustas (170pts) – 1 nob w/rokkit, 9x bustas with rokkits & tank busta bombs

    6 Nobs (140pts) – 2x Power Klaws & Kustom shootas, 4x big choppas & Kustom shootas – al have stick bombs

    • Thanks 1
  3. Now that Ive sobered up 😉 here is my last week's list

    1500pts of Deathskulls!

    2 Battalions (5+5+3-1-1-1 = 10cps)

    Batallion 1 (specialist detachment Dread mob -1cp)


    Big Mek on warbike (6pl 101pts) – 2x dakka guns, kustom FF, choppa

    Big Mek w/ shokk attack gun (4pl, 80pts) – Da Supped Up Shokka


    10 Gretchin (1pl, 30pts) – grot pistols

    10 Gretchin (1pl, 30pts) – grot pistols

    10 Gretchin (1pl, 30pts) – grot pistols


    Battalion #2


    Warlord Tung Bitta (warboss) (4pl, 80pts) – **estra gubbins -1 cp Da Killa Klaw,  Kustom shoota, attack squig, stick bombs, 2x sluggas

    Weirdboy – 3pl, 62pts) – Warphead -1cp, weirdboy staff


    10 boyz (4pl, 70pts) – 1 nob slugga choppa, 9x boyz w/slugga choppas

    11 boyz (7pl, 82pts) – 1 nob shoota, 1 w/ big shoota, 9 w/ shootas

    19 boyz (7pl, 133pts) – 1 nob slugga choppa, 18 slugga choppas


    6 Nobs – (14pl, 138pts) – 2x kombi skochas, 4x big chopppas

    10 tankbustas (8pl, 170pts) – 1 nob, 9 bustas


    Battlewagon (8pl, 154pts) – ‘ard case, Deff Rolla, KillKannon

    15 Lootas (13pl, 225pts) – deffguns

    5 Lootas (4pl, 85pts) - deffguns

    • Thanks 1
  4. “I warned ya Gitz! So’z if ya not a nob o’ got sompin shinny, to da dokz wit ya”

          -Tung Bita 


    1500pts of Deathskulls - Da last weeks list!!! 

    Vanguard detachment:


    Warlord Tung Bitta (warboss) 4pl, 80pts- attack squig, power Klaw, kustom shoota, warlord trait: might is right


    Nob with Waaagh! Banner 4pl, 77pts - kustom shoota, waaagh banner stick bombs

    10 nobz 14pl, 230pts - 5x power klaw, 5x choppas v all have sluggas stick bombs

    5 nobz 7pl, 109pts - 1x big choppa, 2x combi-scorchas, 2x Slugga choppa

    1 painboy 3pl, 65pts - powerklaw, ‘urty syringe 

    10 Tankbustas 8pl, 170pts - 1 nob , all with rokkits 

    Fast Attack:

    5 Stormboyz 3pl, 48pts - nob with power stabba & Slugga, 4 Slugga choppas


    Spearhead Detachment (dread mob detachment)


    Big Mek in mega armor 6pl, 127pts - kombi scorcha power klaw, kustom force field 

    Big Mek with Shokka attack gun 4pl, 80pts - *da suuped up Shokka, 


    Battlewagon 8pl 157pts - ‘ard case, Deff Rolla, lobba

    15 lootas 13pl, 255pts - deffgunz 

    6 lootas 8pl, 102pts - deffgunz 

  5.    "Id'z like you lads not try'n...me tired of no loot so bring da hurt dis time or I let da pain boy fix ya!"

                                               - Azurg Tug

    week 7 list

    Deathskulls Orks                                                                                                                                                                  1500pts

    2x Battalions & 1x vanguard detachment: (5+5+ +1 + 3 – 1 - 1 -1 = 11 cp)

    <extra grubbins (-1), warphead (-1), specialist detachment (-1)>

    Battalion 1: (Specialist Detachment Dread Mob -1cp)


    Warlord: Azurg Tug  (80pts):  Big Mek with *da souped up Shokk Gun & stick bombs


    *** Warlord trait: Opportunist *** Grubbins: Da Souped-up shokka


    Big Mek in Mega Armour (110pts) – Kustom mega-blasta, power klaw & Tellyport Blasta

    Big Mek in Mega Armour (127 pts) – Kombi Skorcha, power klaw & Kustom Forcefield


    12  gretchen (36pts)  – grot pistols

    10  gretchen (30pts)  – grot pistols

    10  gretchen (30pts)  – grot pistols


    Battle Wagon (120pts) – no weapons

    Battalion 2


    Warboss (80pts) – Kustom shoota, attack squig, *** extra grubbins: Da killa klaw(-1), 2x sluggas & stick bombs

    Weirdboy (62pts) – weirdboy staff. Warphead (1cp).


    14 Boyz (103pts) – 1 Nob w/ Big choppa, 13 boyz w/slugga & choppas & stick bombs & 1 tankbusta bomb

    10 Boyz (70pts) – 10 boyz w/slugga & choppas & stick bombs & 1 tankbusta bomb

    12 Boyz (89pts) – 1 nob slugga/choppa. 1 boy with big shoota, 10 boyz w/ shootas & stick bombs & 1 tankbusta bomb

    Fast Attack:

    5 Storm boyz (48pts) – 1 nob wit power stabba & slugga, 4 boyz with slugga / choppas & stickbombs


    5 Lootas (85pts) – Deffgunz & stickbombs


    Blitza-Bommer (6pl, 133pts) – big shoota, 2x boom bomb, 2x supa shootas


    Vanguard detachment:

    Weirdboy (62pts) – weirdboy staff


    1 Painboy (65pts) – ‘Urty syringe, powerklaw

    5 Tankbustas (85pts) – 1 nob w/rokkit, 4x bustas with rokkits

    5 Tankbustas (85pts) – 1 nob w/rokkit, 4x bustas with rokkits





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  6. I D"Da Boss is a bad mood...bes keep ya away. I be tak'n you sodz out so get ya junk and letz go bust som 'eds"

                                            - Azurg Tug, Big Mek wit da Big gun

    Deathskulls Orks                                                                                                                                                              1249pts

    1 Battalion & 1 Vanguard: (8 +1 – 1 - 1 - 1 = 6cp)



    Weirdboy (62pts) – weird boy staff   ***Scorched Gitbones (1cp)

    Weirdboy (62pts) – weirdboy staff. Warphead (1cp).


    26 Boyz (195pts) – 1 Nob w/ power klaw, 25 boyz w/slugga & choppas & stick bombs & 1 tankbusta bomb

    12 Boyz (89pts) – 1 boy with big shoota, 11 boyz w/ shootas & stick bombs & 1 tankbusta bomb

    10  gretchen (30pts)  – grot pistols

    10  gretchen (30pts)  – grot pistols

    Fast Attack:

    Boomdakka Snazzwagon (100pts) – big shoota, burna bottles, grot pistols & mek speshul

    5 Storm boyz (48pts) – 1 nob wit power stabba & slugga, 4 boyz with slugga / choppas & stickbombs


    10 Lootas (170pts) – Deffgunz & stickbombs


    Dakkajet (148pts) – 6x supashootas


    Vanguard (specialist detachment Dread WAAAGH! -1cp)


    Warlord: Azurg Tug (Warboss) (80pts):  Big Mek with **Da supped up Shokka ** & stick bombs

                               *** Warlord trait: Opportunist***Da Supped up Shokka (shinny grubbing)


    1 Painboy (65pts) – ‘Urty syringe, powerklaw

    5 Tankbustas (85pts) – 1 nob w/rokkit, 4x bustas with rokkits

    5 Tankbustas (85pts) – 1 nob w/rokkit, 4x bustas with rokkits

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