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Salty Monkey

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Posts posted by Salty Monkey

  1. Meat is coming next Tuesday Kick ass and chew bubblegum...and he has plenty of bubblegum.?.

    Street name: “Meat”

    Real Name Mephistopheles Rex
    Team Role street tough

    Ethnicity & Metatype Ork - Anglo                        
    Born 2054 Sex Male  Height 6’6”  Weight 260lbs.  

    Born to Ork witch named Gurta Rex (mom Ork) & Fatner Rex (human cook) in the Creasted Bute region of Colorado. He moved to the area around age 10 after his mother was murdered (Lynched for magical murder)


    His father is getting old but still works as a cook at a local eatery & did his best to keep his son out of the gangs. But life is hard when you’re poor, and while Meat was never an official member of the Ork gang (The Hatchets) he was an associate and worked with them for nuyen many times. They gave him his street name and it stuck


    Because of Meat’s size he found corporate work in security for about 5 years and made good money and they hooked him up with some good cybernetics but was later booted after a robbery that involved some old friends from his past and Meat’s gang associations were discovered.


    Meat has 2 wives (Elsa - Human stripper, Kora – Ork stay at home caretaker) and 4 kids with # 5 on the way. He hustles to keep everyone fed and happy and despite his violent street persona he is a dedicated provider for his family. He has a big flat with a garage in a low class community (middle class cost)


    Meat is a big dude, even by Ork standards. He tends to be on the quiet side but will speak up if he has something to say. 

    Race D (Ork 4) Attributes A (24) Magic E (mundane ) Skills C (20) Resources B (¥)
    Body:     7 (+2 from bone lacing)
    Agility:  4
    Reaction:   4 
    Strength:   7
    Willpower:   4 (+1 <20 karma>)
    Logic:      3 (+1 <10 karma>)      
    Intuition:   4
    Charisma: 3    


    Edge:       4                   
    Magic:     -             
    Essence:    3.36
    Initiative:   8+ d6
    Positive Qualities / Racial Bonuses                        
    High Pain Tollerance (-7)

    Built tough (2nd) -4 (bonus cuz ork)

    Negative Qualities / Racial Penalties                        

    Dependants lv 3 (+12)(( - says 25% but he will probably give more…lots of mouths and all))

    Close combat 5 (sp axe <blades?>) firearms: 5, piloting 2, Perception 2, con 2, stealth 2 (sp palming), Influence 2

    Knowledge / Language / Skills                        
    English   (Native)

    Gang <local>, Drug dealing/Street life, security operations               


    Weapons & Armor   (Typically wears armored jacket, combat knife & SB defiance  T-250 (concealed) otherwise extra stuff is in truck or at homesome in truck


    Armored jacket, Riot shield, spare armored vest


    Combat Axe, Combat knife, Stun batton


    Short Barreled Defiance T-250, Built in smartLink (500rds explosive), 2 clips, shoulder sling holster


    HK 227, under mount smart link (2000 reg rounds), 2 clips


    FN Har, Laser sight, gas-vent system, builtin smartlink (1000 reg rounds) 2 clips

    Used Rang Rover with hidden trunk compartment (to hold guns)


    -          Tool kit, survival kit, 10x light sticks, 2x metal restraints, first aid kit




    Left Lower leg & foot (alpha) (hidden compartment), Bone Lacing (alpha) Titanium , Comlink (alpha) (Rentaku sensi with Maps software), Eyes rating 4 (alpha) with flash compensation, Image link, Lowlight vision, Vision enhancement & smartlink

    Lifestyle & Identification: Lower end but large and secure (Mid-5000 nuyen pre-paid 1 month (have nuyen available if higher)


    Fake SIM level 4 w/lic for private security


    1x cred stick silver, 2x cred stick standard


    Doc wagon contract pre-paid 1 year

    Remaining Funds: ¥3,150

    Buzzsaw - Local Gang leader   C- 2      L:  3

    Tora Leets - Local strip club owner   C- 2     L: 2

    Rocky Bo - Fence / Forger     C- 4      L:  2

    Rogo Torez – Mechanic   C- 1     L: 2

    Karma Expenditure                        
    Starting Karma      50                     
    Racial Costs      - 0                     
    Qualities      -11                    
    Negative Qualities   +12                  
    Attributes      -30                 
    Skills         - 10                
    Resources      - 11               
    Remaining      0

  2. 2 hours ago, Ish said:

    It's not worded very well in the book, but no, you do not need to pay Karma for the Racial Qualities that come with your Metatype. Nor do they count towards the six Qualities at character creation limit. They are, essentially, free.

    It should also be pointed out that if you have Racial Qualities that are tied to your natural body, like the low-light vision of elves, you will lose that ability if you replace that body part with cyberware. So an elf with cybereyes can no longer see in the dark... at least, not unless you also buy low-light or thermographic vision mods for said cybereyes. 

    thanks that helps 🙂

  3. 4 hours ago, InfestedKerrigan said:

    I'm sure you can see where you are "coloring outside the lines" as it were.  Aside from that, I like the grittiness it has with the palette.  The, uhh, spotchiness(?) on the helmet, as an example, really adds to that Veteran of 10k years flavor.  I feel like I should say 'thin your paints,' but for the most part, it contributes to that grizzled vet, to me.


    Oh, if you aren't talking about list logistics, don't be surprised if the thread ends up in the Painting Sub-Forum.  🙂

    I guess I meant this as more of a concept question than a painting question...I guess worded it wrong. The pics were just meant to be a visual for the concept not finished product.

    Thank you for the feed back on the painting though. I can use all the help i can get in that area 😉


  4. Im working on my next Chaos and Im thinking Alpha Legion...but I have Chaos Painting A.D.D

    So I had an idea to paint squads of marines and Chaos marines in their normal colors but just adding the hydra to show their real allegiance. Kind of a chaotic mash of army looks to cause confusion on the battle field... but they would be Alpha Legion (in concept)

    A Red Corsair terminator example below let me know if you think it works or if it's Crap 🙂







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